We welcome your thoughts and ideas on the following topics to address the four strategic needs identified within the Dynamic Partnerships category:

  • Actions currently under way
  • Other actions that could be under way
  • Challenges we face in implementing actions
  • Potential solutions to address the challenges we face in implementing actions

The four strategic needs identified under this category include the following:

  • Empower individuals, neighborhoods, and communities to play a greater role throughout all phases of disasters.
  • Proactively engage business in all emergency management phases and solicit its contribution to policy development in light of the critical nature of private sector capabilities.
  • Intensify disaster-response collaboration and planning with Canada and Mexico, recognizing scope for both national and local actions.
  • Foster increased collaboration to ensure appropriate use of the military to provide specialized capabilities or to augment capacity in complex, overwhelming disaster incidents.

Please feel free to comment on or discuss any or all of these topics. We look forward to hearing from you!