Campaign: FEMA Think Tank

Cell site emulator for search and rescue

I was out in the middle of the desert this weekend and thought of an idea for Search and Rescue in remote areas without cell service. A small mobile cell phone site emulator that could be used in a helicopter, plane or drone flown over a search area. It doesn't need to connect to be cell phone network. It just needs to emulate a cell site for the person or people that they're trying to locate. If the lost party connects ...more »

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11 votes
13 up votes
2 down votes

Campaign: FEMA Think Tank

Build awareness of ESF-2/NCC for State & Locals

After our recent deployment to Hurricane Sandy in NY and NJ, it became clear that public safety agencies at the local level had poor understanding of how to roll up their communications needs to the carriers at the NCC. ( - there were communities who had disabled PSAPs, EOCs and the like, and could have used the resources of carriers with COLTs, COWs, VSATs and other carrier-grade technology. At the same ...more »

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-4 votes
4 up votes
8 down votes

Campaign: FEMA Think Tank

Using Local Advertising Agencies to Communicate with Survivors

Local advertising agencies know their communities and the people -- what messages, media, and methods work best for the population. These professionals also have ways of measuring effectiveness of their efforts -- can fine-tune to to get the best return on investment. Engage local advertisers to create communications / advertising strategy / campaign to get-the-word-out to survivors on everything pertaining to the response ...more »

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2 votes
6 up votes
4 down votes

Campaign: Public Private Partnerships- Building Relationships for the Future

Community Partnerships & affiliating with VOADS

One of the best things that can be done BEFORE an emergency occurs is oviously pre-positioning relationships. It's important for VOAD's reach out to other community partners that are volunteer based such as the Medical Reserve Corps, State Dept.s of Health, Local Health Depts, Local CERT Teams, etc. Most of our VOAD's are made up of faith based partners but there are many organizations that do volunteer work that should ...more »

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14 votes
14 up votes
0 down votes

Campaign: Role of Faith-based and Community Organizations in Advancing the Whole Community Approach to Emergency Management

Backup Communications are Vital part of Emergency Preparedness

Neighborhood CERT graduates have acquired an Amateur Radio license and purchased handheld radios. Training and exercise programs presented by the volunteer CERT Radio program emphasize sustainability, self-reliance, and, through use of an international standard protocol, cooperation in a large group. Radio networking among neighbors who live in and are familiar with the affected areas are thus able to maintain effective, ...more »

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22 votes
24 up votes
2 down votes

Campaign: FEMA Think Tank

Immediate Emergency Communications

Our company is getting involved in building above and below ground emergency shelters out of shipping containers. They are extremely strong, built out of heavy gauge steel and coated with corrosion proof industrial grade materials to withstand the harsh ocean inviroment. Immediately after a major disaster power and communications often totally colapses and the outside world can often take days to find out what is going ...more »

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9 votes
16 up votes
7 down votes

Campaign: FEMA Think Tank

$8.3B in left-over grants? Not in MY state...

In a recent article ( is was noted that: "As of January 2012, nearly $8.3 billion in previously awarded FEMA grant funding is available for expenditure. This money is spread across nearly 15 grant programs, over a third of which can likely be leveraged by the 9-1-1 community. The key grant programs of most interest to 9-1-1 stakeholders include— ...more »

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10 votes
11 up votes
1 down votes

Campaign: FEMA Think Tank

All Home Owners Associations Should Be OnLine

Community and Governance and my own life depends on the Home Owners Association that is part of my real Title. All minutes should be online as well. That is my first USA governmental agency. This would streamline all emergency communications and even training. The total is greater than the sum of its parts. One defective part lessens the effect of the total.

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-7 votes
6 up votes
13 down votes

Campaign: FEMA Think Tank

Amatuer Radio Deployment Kits.

I know we have a few Amatuer Radio Operators on here and I was wondering if perhaps FEMA might develop and Response Kit List for Newer Hams to use as a guide for Emergency Deloyment Instructions. I know there is alot of more experienced Radio Operators who volunteer their time and experience to help new hams. But some folks dont get around those who can help. So I was thinking if there was someway for FEMA to post on ...more »

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28 votes
36 up votes
8 down votes

Displaying all 11 Ideas