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International Engagement Overview

In our globalized world, the movement of people, goods, and ideas never stops. This openness offers all of us tremendous opportunities. But it also brings new security challenges. Terrorism and violent crime, trafficking of humans and smuggling of illicit goods, cyber threats, violent extremism, and new pandemic diseases are threats that don’t recognize national boundaries. Our work at DHS must therefore extend beyond our own borders. We work internationally not only to maintain our physical security, but also protect our economic security.

Working Overseas

DHS has personnel stationed in more than 75 countries, the third-largest civilian footprint of any U.S. agency working overseas.

These men and women work with their international counterparts to identify known or suspected terrorists and cyber threats, take down organized crime rings, and stop the proliferation of dangerous weapons.  They interdict drugs and human smugglers heading to our air, land, and sea borders.

By securing air, land, and sea transport systems, DHS also supports travel and trade that provide millions of American jobs in manufacturing, tourism, and other industries.  We inspect overseas airports with flights to the United States and seaports that ship goods to our shores. We also protect American ideas and legitimate businesses by seizing counterfeit goods and cracking down on intellectual property theft online. 

Collaborating to Improve Security

DHS has successfully partnered with foreign governments, international organizations, and the aviation industry to strengthen the international aviation system and raise aviation security standards across the globe.

DHS and its international partners have strengthened cybersecurity and protected intellectual property rights.  Through this work, we have been able to address cyber threats, including denial of service attacks, attempts to steal intellectual property, and intrusions against government networks and systems that control critical infrastructure.

Our record of enhanced information sharing with internationals partners is further evidenced by dozens of signed international agreements to share information about terrorism, organized crime, smuggling, human trafficking, and science and technology.

Last Published Date: July 16, 2015

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