PEPFAR Latest Global Results

The epidemic is becoming controlled in several African countries, and PEPFAR exceeded its 2016 targets.
Latest Results» Press Release» 
President Obama Video» 
White House Fact Sheet»

Date: 2016 Description: World AIDS Day Banner © PEPFAR

Celebrating DREAMS

PEPFAR reached over 1 million adolescent girls and young women with critical comprehensive HIV prevention interventions through its DREAMS partnership. Watch video» DREAMS Ambassadors and Oprah Winfrey» DREAMS Event»

Taking Care of Herself for the Sake of Her Child

When Nteboheleng discovered she was pregnant with her second child, she waited nearly five months – much longer than recommended – to have her first prenatal visit. She knew with this visit, she would also learn her HIV status, something she had delayed for years. Read more»

Date: 04/21/2016 Location: Lesotho Description: Nteboheleng © Elizabeth Glaser Pediatrics AIDS Foundation

Our Priorities

Date: 2016 Description: A young woman wearing a graduation cap and gown © USAID Image
Adolescent Girls & Women

Empowering adolescent girls and women is the most urgent and effective action we can take to end HIV/AIDS.

Date: 07/14/2016 Description: A smiling child © PEPFAR

Healthy children create prosperous communities. PEPFAR is improving the lives of millions of children living with and affected by HIV/AIDS.

Date: 2014 Location: Mozambique Description: Holding hands © PSI
Key Populations

PEPFAR is dedicated to ensuring no one is left behind in accessing HIV/AIDS services.

Date: 07/14/2016 Description: A pharmacist enters patient information. © USAID Image
Data for Impact

PEPFAR is using data to accelerate the achievement of the UNAIDS 90-90-90 goals and epidemic control.

Date: 2016 Location: Mozambique Description: Amb. H. Dean Pittman signs PEPFAR grant © U.S. Embassy Maputo
Sustainability & Partnerships

Partnerships are the cornerstone of PEPFAR’s work. Everyone must play a part in achieving and sustaining an AIDS-free generation.

Date: 07/14/2016 Description: A circle of hands holding red ribbons © AP Image
From Our Leadership

Read blogs, statements, and presentations from PEPFAR leadership. U.S. Government interagency website managed by the Office of U.S. Global AIDS Coordinator
and the Bureau of Public Affairs, U.S. State Department.
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