Video – US Route 301 Archaeology Update

December 5th, 2012

A final hello from the Armstrong-Rogers site! In the video below, Dovetail President Kerri Barile highlights some of the great findings of the 9-week long excavation. Although it was determined that the main house site had been destroyed decades earlier, the team uncovered several outbuildings used throughout the farmstead’s period of occupation, from the 1730s through the 1870s. Remains included a dairy, two wells, a smokehouse, a series of intricate drainage channels, and many other historic features. Updates on the lab work associated with this field endeavor will continue to be posted as new finds are discovered. Thank you for continuing to follow our journey!

Demolition Continues on Old IR Bridge

December 5th, 2012

Demolition work continues at the old Indian River Inlet Bridge.

As of last week, the demolition sub-contractor has returned to the site mobilizing personnel, materials, and equipment. The contractor has started working on setting up scaffolding and safety lines for crews to access the remainder of the old bridge structure. This will continue through this week. In the coming weeks, the contractor will be working on preliminary setup work for the removal of the bridge girders. None of this work is expected to impact pedestrian or marine traffic at this time.

Bridge girders are expected to start rolling off of the substructure during the month of January. The removal of the piers and remaining substructure will start soon after. Pedestrian and marine traffic will be impacted during structure removal activities. As work progresses and activities approach the time to impact, traffic notices will be provided to the public outlining the schedule of impacts and their dates. The demolition work is expected to be completed in early spring depending on weather.

FAQ’s about the SR 26 Mainline Project

December 4th, 2012

Frequently Asked Questions – SR 26 Mainline Project

You’ve got questions? We’ve got answers about the SR 26 Mainline construction project


Q:  When will the next public information meeting be held for the SR 26 Mainline Project?

A:  The next public informational meeting for the project will be held in Spring 2013. This will be an opportunity for DelDOT to share the schedule and phasing for the project with residents, businesses, and visitors.   

Q:  I’ve heard there is a Working Group formed for the project.  What is that for?

A:  A working group, made up of businesses, elected officials, and residents with various interests, has been formed.   This group will receive information from the project team and share it in the community, and will bring concerns back to the project team for discussion.  All working group minutes will be posted on the website.

Q:  How can I obtain information about the SR26 project?

A:  There are several ways to get information about the project. 

  • Check out the website and blog
  • You can subscribe to, click on Subscribe to sign up to receive alerts for the SR26 Mainline Project.
  • Review Working Group meeting minutes as they are posted on the project website
  • Also keep an eye out for local newspaper articles as their will often be press releases sent to media for publication.
  • Contact DelDOT Public Relations at 302-760-2080 or 800-652-5600 or

Q:  I see work occurring this fall on SR 26.  Is the SR 26 Mainline Project underway? 

A:  The work you are seeing this fall and winter is advanced utility relocation work, which is being done prior to roadway construction. It is imperative that utility poles be relocated prior to roadway construction so that the project can proceed without interruption.  Utility pole relocation is performed by crews that are under the direction of utility companies, not DelDOT or its contractors. Road construction is expected to begin in fall 2013.


Q:  Is this project similar to the one completed in Bethany on SR 26 in 2001?

A:  Yes, In 2001, SR26 in Bethany from SR 1 to Assawoman Canal was reconstructed with a center turn lane, shoulders and sidewalks.  The SR 26 Mainline Project will extend the three lane section in Bethany from the Assawoman Canal to Clarksville.  Please go to the project website and look through the project displays for more information.

Q:  Will work occur at night or during the day?

A:  The work schedule is still being determined.  On October 11, 2012 DelDOT sent out night work surveys to businesses and residents whose properties abut SR 26.   The results were tallied on November 16, and it was found that night work is supported by the community.  In addition to daytime work, night work WILL BE INCLUDED on SR 26.  


Q:  Will work occur during the summer and what hours will they be working?

 A:  DelDOT is sensitive to the seasonal traffic patterns in the state’s beach resort communities and will make every effort to schedule work in a manner that respects the needs of businesses, residents and visitors to these areas.  It is important to understand, however, that the road construction is very weather dependent and the most effective use of taxpayer dollars requires that work be performed in the summer.  We will be working with the project Working Group and our contractors to arrange a schedule that completes the work within a reasonable time period, while managing the summer traffic volumes to the best of our ability.    


Q:  What lessons has DelDOT learned from previous projects that will allow this project to proceed more smoothly?

A:  DelDOT has learned several lessons with recent projects:

  • Utility relocation work cannot impede roadway construction. DelDOT has worked very closely with the affected utility companies to ensure that roadway construction is not slowed or stopped by utility relocation work.
  • Night work was well received on other projects, so we will utilize it on the SR 26 project.  This helps the project reach completion faster.
  • Information sharing is key, so DelDOT plans to keep the public informed through its Working Group, public meetings, press releases, and via the project website.  DelDOT encourages everyone to check the website regularly, as well as to keep an eye out for project-related news stories in the local newspapers.  We will also be maximizing the use of social media to spread the word and expectation of impact to the public on this project.
  • We will vary the phases/locations of the work.  This means we will work in Phase 1 and Phase 3 at the same time, and then work at Phase 2 and Phase 4 at the same time, thereby lessening the impact to businesses and residents in the same immediate area.
  • We are making the contract more specific to address work phasing, lane availability, hours of work, etc.


Q:   Will SR 26 be detoured at any point during construction? 

A:  The only time SR 26 will be detoured is during the bridge replacements.  There are two bridges that need to be replaced, and traffic will be detoured onto the recently rebuilt roads to the south of SR 26 during this time.


Q:  Once the project is underway, will DelDOT use variable message (VMS) boards to advise motorists of the work occurring on SR 26?

A:  DelDOT will use VMS boards to advise traffic of work occurring on SR 26. 


Q:  Is DelDOT planning to reach out to the cycling community or pedestrians to explain the SR 26 project?

A:  DelDOT’s press releases will include information pertinent to motorists, cyclists and pedestrians.  Pedestrian and bike paths, where they currently exists will be maintained.  However, for safety reasons, DelDOT cautions pedestrians and cyclists when entering active work zones.  


A great deal of other information is available on this website.  Take a look around, and come back often as information will be updated regularly.

US Route 301 Archaeology Update

December 3rd, 2012


Feature 2

Feature excavation. Can you dig it?

Noxon Tenancy, 7NC-F-133

Feature Excavation – Over the last two weeks (excluding Thanksgiving) Berger has focused on Feature excavation.  Excavation of Feature 1 is now complete.  The feature proved to be highly irregular. It looks more like two adjacent three throws than a structure.  Feature 1 produced 569 historic artifacts and 578 pieces of animal bone, mostly pig and cow. The artifacts all date to the mid eighteenth century, and include numerous sherds of tin-glazed earthenware and scratch blue stoneware. The feature produced several brick pieces, none larger than a quarter of a brick. This is most of the brick recovered from the site. The brick, and the daub from the nearby pit features, is the only evidence of a house in this area; without the brick distribution, we might think the house was in the northeastern part of the site, around Feature 2 and the midden.  Excavation has begun in Feature 34, the well. So far the excavation is proceeding rapidly, because the feature has produced few artifacts. Half of Feature 2 has been excavated. This feature appears to be a small cellar hole with stepped sides. It measures 6 x 7 feet at the surface and is 2.4 feet deep. Artifact density was moderate throughout, all small pieces resembling the artifacts in the plowzone. 

Cufflink from Feature 2                                                                                            Cufflink from Feature 2

Elkton Road Project – Update

November 28th, 2012

The Elkton Road Project, from Gravenor Lane to Delaware Avenue in the City of Newark, is getting close to being completed. There is approximately two to three weeks more of milling remaining as well as the placement of the top surface of hot mix. After all of the hot mix is placed, the final striping will need to be installed which would take approximately one week to complete.

 Hopefully, the winter weather conditions will allow us to complete all of the final hot mix placement and the final striping. Unless there is a severe winter storm we will be able to complete the hot mix. However, the final striping is more temperature sensitive, and we may have to use temporary striping in order to open all of Elkton Road into its final configuration, and wait until the weather improves enough in the Spring 2013 to allow us to place the final striping at the required air temperatures.

At the end of this week all of the landscaping plants will have been installed, and the only remaining landscaping work will involve touching up the mulch in the planting beds.

SR26 Night Work Survey Results

November 19th, 2012

On October 11, 2012, DelDOT sent 194 surveys via certified mail to the property owners within the SR26 Mainline project limits. The survey is required by law in Delaware when DelDOT is considering doing road work during night time hours. According to the law, however the majority vote determines whether or not night work will be permitted. Also according to the law, each survey that is sent that DelDOT does not receive a response for is considered a vote supporting night work.

The deadline for responding to the survey was November 15, 2012 and the results of the survey have been tallied. Of the 194 surveys sent, DelDOT received 77 responses – 68 supporting night work and 9 not supporting night work. 117 surveys were not returned.

Based on the survey results, DelDOT will incorporate night work into it’s plans for SR26. DelDOT is thankful to those who participated in the survey.

US Route 301 Archaeology Update

November 19th, 2012
Small Bowl or Porringer from the Noxon Tenancy
Small Bowl or Porringer from the Noxon Tenancy


This week we finished stripping the topsoil from the Noxon Tenancy Site and started working on our features. Before archaeologists dig into a feature, it is always photographed, mapped, and drawn.  So we made a careful map of the site, took the necessary pictures, and then began excavating.

Interesting things started to turn up at once: cow and pig bones, pieces of pottery, even a clay marble. One of our first features contained a large amount of daub. Daub is clay that has been cooked, but not enough to turn it into brick or pottery. On a colonial farm site like the Noxon Tenancy, daub usually comes from a wooden chimney. There is very little brick on the site, not enough to make a chimney, so we already suspected that the house had a wooden chimney. These were always lined with clay, which eventually turned to daub, so all of this daub confirmed our suspicion. As you might imagine, wooden chimneys were not very safe. No matter how carefully they were lined, the clay eventually flaked off or cracked, a spark slipped through, and the whole thing burst into flames. The people who  lived at our site never got around to replacing their wooden chimney with brick or stone, which suggests that they did not live at the site for very long.

One of the artifacts that came out in the first days was a small bowl with a handle, a shape that people in the 1700s called a “porringer.” A porringer was made to be held in the hand while you were eating. They were a very old form, and they remind us that in the Middle Ages most people did not eat at a table. They ate sitting around a hearth, holding their food in their hands or on their laps. Dining at a table was reserved for the rich, or for formal occasions. Over the course of the 1600s and 1700s more and more people came to eat their meals in that formal way, lifting food to their mouths with new invention called a fork instead of with their hands or their pocket knives, not spitting or picking their teeth at the table, and so on. This artifact is a reminder of the old way of eating and living that was slowly giving way to more refined manners.


US Route 301 Archaeology Update

November 14th, 2012
Fish Scales

Fish Scales

Excavation of the cellar hole at the Elkins B site by Hunter Research, Inc. continues to produce a wealth of artifacts and information as we proceed towards the floor.  Items of interest thus far this week are a small lead bird shot, a host of faunal remains (including fish scales), a thimble and a half penny also known as a half pence.  The image on the obverse (or front) side of the copper coin is well worn and the reverse or back side is completely worn.  From what we can see, we have been able to determine the image on the front side of the coin faces right is that of King William III.  The back would have depicted the seated Britania facing left.  Because King William III is not accompanied by Queen Mary (who died of small pox in 1694) the coin must date to between 1695 and 1701.  No halfpennies were produced in England under Queen Anne from 1701 to 1714, thus earlier coins remained in circulation longer than normal and tend to be well-worn.  Given the amount of wear we estimate it was in circulation for around 30 years.  The presence of coins at all dating to the late 17th and first half of the 18th centuries along the Route 301 corridor are rare as bartering for goods and services was more the norm in this rural area.   


US Route 301 Archaeology Update

November 14th, 2012
Sheet Midden at the Noxon Tenancy, with Pottery and a Pig Jaw

Sheet Midden at the Noxon Tenancy, with Pottery and a Pig Jaw

The crew from the Louis Berger Group is back in the field in Delaware, this time at the Noxon Tenant Site. The Noxon Tenancy is a small farm site dating to around 1750, in a field not far from Armstrong Corners. Since this spot was part of a huge property belonging to a wealthy speculator, the people who lived at the site must have been tenants.

We started our work on Monday. After digging a few more test units, we brought in a backhoe to remove the rest of the topsoil from the site. We were chased off the site by the Nor’easter on Wednesday afternoon and didn’t get back to work until Friday. After a day and a half, we had exposed about half the site.  Removing the plowed soil exposed dozens of features on the site. These included what looks like a well, two small cellar holes, and several pits.  One of the features is what archaeologists call a “sheet midden”, a wide, thin deposit of trash. These form when people just throw their trash out into a yard or down a slope, rather than burning it or burying it in pits. This one is full of pottery and animal bone, just the stuff for learning about the lives of the people who lived here 250 years ago.  We’ll have the backhoe on the site again on Monday, finishing up this work and exposing more exciting things.

Pit Feature, Dark from all the Charcoal in the Soil
Pit Feature, Dark from all the Charcoal in the Soil

US Route 301 Archaeology Update

November 9th, 2012
Flotation Sample
Flotation Sample

Well, November started out on a good note for Hunter Research, Inc.  The Elkins B site survived Hurricane Sandy and with each and every shovel full of soil from our cellar hole we are finding new and interesting artifacts which help us to better understand the folks who lived on this property in the first half of the 18th century.  Screening the cellar fill through 1/8 inch mesh has been difficult due to the sticky nature of the clayey silty soils which make up the majority of the fill.  In an effort not crush the tiniest of artifacts lying within the soil we made sure NOT to be aggressive pushing the soil through the mesh, saving what would not go through the screens easily for soil floatation.  Floatation involves the immersing of the soil samples in a large 55 gallon drum, at which point the heavy fraction (the heavier particles) sink to the bottom and are collected on window screen while the light fraction floats to the top of the water and is collected in a runoff bag.  The amount of material collected  was staggering, filling trays with thousands of tiny items, which the laboratory staff must now pick through on rain days.  Well while waiting for the site to dry out a bit on Wednesday we had our first opportunity to process some of the float samples and pick through a small portion of the heavy fraction.  To our surprise we are finding tiny seed beads made from glass and what appears to be ceramic.  The sample also contained more straight pins, egg shell, fish scales, bones,  bits of tin enameling, daub (burnt earth used between logs of the structure), and what appears to be burnt seeds!   

Feature Feature