Annual Wireless Industry Survey

Year-End U.S. Figures from CTIA's Annual Survey Report

Unless otherwise noted, facts are from CTIA-The Wireless Association,
CTIA's Wireless Industry Summary Report, Year-End 2013 Results, 2014

 Dec. '13  Dec. '12
Dec. '08
 Dec. '03
Dec. '98
Wireless Subscriber Connections
# of active devices, including smartphones, feature phones, tablets, etc. Since users may have more than one wireless device, it is not equal to individual subscribers.
335.65M 326.48M
270.3M 158.7M
Wireless Penetration
Equals # of active units divided by the total U.S. and territorial population (Puerto Rico, Guam
and the U.S. Virgin Islands)

104.3% 102.2%
Wireless-Only Households1
% of U.S. households
39.4% 38.2%
Annual Wireless Data Usage (in MB)
3.23T 1.468T
 N/A N/A
Monthly Wireless Data Usage (in MB)
269.1B 122.3B N/A N/A N/A
Annual Voice Minutes of Use
2.618T 2.3T
2.2T 829.9B 89B
Monthly Voice Minutes of Use
191.7B 183.3B 69.2B 7.4B
Annual Text Messages
1.91T 2.19T 1T N/A
Monthly Text Messages
171.3B 110.4B N/A N/A
Annual Multimedia Messages
74.4B 14.9B N/A N/A
Monthly Multimedia Messages
7B 1.6B N/A N/A
Annual Wireless Revenue $189.2B $185B $148.1B $87.6B $33.1B
Cell Sites 304,360 301,779 242,130 162,986 65,887
911 Calls2
Per day
>400K >400K 260K 139K 55K
Capital Investment $33.1B $30.1B $264.76M $145.54M $60.54M
1Latest figures as of December 2012 are from Early Release of Selected Estimates from the National Health Interview Survey, January – September 2013. National Center for Health Statistics, March 2014.
2CTIA Wireless 911 and Distress Calls.
CTIA Annual Wireless Industry Survey

CTIA's annual wireless industry survey develops industry-wide information drawn from operational member and non-member wireless service providers. It has been conducted since January 1985, originally as a cellular-only survey instrument, and now including PCS, ESMR, AWS and 700 MHz license holders. No break-out of results specific to spectrum bands or licenses is performed. Previously a semi-annual survey, it is now released annually.

The information solicited from the service providers includes: direct employment, number of cell sites, total service revenues, capital investment and other metrics.

The CTIA survey also develops information on the number of reported wireless subscriber units or "connections" for the responding systems, and an estimated total wireless connections figure (taking into account non-responding systems).

To preview the report look at the Annual Year-End 2013 Top-Line Survey Results .

If you would like to purchase the report, it is available at a member or non-member price. Annual subscriptions are also available.

The Annual Wireless Industry Survey is completely voluntary and thus does not yield a 100 percent response rate from all service providers. However, the survey has an excellent response rate. For the December 31, 2013, installment of the survey, CTIA aggregated data from companies serving over 97 percent of all estimated wireless subscriber connections.

Because not all systems do respond, CTIA develops an estimate of total wireless connections. The estimate is developed by determining the identity and character of non-responding markets (e.g., RSA/MSA or equivalent-market designation, age of system, market population), and using surrogate penetration and growth rates applicable to similar, known systems to derive probable subscribership. These numbers are then summed with the reported subscriber connection numbers to reach the total estimated figures.

No carrier-specific or market-specific information is maintained as a result of the survey. All such information is aggregated by an independent accounting firm to a nationwide level. The underlying source material for the survey is then destroyed per confidentiality agreements.

Last updated: June 2014
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