We welcome your thoughts and ideas on the following topics, which address expanding the discussion on national mutual aid in the NIMS:

Aligning Resource Typing with Core Capabilities

The NIMS currently identifies 16 categories as an example for national resource typing. The National Preparedness Goal identifies 31 core capabilities across 5 mission areas. Please share your thoughts on how best to align resource typing with the core capabilities for each mission area as identified in the National Preparedness Goal.

Effective and timely national mutual aid network

Mutual Aid doctrine should be aligned with ongoing National Preparedness efforts; ensuring consistency with the National Preparedness Goal (NPG) and National Preparedness System (NPS). It will assist local, state, regional, tribal, federal governments and agencies as well as the private sector and NGO’s with developing their capabilities and resources requirements for prevention, protection, mitigation, response, and recovery; for pre-planned events or incidents.

National Mutual Aid should:

  • Enhance the National Preparedness System by assisting stakeholders with their mutual aid planning, validating their mutual aid needs, acquiring resources, the delivery of the resources, and sustaining capabilities throughout the resource management cycle while maintaining a robust mutual aid network.
  • Guide stakeholders on how to obtain the resources
  • Advocate the sharing of resources to fill shortfalls
  • Support and promote interoperability of technology for identifying/ requesting/ mobilizing/ tracking/ demobilizing/ reimbursement of and replenishment of resources across all communities of practice.
  • Not obstruct or affect any existing mutual aid pacts or agreements, and will emphasize keeping mutual aid plans and agreements current to meet organizational capability requirements.

Please share your ideas on how to align the doctrines of National Preparedness (NPG, NPS, etc.) and mutual aid – as outlined in the NIMS.

Guidance for Managing Volunteers

The updated NIMS should expand current guidance on managing volunteers, and include guidance on working with other non-traditional stakeholders. Please share your thoughts on how volunteer management should be expanded in the NIMS as well as what guidance would be helpful for you in working with other non-traditional stakeholders.

Role of Whole Community Partners in Resource Management Activities

Currently, the NIMS description of resource management does not adequately include the private sector, non-governmental organizations, and other whole community partners. Together, the whole community is likely to have access to resources and capabilities above and beyond those typically available to government organizations. As such, the emergency management community should consider resources and capabilities across the whole community. The updated NIMS should include language on the importance of including the whole community in the identification and assessment of risk, subsequent capability estimation, associated resource typing and allocation, developing mutual aid agreements, and developing strategies to sustain, build, and deliver core capabilities. Please share your ideas on how to fully and accurately address the resources and capabilities across the whole community.

Guidance on Credentialing

Expanding the discussion on credentialing to provide guidance to government jurisdictions nationwide on how to offer the private sector consistent credentialing and access and waivers across jurisdictional lines in support of a disaster. Please share your thoughts on what the best approach is for addressing credentialing across the whole community.

Please feel free to comment on or discuss any or all of these topics. We look forward to hearing from you!

Campaign: Mutual Aid in the NIMS

Can EPI Mutual Aid Help?

There is a discussion in another section of this FEMA idea tool on enhancing the role of emergency public information during response to communicate not only warnings, but request to the public throughout the response phase to do or not do certain things that would help save more lives and property and bring the incident to a better and faster outcome. Staffing in an EOC is always an issue. With electronic tools, a virtual ...more »

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Campaign: Mutual Aid in the NIMS

Guidance for Managing Volunteers

The Community Preparedness and Participation capability provides that everyone in America is fully aware, trained, and practiced on how to prevent, protect/mitigate, prepare for, and respond to all threats and hazards. There is a structure and a process for ongoing collaboration between government and nongovernmental resources at all levels; volunteers and nongovernmental resources are incorporated in plans and exercises; ...more »

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3 down votes

Campaign: Mutual Aid in the NIMS

Aligning Resource Typing with Core Capabilities

The NIMS currently identifies 16 categories as an example for national resource typing. The National Preparedness Goal identifies 31 core capabilities across 5 mission areas. Please share your thoughts on how best to align resource typing with the core capabilities for each mission area as identified in the National Preparedness Goal. The mapping was performed such that all thirty-seven target capabilities from the TCL ...more »

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Campaign: Mutual Aid in the NIMS

Reimbursement Guidelines for FIRE Responders

My agency still has outstanding invoices for Federal lands Mutual Aid Fire assistance reimbursements from last year due to supporting paperwork not correctly submitted by the agency. A guideline document is needed as to what paperwork and forms (i.e. DUNS #, SAM Reg, Tax ID, etc) is required by Fed Agencies to promptly reimburse local gov't for Mutual Aid assignments and how to correctly apply for and fill it out ...more »

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Displaying all 6 Ideas