As FEMA works to become more efficient, enhance the products and services of the Risk MAP Program and better support communities to reduce their risks to life and property, we would like to identify new strategies that we might consider in making the program stronger. Share your thoughts on challenges you see for the Risk MAP Program and your suggested solutions.

Campaign: Risk MAP Challenges

Zone A Lifespan

There should be a time limit to how long a Zone A is used on the maps to identify a flood zone. Why do communities have Zone A areas on their maps that were developed 30 years ago? It seems like somebody should have looked at them a long time ago decided if this information is correct, or should have been upgraded to a detailed study.

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0 votes
2 up votes
2 down votes

Campaign: Risk MAP Challenges

Establishing an “Innovation Project Fund”

To encourage innovation and cost reduction, we suggest FEMA set aside a small amount of funds that would be made available through a nimble, competitive process for all service providers to propose projects that test new, innovative ideas and concepts. Such small “R&D” type activities are critical to nurturing new methodologies, practices and technologies that enable the continued evolution and growth of the Risk MAP ...more »

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4 votes
6 up votes
2 down votes

Campaign: Risk MAP Challenges

Fundamental Floodplain Studies Needed to Accurately Define Risk

The most effective flood hazard mitigation tool in the history of floodplain management and the NFIP has been Floodplain Information (providing flood hazard maps to communities to restrict development in those zones). We all know that often times those maps were not adhered to by local communities, but the number of structures that “were never built” in the floodplain is incalculable, but a very large number. Communities ...more »

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75 votes
77 up votes
2 down votes

Campaign: Risk MAP Challenges

Revise PTS Regional Assignment Strategy

The current Risk MAP PTS Regional Assignments could lead to complacency. If each Regional Office had the opportunity to solicit proposals from each of the PTS contractors for project task orders – it would keep all contractors on their toes, delivering the highest quality products, and ensuring that FEMA receives the most bang for their buck.

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23 votes
45 up votes
22 down votes

Campaign: Risk MAP Challenges


For simplicity sake, FEMA should use GSA Mission Oriented Business Integrated Services (MOBIS) Schedule to choose the contracts for the next PTS procurement.

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-23 votes
1 up votes
24 down votes

Campaign: Risk MAP Challenges

Small Business Goals

FEMA faces challenges with meeting Small Business goals in the current PTS environment. FEMA is looking for creative ways these goals can be met in the next procurement. Some ideas include using small business for Community Engagement Risk Communication or supporting the Regions at the Regional Support Centers.

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-14 votes
6 up votes
20 down votes

Campaign: Risk MAP Challenges

Prioritizing and meeting mapping needs

62% of the country’s land area does not yet have digital maps. In many areas, effective maps do not represent current conditions or were prepared with old modeling techniques. The Association of State Floodplain Managers estimates that the costs to meet these mapping needs may range from $4.5 billion to $7.5 billion. How are these needs prioritized? Are there ways to improve the cost-effectiveness of the mapping program ...more »

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25 votes
26 up votes
1 down votes

Campaign: Risk MAP Challenges

Unstudied and Understudied Floodplains Pose Significant Financia

Many floodprone areas of the nation are unstudied or understudied. As many as 3 million stream miles don’t have any SFHAs and 80% of mapped stream miles are Zone A with no BFE data. Such unmapped and under-mapped flood hazards present significant financial risks related to property owners whose homes or businesses are in the actual SFHA, but outside the mapped SFHA, and will not be subject to the mandatory purchase ...more »

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37 votes
37 up votes
0 down votes

Campaign: Risk MAP Challenges

Non A&E Contracts for Risk MAP Support

Should FEMA seek contract vehicles separate from Architect&Engineering (A&E) to deliver non-A&E work, what should FEMA consider to be non-A&E that is currently under the PTS? Examples: conducting Risk MAP Discovery and Resiliency meetings or Post Preliminary Processing.

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-32 votes
3 up votes
35 down votes

Campaign: Risk MAP Challenges

Defining Risk MAP and Educating our Partners

During disaster Engineers, Planners, FM&I Specialists are deployed. The problem is FEMA's partners in Response, Recovery, and External Affairs have no idea what Risk MAP is, how to use it, or how it can make a difference in building a community's resilience. To make a difference internal, as well as external, partners MUST be educated on Risk MAP, where to find help when needed, and how it impacts a community, even ...more »

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19 votes
19 up votes
0 down votes

Campaign: Risk MAP Challenges

Confused About Maps and Grants

I do not mind raising my house. But I need grant help to do this. However, I am confused by the new maps. My house at Union Beach has been placed in an A14 zone. I've only flooded during Sandy, never before. Yet my cousins house in Port Monmouth where the tide comes uo to his house constantly is in A 13. I really feel I am not in the right zone since we've only flooded Once. Just saying. Hopefully Fema will notice ...more »

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-8 votes
1 up votes
9 down votes

Campaign: Risk MAP Challenges

Taking the Leap: From Risk Communication to Ownership to Action

A risk to the program is the leap from communicating risk to getting communities to take ownership of their risk. Only then will they act upon this information in a meaningful way. Because the success of the program is, in part, tied to the two action metrics, FEMA should consider re-evaluating how these metrics are calculated or if they should be tied directly to the success of the program. With respect to Action ...more »

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28 votes
29 up votes
1 down votes

Campaign: Risk MAP Challenges

Elevation Certificates

Elevation Certificates (ECs) are frequently required for obtaining flood insurance policies and reconstruction permitting. Yet they pose a significant cost burden to the homeowner to hire a registered Land Surveyor. Is it necessary to have an elevation accurate to 1/100th ft to rate a policy or determine compliance with floodplain ordinances? The accuracy requirements for structural elevations would seem to exceed the ...more »

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19 votes
29 up votes
10 down votes

Campaign: Risk MAP Challenges

Contracting Checks and Balances

Can some explain why for any give Region the PTS, RSC, QC is the same contractor? What happen to proper checks and balances that ensure that public funds are spent properly? The current system seems like we left the inmates in charge. If we have 3 PTS's why can't the roles be divided; this provides a better checks and balanced process since the roles are already clearly defined, forces the PTS to play nice and share ...more »

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-10 votes
8 up votes
18 down votes

Campaign: Risk MAP Challenges

Maintaining Flood Hazard Data under tight fiscal constraints

With the elimination of rate subsidies under the recent NFIP reform bill (BW12), many homeowners may have an increased financial motivation to avoid the mandatory purchase requirement. In turn, this will result in increased scrutiny of, and possibly challenges to, the FIRM data (e.g., appeals, LOMCs, and map revision requests). One of the biggest Risk MAP challenges will be striking the appropriate balance in maintaining ...more »

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20 votes
21 up votes
1 down votes

Campaign: Risk MAP Challenges

Evaluating Impacts of Future SFHA Changes

With the elimination of grandfathering under BW12, rates for a homeowner could change whenever BFEs change. This may create an opportunity for communities to consider potential future changes in flood elevations when administering their local flood management program. For example, they may wish to consider higher standards or freeboard in their ordinances, or communicate the possibility of changing BFEs for those areas ...more »

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22 votes
24 up votes
2 down votes

Campaign: Risk MAP Challenges

HAZUS online

HAZUS would make a perfect online, platform solution. FEMA could really drastically increase the ability of locals to assess risk and meet the objectives of DMA 2000 by allowing ordinary users to experiment with this powerful technology.

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10 votes
17 up votes
7 down votes

Campaign: Risk MAP Challenges

Procurement Efficiency

Currently FEMA has four or five ways to procure similar services from similar FEMA procurement vehicles, those being TAC, TARC, HMTAP, and PTS. What efficiencies could be gained by combining all or some of these similar procurement vehicles into one Federal Insurance and Mitigation Administration A&E technical contract? In doing so we would place company skill sets under one procurement process and vehicle that supports ...more »

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14 votes
24 up votes
10 down votes

Displaying all 19 Ideas