FEMA’s 2014-2018 Strategic Plan development effort will be built around five strategic priorities and two strategic imperatives, as described in the 2015-2019 Administrator’s Intent.

FEMA's Recovery Directorate is leading the development of Priority 1 - Be Survivor Centric in Mission and Program Delivery. Through this strategic priority, FEMA will reorient its activities and improve its programs to lessen the burden placed on disaster survivors, achieve a timely presence on the ground to support survivors, and maximize effect with simplified policies and procedures to assist state, tribal and local officials with their recovery efforts to meet survivor needs. FEMA will work with our partners across the whole community to develop holistic solutions and identify referrals to answer survivor questions quickly.

FEMA is conducting stakeholder engagement as part of the Strategic Plan Priority 1 development process. We welcome your thoughts, ideas or suggestions for each topic that could improve our service to survivors, and simplify policies and procedures for states, tribes, and local government recovery efforts to meet survivor needs.

  • Topic 1: Describe where FEMA should focus its efforts to be more survivor centric.
  • Topic 2: Identify specific strategies or efforts FEMA could employ to realize a more survivor centric approach.