We welcome your thoughts and ideas on the following topics to address the five strategic needs identified within the Essential Capabilities category:

  • Actions currently under way
  • Other actions that could be under way
  • Challenges we face in implementing actions
  • Potential solutions to address the challenges we face in implementing actions

The five strategic needs identified under this category include the following:

  • Develop emergency management capabilities to address dynamic and unprecedented shifts in local and regional population characteristics and migratory flows.
  • Practice omni-directional knowledge sharing.
  • Infuse emergency management principles and life skills across the entire educational experience to empower individuals to assume more responsibility.
  • Build a shared vision for the emergency management community of the future and a culture that embraces forward thinking to anticipate emerging challenges and develops appropriate plans and contingencies.
  • Leverage volunteer capabilities across all emergency management phases.

Please feel free to comment on or discuss any or all of these topics. We look forward to hearing from you!

Campaign: Essential Capabilities

Dispatch Centers

The wildland fire agencies utilize interagency dispatch centers annually to support wildfire incidents. Additional funding and staffing of these existing dispatch centers could be an efficient way to handle "all hazard" incidents given that the federal wildand firefighting agencies were given the "authority" to participate in incidents other than wildfire. Why duplicate or try to invent the wheel when an already good ...more »

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2 votes
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0 down votes

Campaign: Essential Capabilities

Authority for Federal Agencies

The following statement does not exist at the local level..."NIMS provides a consistent nationwide template to enable local, State, tribal, and Federal agencies, nongovernmental organizations (NGOs), and the private sector to work together to prevent, protect against, respond to, recover from, and mitigate the effects of incidents, regardless of cause, size, location, or complexity." ICS is a component of NIMS. Local ...more »

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2 votes
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1 down votes

Campaign: Essential Capabilities

CERT Team Mutual Aid Agreements

There are highly trained, ready-to-go teams across the country, but I do not se any mutual aid occurring. CERT Teams should create contacts or a data-base where we can register our: manpower, special capabilities (trained) and available equipment. When a regional disaster occurs, teams can come from other areas to support and respond. With local support on who/where to report, where to stay.

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13 votes
14 up votes
1 down votes

Campaign: Essential Capabilities

Establish Local Emergency Contractors

One of the most critical aspects to disaster recovery is re-establishing power and transportation. In most areas there are private companies which could be contracted with for a retainer fee to have personnel and equipment on hand for the following tasks: Tree and debris removal from main highways and primary power right of ways (logging company with trucks, saws, and skidders) Flooded roads (contractors with pumps, ...more »

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8 votes
10 up votes
2 down votes

Campaign: Essential Capabilities

Communication Drones

I have done some looking and have not found any use of drones for emergency communications, It would not be hard at all for drones to establish WiFi hotspots, or even airborne cell towers in a disaster area. If we had 6 ready drones strategically located, it would be possibe to establish a hotspot anywhere in the U.S. within 4 hrs.

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2 votes
9 up votes
7 down votes

Campaign: Essential Capabilities

Emergency Broadcast disruption

I live on Branch st., Scituate,MA. The streetlight on pole number 36 is mal functioning and the static created by the re-light of the street lamp blocks out WRKO 680 AM 40 percent of the time making it impossible to hear any Emergency Broadcast. It also interfers with all of WRKo's regular broadcasts, This is also probably happening on the many mal-functioning streets throughout Scituate. Shouldnot the power company be ...more »

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6 votes
7 up votes
1 down votes

Campaign: Essential Capabilities

Large Scale Urban Decontamination/Cleanup

There is a product used in Japan to decontaminate toxic chemicals/materials and radiologicals from substrates and infrastructure. It can be used to rapidly clean subways, homes and buildings of the toxic sludge, mold, mildew and chemicals left by Sandy. It's called DeconGel and it's something that homeowners and cleanup professionals can use without creating large amounts of waste, or using expensive protective equipment. ...more »

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3 votes
7 up votes
4 down votes

Campaign: Essential Capabilities

Good Communication. Deaf Ears?

Once again our nations ability (or rather the lack there of) to communicate with survivors of catastrophe was crystal clear in the wake of Sandy. Efforts to communicate better integrated systems, hardened structure caches, deployable assets, and such with REAL promise for REAL emergency PREPAREDNESS continue to fall on deaf ears. Response is NOT enough; never has been and never will be - we must be prepared. Why ...more »

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2 votes
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3 down votes

Campaign: Essential Capabilities

Getting heat to storm victims.

I believe that portable propane heaters could be quickly installed to provide victims of storm Sandy. Due to the demolition of electrical and natural gas lines, portable propane tanks could provide people without power the necesary heat they need and possibly lanterns and cooking abilities.

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5 votes
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1 down votes

Campaign: Essential Capabilities

Makeing Gas Station avaliabillity in needed area

hard wire larger fuel stations power so it be removed from down power company and flip another power box and run a portable generator that will power the lights and pumps at that site with a quick disconnect and cable so the generator can be stored and kept service ready other power needs , the Oil companys can tell you what station in what city or town would fit this need, and only a self contained large fuel truck that ...more »

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3 votes
5 up votes
2 down votes

Campaign: Essential Capabilities

Whole Community Approach and CITIZEN CORPS

Recognition that government at all levels cannot manage disasters alone means that communities need the opportunity to draw on their full potential to operate effectively. Empowering local action requires allowing members of the communities to lead—not follow—in identifying priorities, organizing support, implementing programs, and evaluating outcomes. The emergency manager promotes and coordinates, but does not direct, ...more »

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16 votes
18 up votes
2 down votes

Campaign: Essential Capabilities


Potential solutions to address the challenges we face in implementing actions: Expand the use of public and private sector partnerships(P.S.R.S./M.A.R.S./R.A.C.E.S./A.R.E.S./S.A.T.E.R.N.) related to emergency communications. The private sector owns more than 85 percent of critical infrastructure, government and emergency response agencies own and operate communications systems that support their critical missions, including ...more »

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19 votes
20 up votes
1 down votes

Campaign: Essential Capabilities

Looking for Potential Preparedness Failures

EMs (Emergency Managers) need to practice looking for potential preparedness failures. The Titanic disaster provides examples of how easy it often is to make decisions that increase the possibility of harm. Errors in the case of the Titanic sinking are generally believed to be as follows: 1) The ships speed was not reduced despite reports of icebergs nearby; 2) The ship's lookout lost his binoculars, but made no effort ...more »

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3 votes
6 up votes
3 down votes

Campaign: Essential Capabilities

Avoiding Planning Failures

To prevent planning failures know and avoid the practices that have created most errors in this regard. To wit: A failure to anticipate the future, adapt to the present and learn from the past ... multiplied by faulty assumptions, lack of imagination, poor executive habits, complacency, lack of risk awareness and inflexibility. I have witnessed the harm that comes from planning failures, and hope that EMs (Emergency ...more »

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6 votes
6 up votes
0 down votes

Campaign: Essential Capabilities

transportation tax credits and education tax /fee payment r

In a crises getting those things needed for the population such as food , water and other goods depends on our tansportation system and the willingness and trust of the transportation personal operating that system . Showing acts of 'good faith' over a long period of time seems to me the way to go to insure that our transportation system will work in a crises . Grants tax credits and educational credits for transportation ...more »

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-9 votes
1 up votes
10 down votes

Campaign: Essential Capabilities

Portable, Solar-Powered Water Purification Systems

There are several new portable, solar-powered water purification systems recently developed to provide potable water in emergency situations. Most of these units are small, light, easily moved, and produce large quantities of potable water using contaminated water as the initial source. One such system getting excellent reviews, from relief workers, is the Outpost "S" Water Purification System by Aqua Sun Intl., Inc. ...more »

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7 votes
9 up votes
2 down votes

Campaign: Essential Capabilities

Amphibious Transporters for Relief Operations

DARPA (Defense Advanced Research Project Agency) is developing a CAAT (Captive Air Amphibious Transporter) designed to assist in relief operations by moving several tons of cargo over land, water, mud and most any type of surface. It would help the project move ahead if EMs (Emergency Managers) would let DARPA know how such a transport might be helpful in future relief operations. Thanks in advance.

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9 votes
10 up votes
1 down votes

Campaign: Essential Capabilities

Participant Profiling

Each of the participant (victim) types in a natural or man-made disasters will show typical responses, or ways they usually deal with those disasters ... and these responses tend to vary according to age, sex, race, religion and/or ideology. An experienced profile specialist can tell any one EM (Emergency Manager) how different local population groups are likely to respond to any one disaster. My suggestion is to start ...more »

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-2 votes
3 up votes
5 down votes

Campaign: Essential Capabilities

Advanced Urban Evacuation Techniques

Some major disasters may require rapid evacuation of urban areas. People without means of transportation and those with medical/ health problems usually require transport via buses or similar means ...and these persons soon fill available public transportation. Persons/ families with cars & vans will all depart about the same time and "clog" the roads ... while soon depleting fuel supplies as well as other basic essentials ...more »

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-6 votes
3 up votes
9 down votes

Campaign: Essential Capabilities

Community Food Production Coops: A Part of Preparedness

In anticipation of higher food prices, some food shortages and increased food contamination, some communities are starting urban food production coops. Food crops are grown using outdoor gardens in yards, vacant lots, available parks/ public lands, rooftops, and vertical grow-ladders ... as well as having edible landscaping. Indoor food production 24/7/365 is also feasible using large vacant structures. The use of sunlight ...more »

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7 votes
7 up votes
0 down votes

Campaign: Essential Capabilities

Special Advanced Training for EMs

Special advanced training for Emergency Managers (EMs) would be cost effective over the long-term ... because optimization of EM skills will help to save lives and better protect property. The current situation is similar to what I experienced in Vietnam. Our soldiers were first sent into combat with basic infantry training, but no special training in jungle warfare ... so many lost their lives because they lacked the ...more »

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5 votes
7 up votes
2 down votes

Campaign: Essential Capabilities

Dietary Factors Related to Disaster Recovery

Proper diet can help disaster victims better recover. Organic foods typically contain 58 percent more polyphenolics to help with disease prevention (as documented in recent research by the Univ. of California, Davis). Grain Amaranth contains 3 (three) percent squalene lipids that also help prevent diseases. Microalgae, such as Spirulina, is very high in protein, vitamins, minerals and ployphenolics to help maintain ...more »

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5 votes
8 up votes
3 down votes

Displaying 1 - 25 of 34 Ideas