Search Unclaimed Property

You may have money waiting to be claimed. Search for it now.

File Gross Receipts Tax (CRS)

New Mexico Gross Reciept Tax

If you are engaged in business in New Mexico, you must file a New Mexico tax return and pay gross receipts tax for the privilege of doing business in New Mexico.

File Weight Distance Tax

File Weight Distance Tax Online

New Mexico imposes a weight-distance tax on owners, operators, and registrants of intra and interstate commercial vehicles with a declared gross vehicle weight in excess of 26,000 pounds.

Personal Income Taxes

Tax Info for Individuals

Although most visitors to this page are interested in personal income tax issues, you can find links and information about many other tax programs you may need from time to time.

Your Online Tax Center

Online Services

New Mexico Taxpayer Access Point. File your taxes and manage your account online.

File Workers' Compensation Fee

Workers Compensation Fee

Every employer who is covered by the Workers' Compensation Act, whether by requirement or election, must file and pay the New Mexico Workers' Compensation Fee.

Property Tax

New Mexico Property Tax

View upcoming auctions of delinquent properties.

Where is my refund?

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Governor Susana Martinez

Governor Susana Martinez

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Secretary Demesia Padilla

Secretary Demesia Padilla,CPA

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Taxation and Revenue New Mexico

1100 South St. Francis Drive
Santa Fe, NM 87504
(505) 827-0700

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