Motor Carrier Services

Commercial Permits

These pages contain information on the different types of permits available to commercial vehicles

Ports of Entry

Ports of entry monitor all commercial traffic entering Arizona for registration, taxes, size and weight restrictions, commercial driver license requirements, insurance requirements and equipment safety requirements, and issue permits as required.

Motor Carrier Licensing

These pages contain information on licensing for motor carriers, including the International Fuel Tax Agreement and the International Registration Plan

Truck Screening Systems Technology

New technology is used at three highway rest areas for more efficient commercial motor vehicle safety inspections.

New Entrant Program

The New Entrant Motor Carrier Safety Program is designed to help new motor carrier operations understand the complex federal and state regulations that motor carriers are required to follow.

Civil RightsTitle VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, and the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA)

Pursuant to Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, and the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA), ADOT does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, age, sex or disability. Persons that require a reasonable accommodation based on language or disability should contact ADOT’s Civil Rights Office at 602.712.8946 or at [email protected]. Requests should be made as early as possible to ensure the State has an opportunity to address the accommodation.

De acuerdo con el título VI de la Ley de Derechos Civiles de 1964 y la Ley de Estadounidenses con Discapacidades (ADA por sus siglas en inglés), el Departamento de Transporte de Arizona (ADOT por sus siglas en inglés) no discrimina por raza, color, nacionalidad, edad, género o discapacidad.  Personas que requieren asistencia (dentro de lo razonable) ya sea por el idioma o por discapacidad deben ponerse en contacto con la Oficina de Derechos Civiles al 602.712.8946 o en [email protected]. Las solicitudes deben hacerse lo más pronto posible para asegurar que el equipo encargado del proyecto tenga la oportunidad de hacer los arreglos necesarios.