Types | Decks | Rail Systems | Abutments | Materials
Standard Drawings/Design Aids | Additional Trail Bridge Resources

The Trail Bridge Catalog Web site is intended to help land managers and engineers select trail bridge types, decks, rail systems, abutment systems, and materials. The site is divided into five sections: Trail Bridge Types, Trail Bridge Decks, Trail Bridge Rail Systems, Trail Bridge Abutments, and Trail Bridge Materials. The Trail Bridge Types, Decks, Rail Systems, and Abutments sections contain sketches, pictures, example and/or standard drawings, and guidelines for appropriate use with the USDA Forest Service Recreation Opportunity Spectrum (ROS) classifications. Standard drawings, or example drawings, are intended for informational purposes only. The Additional Trail Bridge Resources section includes information on planning, siting, designing, constructing, inspecting, and maintaining trail bridges.

Department of Transportation, United States of AmericaThis Web site was produced in cooperation with the Recreational Trails Program of the Federal Highway Administration, U.S. Department of Transportation.

James "Scott" Groenier, Project Leader, 2007 Update
Merv Ericksson, Project Manager, 2000 Original Catalog

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