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Cubs Parade, Rally & Possible River-Dyeing Could Be Friday Or Monday

Photo: Tyler LaRiviere/Chicagoist

Updated 12:40 p.m.
The parade and rally will take place this Friday, Mayor Rahm Emanuel announced.

Several hours have passed since (God, it still feels crazy to type this) the Cubs won the World Series in arguably the greatest Game Seven in baseball history, but this is Chicago and fans of course still want to celebrate. The question on everyone's tongue seems to be: "When is the parade? We must see these athletes, so graceful on the field, dance and sing on floats like total bozos!"

According to reports, it could be as soon as Friday, but we may have to (somehow) wait until Monday.

There were quite a few rumblings late on Wednesday that tomorrow would be the day:

“We’re working with the city. We’re aiming for Friday, but not everything’s cleared up yet,” Crane Kenney, president of business operations for the Cubs, told CBS Chicago.

Since the massive horde of Wrigleyville revelers kept up law enforcement—and anyone within several miles—all night, the city may have to wait until after the weekend. CBS says it looks like Friday is less likely:

Chicago police sources said a Friday rally would be a stretch, because officers are exhausted after working so late Wednesday after Game 7 stretched until nearly midnight. Police sources said it looks like the parade more likely will be held on Monday, starting at Wrigley Field, and ending downtown, via Lake Shore Drive, for a victory rally at Grant Park.

The Sun-Times reported last week that the city will pull a Cubs version of the old St. Patrick's Day river dye-job tradition and dye the water blue.

Rahm Emanuel so far has put forth no specific details. Still, the mayor remains as popular as ever.

The City of Chicago is expected to make an official announcement late Thursday. We'll update as soon as we know for certain.