Administrator’s Intent Statement: FEMA will foster and support adaptation in the face of a changing climate through our programs and our interactions with our partners.

Share your thoughts on any of the following items:

  • Land use and development (informing post-disaster rebuilding efforts and the future wave of development);
  • Building codes and standards (coordination, uniform messaging and requirements);
  • “Green” design and disaster risk reduction (identify areas of mutual benefit).

Campaign: Topic 4: Achieving Climate Change Adaptation

more flexible and less complex fema mitigation grant programs

FEMA should thoroughly assess its existing grant programs to determine if they can be used to address climate change impacts. Greater flexibility is needed in administering these grant programs to allow for measures to be taken to address climate impacts. An example is the need to install improved stream crossings that allow for an increased stream flow to pass without damage to the structure or to the adjacent road. ...more »

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