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Welcome to the Nevada Sex Offender Registry Website, which lists registered sex offenders in Nevada. Once you have read and acknowledged the disclaimer below, you may search the database by a specific sex offender’s name, obtain a listing of registrants within a specified distance of an address, or obtain a listing of registrants within a specified Nevada ZIP code.

Conditions of Use:

While this Website is designed to provide public access to pertinent information, there are certain safeguards that apply. The following warning is provided to help ensure that this information is not used for any other purpose than what it was intended.

This database contains public record information on offenders classified as sexual offenders under Nevada law resulting from a conviction for a sex-related crime or a crime against a child. This information is made available to interested citizens to help them educate themselves about the possible presence of such offenders in their local communities. The placement of information about a convicted sex offender in this database is intended to indicate the level of community notification based on a Tier Assessment. This information is made available to assist interested persons in forming their own risk assessments based on the Tier Level and the offense the offender was convicted of.

The Nevada Sex Offender Registry updates this information regularly, to assure that it is complete and accurate however, this information can change frequently. You are cautioned that information provided on this Website may not reflect the current status or other information regarding a convicted sex offender. Further, all information contained within this Website is considered proprietary information of the State Criminal History Repository. Any cataloging or distribution for business purposes will be prosecuted under the law.

Caution: No private or commercial enterprise has been authorized to provide links to this site on the enterprise’s web page. The State of Nevada, Department of Public Safety is not responsible for any banners or other material that such providers may add to what you see on your computer screen while trying to view our site via a link provided by an outside enterprise.

LIMITATION: Based upon NRS 179B.250, only certain information can be provided for public access. In short, only information regarding Tier Level 2 and Tier Level 3 offenders is posted on this site. The Registry does not provide information on Tier Level 1 Sex Offenders and offenders that don’t require a Tier Assessment.

The Sex Offender Registry contains information that has been reported directly to the State Criminal History Repository and is merely compiled and provided for public access. In some instances, the Registry is unable to independently confirm the accuracy of the information compiled and provided. It is the Registry’s desire that the information contained herein be accurate and reliable. Any person who believes information provided is not accurate or erroneous should contact State Sex Offender Registry to correct or updated information. (See Contact Us in this website)

WARNING: The State Repository is a repository of information only and individuals obtaining information from the Registry may want to contact local law enforcement or court from which the information originated in order to assure that the information is accurate and up to date, as well as whether the information is the final disposition on the matter. The Registry cannot guarantee the accuracy of the information.

IMPORTANT: 1) Positive identification of a person believed to be a convicted sex offender cannot be guaranteed without a fingerprint comparison. 2) By state statute (NRS 179B.250), only certain information can be shared with the general public. 3) Careful consideration has been given to the contents of this Website; including state laws, federal laws and regulations.

Nevada SOR
333 W. Nye Lane, Suite 100
Carson City, NV 89706

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