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Materials Engineering


To provide specialized standards and design, management, research, testing and evaluation services toward the development and maintenance of structurally competent highway embankments and pavements.

The Materials Engineering Branch operates as a central engineering and specialized support group within Engineering & Operations Division of Manitoba Infrastructure. Services are provided with a staff compliment of civil engineering and technical staff highly skilled in materials, pavements and geotechnical engineering design, assessment and management skills. Critical resources include specialized lab and field testing equipment and corporate infrastructure databases. Six operating sections deliver these services to the Department’s Regions: Administration, Aggregate Resources, Central Labs, Geotechnical, Pavements and Surfacing.


Materials Engineering Branch is comprised of 6 areas including administration, aggregate resources, central labs, geotechnical engineering, pavements engineering and surfacing materials.

For detailed information on these areas, please visit the following links.

The branch also prepares research reports, MEB (Materials Engineering Branch) Standards and product standards as guidelines for the industry. Visit the following links:

All related enquiries and correspondence should be directed to:

Materials Engineering
920 - 215 Garry Street
Winnipeg, Manitoba, R3C 3P3
Phone: 204-945-8982  Fax: 204-945-2229
Email: MEBinquiry@gov.mb.ca

Website: www.manitoba.ca/mit/mateng/index.html

To find an individual staff member in Materials Engineering, please visit the Manitoba Government Phone Book website

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