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Office of Planning, Environment, & Realty (HEP)


Notes on Rescissions:

  1. There are not "Responses" for all rescissions. The manner in which the rescission is effectuated depends on the legislative language. If the rescission is across the board, the State may not have been afforded an opportunity to elect the programs affected by the rescission.

  2. Responses from the States/Divisions are not housed in the FHWA Fiscal Management Information System (FMIS). Responses may have included the fiscal year, however, the fiscal year usually is determined by "first-in-first out".

  3. Entering of Notice number on rescission transactions was at one time optional in FMIS. Older transactions may not include a Notice number.

  4. The transaction type of rescission may not completely represent the changes to funds. A one time, all rescission transactions had to be negative. However, if a mistake was made, the rescission could not be reversed through input of a positive amount. Therefore, the transaction type may have been Correction or Adjustment.

Updated: 3/20/2015
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