Note: This particular conversation topic is closed. Thank you for your ideas, comments and votes. You can contribute to our open Presidential Policy Directive 8 (PPD-8) conversations -- they are listed in the left column of the page under "Active Campaigns."

The ideas we received so far were helpful in shaping the document and will also be considered as we continue to forge ahead in meeting the remaining milestones under PPD-8. To learn more about the status of PPD-8 efforts, visit We appreciate your involvement.

The National Planning Frameworks for Prevention, Protection, Mitigation, and Response are available for review and comment The frameworks are a deliverable called for in Presidential Policy Directive 8 (PPD-8) and set the foundation for the implementation of the mission areas. As part of this effort, the frameworks lay out key roles and responsibilities among all partners, including local, state, tribal, territorial and federal governments, the private sector, voluntary, faith-based and community organizations, and the public. The National Disaster Recovery Framework was released in September and can be found in this PDF

The Department of Homeland Security, the Department of Justice, and the Office of the Director of National Intelligence and their partners specifically want to discuss the Prevention Framework with you. When we talk about “prevention,” we are referring to things we can do to avoid, prevent or stop a threatened or actual act of terrorism. It focuses on making sure we are fully prepared to prevent an imminent attack within the United States and to facilitate follow-on law enforcement and prevention activities in the event an act of terrorism is committed in the homeland. As with all national preparedness activities, “prevention” is not the sole responsibility of law enforcement officers. Everyone in the community plays a role. For more information, visit

We welcome your thoughts and ideas on each of the following topics:

  • Examples of ways you have helped or could help prevent an act of terrorism from taking place in the homeland.
  • The roles that individuals, businesses, community organizations and others play related to preventing acts of terrorism.

Please feel free to comment on or discuss any or all of these topics. We look forward to hearing from you!