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Alternative Duty Location Program
Classification Code Date Office of Primary Interest
3980.1 July 19, 2011 HAIM-20

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  1. What is the purpose of this directive?
  2. Is this a new FHWA directive?
  3. What is the background of this directive?
  4. What are the definitions of key terms used in this directive?
  5. Who is impacted by this directive?
  6. What authorities were used in writing this directive?
  7. What is FHWA’s policy concerning ADL?
  8. What are the ADL program responsibilities of FHWA officials and employees?
  9. Where can I find additional information?


  1. What is the purpose of this directive? This directive establishes policy implementing the Alternative Duty Location (ADL) program for the Federal Highway Administration (FHWA).

  2. Is this a new FHWA directive? Yes, this is a new directive.

  3. What is the background of this directive? The FHWA Core Functions Task Force recommended that a pilot ADL program be created as a way to better utilize FHWA resources to achieve our strategic goals. The ADL pilot program was initiated in June 2008. As part of the Core Functions Task Force recommendations, an evaluation of the pilot was conducted in July 2009. An evaluation team was established and provided their findings to the FHWA Strategic Workforce Council (SWC). In April 2010, FHWA adopted the recommendations of the SWC to move the ADL pilot activities to a more permanent implementation status by creating a formal ADL program. This directive formally establishes the ADL program for FHWA.

  4. What are the definitions of key terms used in this directive?

    1. ADL employee. An FHWA employee approved to work in a location other than that of their supervisor or work unit.

    2. ADL locations. The FHWA office locations where ADL employees can be housed. A list of all currently approved ADL locations is maintained by the ADL coordinator.

    3. Host office. The office where ADL employees physically reside.

    4. Home office. The organizational unit of the ADL employee.

    5. ADL Program Guide. The document that provides detailed guidance on the ADL program.

    6. ADL Coordinator. The primary contact responsible for implementation of the ADL program. The coordinator is currently located in the Office of Administration, Management Services Division (HAIM-20).

  5. Who is impacted by this directive?

    1. This directive applies to:

      1. (1) FHWA Washington Headquarters, Federal-aid divisions, and Federal Lands Highway Division employees approved for working in a location other than that of their supervisor or work unit;

      2. (2) FHWA Office of Technical Services (OTS) employees working outside the six established OTS locations; and

      3. (3) FHWA Program Management Improvement Team employees located outside of Arlington, Virginia.

    2. This directive does not apply to:

      1. (1) FHWA employees with short-term rotational or temporary assignments of less than 1 year; and

      2. (2) FHWA employees that work in the Administrative Service Teams and the Field Legal Service Teams.

  6. What authorities were used in writing this directive?

    1. Title 41, Code of Federal Regulations (CFR), Chapters 301-304, Federal Travel Regulations (FTR).

    2. Department of Transportation (DOT) Order 1500.11, Travel Guiding Principles, dated August 1, 1995.

    3. FHWA Order 1500.9, FHWA Relocation Policy Supplement, dated April 1, 1998.

    4. FHWA Order 3620.1, Telework Program, dated January 27, 2010.

    5. FHWA Order 3612.1, Alternative Work Schedules, dated May 14, 2010.

    6. FHWA Order 3451.1, Awards and Employee Recognition, dated June 25, 2010.

  7. What is FHWA’s policy concerning ADL?

    1. The FHWA will formally implement an ADL program to more efficiently and effectively utilize resources. The ADL Program Guide must be utilized by all FHWA units with current or future ADL employees.

    2. The ADL Program Guide is the operational document for FHWA’s ADL program.

    3. The FHWA Executive Director is the approving official for exception requests to the ADL Program Guide.

    4. All vacancies advertised under the ADL program will be for FHWA employees only.

    5. Washington Headquarters offices are required to release a workstation upon selection of an employee into the ADL program if that position was previously located in Washington Headquarters.

    6. Every ADL employee and ADL supervisor must attend an ADL orientation, and upon completion of the orientation, the ADL employee, ADL supervisor, and host office manager must sign the ADL agreement that outlines specific program requirements, expectations, and responsibilities.

    7. Employee performance and recognition will be managed as outlined in the FHWA Personnel Management Manual.

    8. Permanent Change of Station and official Government travel will be managed in accordance with FHWA travel policy.

  8. What are the ADL program responsibilities of FHWA officials and employees?

    1. The Executive Director is responsible for approval of exception requests.

    2. The Associate Administrator for Administration is responsible for providing oversight of the ADL program.

    3. The Associate Administrators, the Chief Financial Officer, the Chief Counsel, the Director of the Office of Innovative Program Delivery, the Directors of Field Services, and the Director of Technical Services, on an annual basis, are responsible for determining potential positions within their organizations that could be filled as approved ADLs and providing this information to the ADL Coordinator.

    4. The ADL Coordinator, currently located in HAIM-20, serves as the overall liaison and primary contact for FHWA regarding ADL program issues. Specific responsibilities of the ADL Coordinator are defined within the ADL Program Guide.

    5. The ADL Coordinator will arrange for and conduct an orientation to the ADL program for the ADL employee and ADL supervisor.

    6. The ADL home office, the host office manager, and the ADL employee are responsible for adhering to this directive and the ADL Program Guide.

    7. The supervisor of the ADL employee is responsible for ensuring that the ADL agreement is completed and provided to the ADL Coordinator.

    8. The ADL home office and host office are to include the ADL employee in office emergency preparedness planning activities.

  9. Where can I find additional information?

    1. The ADL Coordinator in HAIM-20 can provide assistance and guidance on all aspects of the ADL program.

    2. The ADL Program Guide provides detailed guidance for and processing of ADL activities.


Signature: Victor M. Mendez, Administrator

Victor M. Mendez

Page last modified on June 24, 2016
Federal Highway Administration | 1200 New Jersey Avenue, SE | Washington, DC 20590 | 202-366-4000