The Impact of Hunger & Food Insecurity

Food insecurity in America.
Hunger and poverty often go hand in hand, but poverty is not the ultimate determinant of food insecurity. Learn about Hunger and Poverty
Child food insecurity
Food insecurity is harmful to all people, but it is particularly devastating to children. Proper nutrition is critical to a child’s development. Learn about Child Hunger
Senior Hunger: The senior population is heavily impacted by food insecurity
Seniors face a number of unique medical and mobility challenges that amplify the effects of hunger and put them at a greater risk of food insecurity. Learn about Senior Hunger
African America food insecurity
While hunger has no boundaries - African Americans are more than twice as likely to suffer from food insecurity as their white, non-Hispanic counterparts. Learn about African-American Hunger
Latino Hunger
The Latino population has nearly doubled in the past decade and Latino communities are disproportionately impacted by food insecurity, poverty and unemployment. Learn about Latino Hunger
Rural Hunger
The irony is that many food-insecure households are in the very rural and farm communities whose productivity feeds the world and provides low-cost wholesome food for American consumers. Learn More About Rural Hunger
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