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2004 Report on State Trail Projects

For the Federal Highway Administration by the
Coalition for Recreational Trails

May 14, 2004

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For the Federal Highway Administration by the
Coalition for Recreational Trails
(Order No. DTFH61-02-C-00024, Requisition No. 67-01-1051)

This document is disseminated under the sponsorship of the Department of Transportation in the interest of information exchange. The United States Government assumes no liability for its contents or use thereof. The contents of this report reflect the views of the contractor, who is responsible for the accuracy of the data presented herein. The contents do not necessarily reflect the official policy of the Department of Transportation. This report does not constitute a standard, specification or regulation.

Executive Summary

In 1999, the Coalition for Recreational Trails (CRT), working in cooperation with the Federal Highway Administration (FHWA), developed a database of State trail projects that had received funding from the Recreational Trails Program (RTP) since the program's inception. The RTP was first part of the Intermodal Surface Transportation Efficiency Act of 1991 (ISTEA), and then part of the Transportation Equity Act for the 21st Century (TEA-21), in 1998. In July 2000, again in cooperation with the FHWA, CRT initiated an update of the database. In October 2001, FHWA and CRT entered into a three-year agreement, with the American Recreation Coalition acting as CRT's agent, to continue the database project on a more systematic basis. As part of this most recent effort, reports were prepared for the FHWA in March 2002 and October 2002. This May 2004 report updates those previous reports, adding 1,079 projects reported for 2002 by 48 States, plus the District of Columbia, bringing the total to 6,650 projects. Additionally, in the Summer and Fall of 2003, CRT requested that the States update their past submissions to the database, to ensure that the database accurately reflects the actual use of RTP funding. Twenty-one States and the District of Columbia responded with updated information for prior years' projects. For this reason, the numbers of projects and amounts of funding from previous years cited in this report differ from those numbers given in previous reports. The total RTP funding now reported has reached $201,745,119 and has been matched by $188,806,495 in other funding. The information contained in this latest report has also been compiled into a searchable database that is accessible on the Internet at

According to this latest report, the leading use of RTP funds - 42% - is trail construction or development, which continues the trend observed in earlier reports. The gap between RTP spending on trail construction or development and spending on trail maintenance has increased, as 73% more in RTP funds - a difference of $46.6 million - has been directed toward those types of projects, up slightly from a 71% gap in 2001. Hiking and walking trails continue to be the focus of more projects than other trails, with hiking's share now at 61% (down from 62% in 2001) and walking at 53% (no change from 2001). Sixty-six percent of projects can be clearly identified as benefiting motorized and/or nonmotorized trail uses. The ratio of nonmotorized to motorized projects is virtually unchanged at 2.7:1.

Each State is allowed to use up to 5% of its RTP funds for educational programs that promote trail-related safety and environmental protection. However, the States continue to focus on other priorities, reporting that 3% (205) of their projects were educational. For projects reported through 2001, the percentage was similarly low when 154 projects were reported from a total of 5,571.


A Federal assistance program for recreational trail construction, renovation and maintenance was created under the Intermodal Surface Transportation Efficiency Act of 1991 (ISTEA). Under the program, known initially as the National Recreational Trails Funding Program, funds were allocated to all States and the District of Columbia during only three of the legislation's initial six years (a total of $37.5 million) as well as during the transitional period of October 1997 to June 1998.

The Transportation Equity Act for the 21st Century (TEA-21) amended the program - now known as the Recreational Trails Program (RTP) - most notably by significantly increasing funds apportioned to the States (reaching $50 million annually for the last four of the legislation's six years) and providing contract authority for the program.

The legislation establishes requirements for project eligibility but provides substantial flexibility to the States on project selection. Presently, there is no unified reporting process from the States to the Federal Highway Administration (FHWA), which administers the program, on use of the funds. It should be noted, however, that most States have substantial, though not uniform, information available to the public on use of RTP funds.

The Coalition for Recreational Trails (CRT), representing all major national trail interests, has taken an active role in the RTP since its inception and shares FHWA's interest in ensuring that the program is efficient, operates in full compliance with the law, and is understood by all interests. CRT regards it as essential that RTP projects can be identified and evaluated by the Administration, the Congress, and program advocates. The increase in funding for RTP approved as part of TEA-21 demonstrated Congressional support for trails programs, but this support will be sustained only if sufficient accomplishments can be demonstrated. Moreover, FHWA has a need to monitor projects for compliance with statutory direction.

For these reasons, in 1999, CRT worked cooperatively with FHWA and the States to collect initial information on projects funded under RTP since the program's beginning. The data requested included project date, location and description, contact name, amount of RTP funding and other funding, types of trail uses, the Congressional district involved, and project highlights. All the States and the District of Columbia reported information, in varying levels of detail. CRT compiled this information into a database, which it made available to FHWA, trail administrators, and major national trail organizations. A report highlighting key information from the database was prepared and submitted to FHWA. As part of that report, CRT recommended that the data-collection effort be continued.

In July 2000, again in cooperation with FHWA, CRT contacted the States to obtain information on RTP trail projects undertaken since the initial request for data in 1999. By December, 47 States had responded with data on new 1999 and 2000 projects and 16 States provided updated information regarding earlier projects. Arizona, Florida, Ohio and the District of Columbia did not submit information because they had not allocated funding in those years. In October 2001, a new three-year effort to update the database was initiated by CRT under a contract between the FHWA and the American Recreation Coalition. Reports published in March and October 2002 included 4,780 and 5,572 projects, respectively. As part of the contract, beginning with the October 2002 report, data have also been compiled into a searchable database that is accessible on the Internet at In addition to reviewing the basic findings summarized in the following tables, those accessing the database on the Internet can search for projects by specific criteria, including State, type of project, type of trail activity and level of project funding.

In the Spring of 2003, CRT again contacted the States to obtain information on RTP projects undertaken in 2002. Additionally, CRT requested that the States submit corrections for past projects that had been altered (e.g., funding amounts changed, project cancelled) since the project information was originally submitted to CRT. In November 2003, CRT made available a Web-based system allowing States to view and edit their projects' records in the database. Twenty-one States and the District of Columbia made use of this system to update their RTP project records. Because of these updated records, numbers of projects and RTP funding amounts for previous years (1993-2001) do not match those numbers presented in previous versions of this report.

Database Findings

By December 31, 2003, 48 States and the District of Columbia had submitted data regarding their use of Recreational Trails Program (RTP) funds in 2002. Only South Carolina and South Dakota have not submitted data for 2002. Additionally, 21 States and the District of Columbia updated previously submitted data for projects in 1993-2001. Total trail project funding reported now includes 2002 projects and totals $201,745,119, an increase of $38,214,018 over the total reported for the first nine years of the program. The number of projects reported increased from 5,571 to 6,650. In addition, the States reported that an amount equivalent to almost 94% of the RTP funding level - $188,806,495 - had been provided by other sources, including Federal agencies (e.g., the USDA Forest Service and the Bureau of Land Management), States, towns, counties, and trail clubs (e.g., mountain biking groups, equestrian councils, and snowmobiler associations).

RTP Database Projects and Funding 1993 - 2002

State 2002 Projects Total Projects Total RTP Funding Total Other Funding
AK 26 137 $2,138,343 $2,575,088
AL 16 121 $4,824,982 $1,495,525
AR 27 133 $4,250,373 $2,212,919
AZ 2 7 $429,982 $1,287,284
CA 11 151 $11,136,545 $6,715,870
CO 68 116 $4,645,678 $11,739,324
CT 33 135 $2,418,080 $1,488,752
DC 2 10 $1,924,402 $579,575
DE 5 33 $1,320,100 $2,477,865
FL 22 82 $4,668,625 $4,005,986
GA 10 70 $5,243,342 $3,673,626
HI 95 474 $2,301,525 $828,812
IA 7 37 $3,914,684 $2,459,820
ID 23 195 $3,453,373 $9,407,673
IL 17 92 $6,052,422 $3,686,546
IN 5 33 $3,342,975 $1,849,030
KS 21 150 $4,144,807 $3,528,456
KY 34 147 $3,372,150 $4,233,436
LA 20 96 $3,323,759 $1,354,502
MA 14 87 $1,179,985 $1,396,247
MD* 31 204 $4,457,400 $4,512,400
ME 23 154 $2,809,850 $1,769,045
MI 24 91 $6,026,201 $3,580,808
MN 22 118 $4,030,538 $9,618,946
MO 17 97 $4,540,877 $7,794,564
MS 4 67 $3,517,479 $669,764
MT 64 230 $2,867,413 $2,049,271
NC 25 189 $5,875,659 $8,758,666
ND 15 96 $2,756,998 $756,965
NE 6 51 $3,081,993 $3,091,923
NH 44 225 $2,351,307 $2,567,421
NJ 31 257 $3,454,592 $4,819,260
NM 12 57 $3,117,258 $1,506,075
NV 12 84 $2,170,798 $1,886,044
NY 6 133 $5,778,124 $5,782,229
OH 18 107 $6,307,906 $6,309,587
OK 16 108 $3,670,324 $2,451,647
OR 19 149 $3,251,208 $4,641,148
PA 15 175 $7,004,503 $5,339,454
RI 8 60 $1,794,000 $3,488,121
SC 0 103 $2,053,325 $1,101,840
SD* 0 113 $3,852,717 $1,875,586
TN 24 85 $4,211,701 $1,716,394
TX 28 257 $10,733,117 $5,995,076
UT 15 110 $3,764,484 $3,555,004
VA 16 139 $5,476,958 $3,348,174
VT 19 266 $2,587,890 $7,129,389
WA 33 174 $4,924,395 $7,240,339
WI 36 215 $5,029,936 $5,245,971
WV 21 90 $2,691,805 $1,044,266
WY 17 140 $3,468,231 $2,164,782
TOTAL 1079 6650 $201,745,119 $188,806,495

* Data revisions pending

The trail projects reported were varied and included: building new trails and adding trail connections; building restrooms; providing water fountains; developing and implementing educational programs; maintaining trails, resurfacing trails treads; providing accessibility for mobility-impaired persons; and more. The following table represents a categorization of the different projects reported. The percentages shown reflect the percentage of all projects that reported trail project descriptions. The leading use of funds, by a substantial margin, in both the current and previous reports was trail construction or development. The percentages reported for each category did not change markedly.

RTP Database Trail Project Work by Project Category 1993 - 2002

For 5446 Projects that Reported Project Descriptions

Description of Work Done 1993 - 2001 Cumulative 1993-2002 Cumulative
Acquire Land 53 1% 73 1%
Administrative 11 <1% 21 <1%
Bridge Construction or Renovation 579 13% 655 12%
Brochures 64 1% 75 1%
Educational 154 3% 205 4%
Maps 56 1% 70 1%
Parking Lots 218 5% 254 5%
Restroom Facilities 165 4% 196 4%
Sign Purchase and Installation 554 12% 660 12%
Trail Construction or Development 1909 43% 2299 42%
Trail Equipment Purchased 431 10% 539 10%
Trail Grooming 169 4% 220 4%
Trail Improvements 740 16% 888 16%
Trail Maintenance 647 14% 787 14%
Trail Renovation and Relocation 960 21% 1141 21%
Trailhead Work 308 7% 363 7%
Total 4489 100% 5446 100%

A broader definition of trail maintenance was used for the following table, which includes projects reported as renovations, improvements, and grooming, as well as maintenance. The 2,334 projects reported with those descriptions accounted for $64 million in RTP funding and another $60 million in matching funding.

RTP Database Maintenance Project Funding 1993 - 2002

Including Maintenance, Improvement, Renovation and Grooming Projects

State 2002 Projects Total Projects Total RTP Funding Total Other Funding
AK 10 74 $1,192,139 $1,653,716
AL 6 29 $975,189 $346,597
AR 5 22 $763,918 $459,616
AZ 2 2 $20,600 $5,805
CA 3 58 $3,970,875 $2,026,419
CO 33 47 $1,652,783 $4,747,883
CT 11 52 $672,479 $250,424
DC 1 4 $1,071,150 $319,550
DE 3 18 $616,900 $899,515
FL 2 20 $780,678 $627,678
GA 2 20 $1,202,677 $383,384
HI 0 2 $704,049 $429,442
IA 2 15 $1,048,188 $313,242
ID 15 111 $1,929,842 $1,964,311
IL 11 48 $2,701,972 $1,933,663
IN 0 5 $611,870 $113,470
KS 5 32 $562,457 $409,361
KY 8 52 $1,090,489 $1,947,712
LA 1 4 $158,012 $37,022
MA 7 33 $514,424 $586,769
MD 9 64 $1,286,957 $1,256,957
ME 12 67 $1,406,420 $732,349
MI 15 53 $3,078,054 $2,022,077
MN 5 55 $1,481,783 $3,868,842
MO 2 25 $1,082,806 $1,100,523
MS 3 9 $655,500 $128,000
MT 34 138 $1,435,181 $1,081,746
NC 4 43 $1,203,351 $783,644
ND 2 26 $683,036 $186,416
NE 0 10 $153,117 $77,078
NH 13 106 $973,869 $1,005,612
NJ 14 101 $1,309,332 $1,579,526
NM 0 12 $473,233 $195,752
NV 2 18 $311,522 $300,541
NY 4 4 $300,506 $159,806
OH 7 35 $1,165,149 $752,713
OK 3 29 $1,004,556 $538,271
OR 9 57 $1,250,054 $1,365,829
PA 9 97 $3,553,521 $2,963,286
RI 4 22 $341,052 $470,073
SC 0 20 $677,162 $211,899
SD 0 31 $925,358 $421,105
TN 7 24 $1,010,150 $378,380
TX 11 94 $3,372,616 $2,016,254
UT 3 25 $878,218 $870,968
VA 6 52 $1,809,799 $942,946
VT 9 149 $1,537,823 $5,604,548
WA 20 95 $2,917,936 $5,051,153
WI 26 121 $2,566,712 $2,630,183
WV 8 25 $701,761 $288,025
WY 12 79 $2,421,175 $1,752,359
Total 380 2334 $64,208,400 $60,192,440

While the quantity of projects incorporating trail construction versus trail maintenance is 17% higher (2,741 vs. 2,334), the total amount of funding for trail construction is 76% higher than the amount used for trail maintenance funding. As would be expected, the average per-project cost for construction projects is markedly higher than for maintenance projects: $79,832 vs. $53,299. Since 2001, the per-project average costs for both construction and maintenance projects have increased slightly, from $77,442 and $52,109, respectively.

RTP Database Construction Project Funding 1993 - 2002

Including Trail Construction and Bridge Construction & Renovation

State 2002 Projects Total Projects Total RTP Funding Total Other Funding
AK 9 41 $635,479 $688,008
AL 12 89 $3,814,477 $1,165,100
AR 24 78 $2,993,747 $1,384,367
AZ 0 4 $366,382 $1,281,479
CA 1 70 $5,566,398 $4,400,910
CO 20 59 $3,497,454 $10,936,112
CT 15 63 $1,360,612 $1,142,527
DC 1 5 $561,502 $161,475
DE 2 16 $776,450 $877,350
FL 17 56 $3,458,197 $2,993,358
GA 9 40 $3,270,898 $2,438,974
HI 0 2 $704,049 $429,442
IA 3 16 $2,132,218 $2,215,386
ID 6 50 $1,120,674 $1,420,700
IL 9 38 $3,643,356 $2,765,296
IN 4 27 $2,791,557 $1,358,842
KS 7 70 $2,373,415 $2,419,357
KY 27 108 $2,761,440 $3,081,969
LA 19 63 $2,498,801 $759,322
MA 7 35 $566,203 $605,907
MD 11 76 $1,945,113 $2,030,113
ME 13 51 $1,064,256 $640,259
MI 8 37 $3,254,261 $1,544,850
MN 9 52 $2,004,281 $5,047,709
MO 7 58 $2,934,045 $6,108,285
MS 3 34 $2,063,455 $425,864
MT 17 59 $1,057,576 $757,210
NC 14 119 $3,902,205 $7,216,378
ND 9 48 $1,428,289 $422,739
NE 6 30 $2,430,292 $2,755,054
NH 13 97 $951,019 $820,588
NJ 10 72 $1,139,888 $2,411,463
NM 2 26 $1,943,899 $850,541
NV 7 46 $1,533,169 $1,066,656
NY 2 2 $160,000 $440,000
OH 11 67 $4,732,973 $5,145,256
OK 12 67 $2,413,504 $1,524,781
OR 10 51 $1,525,628 $3,242,484
PA 6 74 $3,696,678 $3,012,779
RI 1 25 $865,406 $2,577,662
SC 0 69 $1,286,143 $818,703
SD 0 21 $650,389 $566,683
TN 19 57 $2,949,984 $1,100,046
TX 17 149 $6,562,982 $3,763,941
UT 6 26 $1,477,983 $1,422,323
VA 10 88 $3,789,834 $2,401,094
VT 5 63 $587,024 $731,583
WA 7 57 $1,824,915 $1,905,759
WI 10 101 $3,287,272 $3,624,573
WV 13 63 $1,965,700 $782,098
WY 1 26 $482,813 $331,273
Total 451 2741 $110,804,285 $108,014,628

Trail users on trails that received RTP funding represented every category of trail-related recreation, although data on trail use were not reported for all projects. The table that follows displays those categories. Hiking and walking have been the dominant trail uses reported since the data-collection project was initiated.

RTP Database Trail Use Categories 1993 - 2002

For 4,373 Projects with Reported Trail Uses

Description of Work Done 1993 - 2001 Cumulative 1993-2002 Cumulative
Acquire Land 53 1% 73 1%
Administrative 11 <1% 21 <1%
Bridge Construction or Renovation 579 13% 655 12%
Brochures 64 1% 75 1%
Educational 154 3% 205 4%
Maps 56 1% 70 1%
Parking Lots 218 5% 254 5%
Restroom Facilities 165 4% 196 4%
Sign Purchase and Installation 554 12% 660 12%
Trail Construction or Development 1909 43% 2299 42%
Trail Equipment Purchased 431 10% 539 10%
Trail Grooming 169 4% 220 4%
Trail Improvements 740 16% 888 16%
Trail Maintenance 647 14% 787 14%
Trail Renovation and Relocation 960 21% 1141 21%
Trailhead Work 308 7% 363 7%
Total 4489 100% 5446 100%

As shown by the following two tables, 3,618 of the reported projects can be clearly identified as benefiting nonmotorized trail uses and 1,332 as benefiting motorized trail uses. While there is some overlap where projects accommodate both motorized and nonmotorized trail uses, the trend favoring the expenditure of RTP funds for nonmotorized trail uses is very clear. The average per-project cost of projects benefiting nonmotorized trail use is also higher than for projects identified as motorized: $68,884 vs. $60,666. The per-project average costs have changed slightly since 2001 (from $68,677 and $58,930, respectively), and the spread between them has decreased, $8,218 currently versus $9,747.

RTP Database Nonmotorized Trail Project Funding 1993-2002

State 2002 Projects Total Projects Total RTP Funding Total Other Funding
AK 4 46 $746,319 $1,153,188
AL 15 54 $2,562,114 $414,674
AR 27 98 $3,602,817 $1,663,403
AZ 2 6 $287,381 $329,885
CA 1 92 $6,542,719 $4,943,077
CO 26 70 $3,995,030 $11,472,774
CT 32 120 $2,265,236 $1,414,093
DC 2 10 $1,924,402 $579,575
DE 5 14 $559,750 $212,500
FL 22 73 $4,336,585 $3,773,746
GA 10 60 $4,733,242 $3,473,910
HI 92 173 not reported not reported
IA 4 29 $2,944,155 $2,220,600
ID 19 124 $2,225,306 $8,573,917
IL 6 58 $4,147,139 $1,561,877
IN 3 27 $2,465,768 $1,474,695
KS 15 122 $3,404,732 $3,294,144
KY 34 144 $3,313,133 $4,157,436
LA 20 65 $2,556,558 $772,562
MA 6 26 $330,793 $318,323
MD 3 90 $2,009,926 $2,144,926
ME 19 124 $2,209,381 $1,487,017
MI 19 72 $5,083,020 $2,149,550
MN 12 70 $2,388,570 $5,886,410
MO 12 65 $3,264,843 $6,528,767
MS 4 32 $1,966,355 $389,464
MT 15 54 $549,386 $449,415
NC 24 111 $3,756,152 $7,573,695
ND 13 80 $1,863,130 $525,058
NE 6 40 $2,724,956 $2,974,912
NH 39 172 $1,619,738 $2,026,924
NJ 0 211 $2,278,656 $3,089,386
NM 2 20 $1,586,265 $686,094
NV 12 48 $1,617,343 $1,123,951
OH 13 98 $5,915,689 $6,058,432
OK 15 48 $1,958,432 $1,340,260
OR 12 47 $1,539,049 $3,570,294
PA 7 137 $5,625,818 $4,433,217
RI 0 51 $1,400,560 $3,372,761
SC 0 16 $738,879 $392,660
SD 0 42 $1,636,941 $726,828
TN 19 79 $3,900,057 $1,583,250
TX 20 133 $5,777,060 $2,277,736
UT 7 20 $1,131,282 $1,075,622
VA 15 75 $3,939,503 $1,668,251
VT 15 45 $805,394 $3,355,616
WI 22 127 $2,453,421 $2,695,985
WV 7 37 $1,596,453 $557,760
WY 13 63 $1,570,125 $1,423,579
Total 690 3618 $125,849,563 $123,372,199

RTP Database Motorized Trail Project Funding 1993-2002

State 2002 Projects Total Projects Total RTP Funding Total Other Funding
AK 8 41 $717,726 $893,455
AL 1 3 $392,000 $18,000
AR 3 9 $484,426 $140,040
AZ 0 2 $222,781 $180,060
CA 11 55 $3,425,628 $1,689,510
CO 41 48 $1,159,601 $724,629
CT 2 15 $117,047 $50,925
FL 0 7 $239,607 $139,807
GA 0 14 $696,960 $259,488
HI 22 76 not reported not reported
IA 5 18 $1,818,111 $283,977
ID 13 99 $2,037,343 $7,928,299
IL 3 15 $2,117,607 $639,203
IN 1 7 $860,759 $173,185
KS 3 10 $435,575 $119,432
KY 1 17 $345,665 $261,950
LA 1 14 $564,226 $139,670
MA 2 22 $453,848 $252,634
MD 1 20 $475,110 $445,110
ME 9 77 $1,434,197 $862,666
MI 9 35 $2,790,038 $2,174,177
MN 11 56 $1,911,654 $3,458,906
MO 5 24 $995,484 $880,547
MS 1 8 $733,500 $124,500
MT 20 61 $811,909 $619,909
NC 3 24 $953,195 $414,187
ND 3 18 $932,718 $233,707
NE 1 3 $159,456 $64,401
NH 31 146 $1,702,196 $1,790,922
NJ 0 15 $599,583 $843,547
NM 0 2 $16,405 $16,405
NV 4 14 $424,539 $412,709
OH 5 22 $851,474 $560,934
OK 1 8 $247,516 $112,917
OR 4 30 $621,433 $482,908
PA 4 72 $2,267,720 $1,690,097
RI 0 12 $262,866 $200,866
SC 0 6 $284,179 $83,045
SD 0 12 $404,321 $178,079
TN 2 5 $229,033 $131,532
TX 2 19 $2,327,291 $609,618
UT 6 25 $793,652 $793,652
VA 0 10 $362,856 $95,406
VT 1 6 $517,545 $2,760,166
WI 6 64 $1,728,446 $1,754,571
WV 0 5 $349,788 $112,297
WY 10 61 $2,042,094 $1,685,438
Total 256 1332 43,319,108 $37,487,483

A State is allowed to use up to 5% of its RTP funds for educational programs that promote trail-related safety and environmental protection. Only 205 such programs have been reported by 33 States. Those programs used $5,374,410 in RTP funds and an additional $7,955,811 in other funding, bringing the per-project average cost to $65,025.

RTP Database Education Project Funding 1993-2002

State 2002 Projects Total Projects Total RTP Funding Total Other Funding
AK 2 12 $185,295 $262,979
AL 0 2 $60,275 $15,068
CA 4 8 $737,686 $346,668
CO 0 2 $153,600 $600,400
CT 2 8 $55,371 $68,744
HI 0 1 $449,770 $112,442
ID 1 5 $101,174 $149,736
IL 0 4 $94,323 $76,324
IN 0 2 $249,530 $30,820
KS 0 6 $119,975 $333,882
KY 1 2 $10,000 $10,000
MA 1 4 $39,438 $79,540
MD 0 13 $135,841 $135,841
MO 1 2 $75,000 $75,000
MT 11 16 $235,974 $184,609
NC 2 8 $179,972 $104,275
NH 2 6 $54,385 $57,094
NJ 1 6 $69,074 $63,085
NV 2 6 $120,497 $344,076
OH 0 5 $186,567 $782,865
OR 1 5 $102,960 $38,924
PA 0 6 $195,400 $399,175
SC 0 2 $52,000 $13,000
SD 0 2 $10,560 $2,640
TN 1 3 $100,120 $33,780
TX 3 9 $246,540 $100,025
UT 5 13 $260,026 $260,026
VA 2 8 $368,679 $118,560
VT 3 9 $370,790 $2,761,886
WA 6 22 $181,544 $283,427
WI 0 2 $21,833 $26,049
WV 0 1 $22,400 $11,200
WY 0 5 $127,811 $73,671
Total 51 205 $5,374,410 $7,955,811
Updated: 10/21/2015
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