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North Dakota: Legendary. Follow the trail of legends
Department of Transportation
North Dakota


North Dakota has approximately 35 bus programs which provide the general public, including the elderly, Public transportationphysically disabled and developmentally challenged individuals access to essential goods and services, in addition to addressing quality of life issues such as access to social, recreational and entertainment venues.

Services include:

Fixed-Route—scheduled service
Dial-A-Ride/Para transit—curb-to-curb or door-to-door accessible service
Demand/Response—requests served in order received, taxi-style (may also be curb-to-curb or door-to-door accessible service)
Medical Rides—regularly-scheduled service between rural areas and medical facilities for the purpose of transporting passengers for dialysis or chemotherapy; system may be formal or volunteer-based
City to City—used as a regularly-scheduled means for rural residents to travel to larger cities to access goods and services not available in their home towns
Intercity—feeder service to commercial over-the-road bus lines.

For provider, route and schedule information, go to www.NDinfo.org

The NDDOT administers federal transit grant funds to rural, non-urbanized areas (less than 50,000 populations) and state-aid funding for the entire state, and ensures that transit projects meet federal and state regulations and requirements. Federal grant funding is provided through the Federal Transportation Administration. State Aid for Public Transit funding is determined biennially by the state legislature and distributed by a formula set forth in the North Dakota Century Code.