Solid Waste Management Program

Scrap Tire and Illegal Dumping Unit - General Information

scrap tire material picnic benchAn environment free of scrap tires is important to the public health of all Missouri citizens. Scrap tires harbor mosquitoes, snakes and other vermin. West Nile virus, transmitted by mosquitoes, is a serious health threat. The removal of scrap tires in Missouri is a priority for the Solid Waste Management Program’s Scrap Tire Unit. Missouri citizens generate approximately five million scrap tires annually.

By 1990 illegal tire piles in Missouri had become so widespread that the State Legislature passed Senate Bill 530. This legislation allowed scrap tires to be regulated as a significant part of the waste generated in this state and established the scrap tire fee. All scrap tire activities are completed with the revenue received from the 50-cent fee on purchases of new tires. This fee was extended once in 1999 and expired in January 2004.  It was reinstated by Senate Bill 225 during the 2005 legislative session and went into effect on Aug. 28, 2005. During this 18-month period, the department estimates nearly a half million tires were illegally dumped while it was unable to conduct its inspection and enforcement activities.scrap tire material running trackBy 1995, Senate Bills 60 and 112 were enacted by Missouri Legislature to make several adjustments to the department’s scrap tire efforts. The 50-cent fee was redistributed: 65 percent for tire site cleanups; 25 percent for administration, five percent to educational programs and curriculum on solid waste management and five percent for grants.

The program works to protect and improve the environment by developing a scrap tire management system that creates economic incentives for the proper management of scrap tires in Missouri. We also strive to create a level playing field for all industry members through permitting, inspection anPlayground with tire surfacing material.d enforcement efforts.

The scrap tire fee was renewed during the 2009 legislative session and will expire again on Jan. 1, 2015. The 50-cent fee was again redistributed:  up to 50 percent for administration; up to 45 percent for grants  for market development; up to five percent to educational programs and curriculum on solid waste management; and the remainder for tire site cleanups.  Of the states that charge a fee when new tires are purchased, Missouri has one of the lowest fees in the country.

Additional Information

2009 Scrap Tire Activity Legislative Report

Scrap Tire Advisory Group Recommendations

FY2012 Playground and Non-Playground Grants

Cleanup Information

Permitting Information

Historical Information

Tire Fee Information



Scrap tire photo.
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