FEMA’s 2014-2018 Strategic Plan development effort will be built around five strategic priorities and two strategic imperatives, as described in the 2015-2019 Administrator’s Intent.

FEMA's Region III and Office of Federal Disaster Coordination is leading the development of Priority 2 – Become an Expeditionary Organization. Through this strategic priority, FEMA seeks to increase and improve engagement across the preparedness, response, recovery and mitigation mission areas by being present in the right place, at the right time and with the right people and resources. FEMA will work with our partners across the whole community to align with the needs and expectations of our partners.

FEMA is conducting stakeholder engagement as part of the Strategic Plan Priority 2 development process. We welcome your thoughts, ideas and suggestions.

  • Topic: Describe where you see opportunities for FEMA to increase and improve engagement across preparedness, response, recovery and mitigation to improve expeditionary capabilities.