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Transportation Performance Management


Transportation Asset Management Case Studies
HERS-ST: The Oregon Experience

What's Next?

Amtrak Cascade route, Southern Oregon

ODOT is moving toward adoption of the FHWA-sponsored State version of HERS, HERS-ST. HERS-ST is a direct extension of the national-level HERS model. HERS-ST is analytically similar to HERS-OR, but has additional features, such as a user-friendly Windows interface, a GIS capability, and customizable graphical reporting tools not found in HERS-OR. Also, Oregon is interested in the revised capacity calculations and updates for various internal formulas, functions, and calculations found in HERS-ST.

Another reason that ODOT is moving to adopt HERS-ST is because of FHWA's commitment to ongoing HERS-ST technical support, periodic updates, and user group forums. ODOT Planning staff view HERS-ST as a significant upgrade to the HERS-OR model.

As one of the early users of HERS for State-level application, ODOT has actively supported FHWA's development of HERS-ST. ODOT is an original member of the HERS-ST Developer's Group and, in that capacity, has provided insight and guidance in directing production of HERS-ST. ODOT staff also participated in the national HERS-ST conference as well as other related forums. ODOT plans to continue their involvement in HERS-ST, recognizing that not only do they gain valuable information and ideas regarding the experiences of other States in using the HERS model, but they also have an enormous opportunity to shape the HERS-ST software.

Oregon continues to explore new ways in which to use the HERS analysis and to integrate it with other applications within the agency. ODOT believes its use of HERS-ST will continue to grow as the program becomes more integrated within the State's policy and planning organizations and is working on additional applications for the model:

  • As input to average-effective-speed analysis
  • For evaluating travel times and calculating truck speeds on specific roadway sections
  • To develop a quick-response decision-making tool for evaluating the cost-effectiveness of improvements at the project level based on performance measures or benefit-cost ratios
  • In studying the economic impact of bridge restrictions on trucks
  • For integrating HERS-ST analytical modules with ODOT's management systems to allow those systems to take advantage of the model's economic analysis capabilities.

Further Information

ODOT Transportation Planning Division Web Site
http://www.odot.state.or.us/tdb/planning/ Transportation Planning Analysis

Brian Gregor

Rich Arnold

Photography Credits

Photographs courtesy of the Oregon Department of Transportation

Front cover: Yaquina Bay Bridge, Newport
Inside front cover: MAXX, Portland's light rail, alongside Interstate 84


Office of Asset Management
Federal Highway Administration
U.S. Department of Transportation
1200 New Jersey Avenue SE, HIAM-30
Washington, DC 20590
Telephone: 202-366-4631
Fax: 202-366-9981

Note: this is an archived document. The contact information was correct at the time of printing. Please see the right-hand column for current contact information

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Updated: 05/26/2015
Federal Highway Administration | 1200 New Jersey Avenue, SE | Washington, DC 20590 | 202-366-4000