United States Department of Justice, Civil Rights Division
Information and Technical Assistance on the Americans with Disabilities Act
2010 Regulations
2010 Design Standards
Technical Assistance Materials

Enforcement Activities

The legal documents on this page are grouped by type of document (e.g., briefs, consent decrees) and listed in reverse chronological order (most recent first). Use the links at the left to jump to specific types of documents or just scroll through the page for the whole list.

For cases and matters categorized by the title of the ADA under which the respondent is covered (e.g., Employment, Title I: State and Local Governments, Title II) and then listed in alphabetical order under each category header, go to ADA Enforcement.


Olmstead -- Olmstead Litigation
HIV/AIDS -- HIV/AIDS Litigation

Winn Dixie Stores, Inc. Statement of Interest | PDF -- re: title III coverage of the website of a chain of grocery/pharmacy stores (12/12/16)

United States v. Harris County, Texas

Oppostion to Dismiss (Word) | PDF -- re: Opposition to Harris County’s Motion to Dismiss the United States’ Title II complaint for lack of standing/cause of action

City of NY and Richmond University Medical Center

Statement of Interest of the United States (Word) | PDF -- re: failure to provide qualified sign language interpreters and other auxiliary aids and services to ensure effective communication  to mother who is deaf when her son was being treated in the hospital’s emergency room (9/26/16)

Alvey v. Gualtieri (M.D. Fla. 2016)

Statement of Interest of the United States (Word) -- re: to clarify a county-run homeless shelter’s obligations under Title II, including the obligation to provide safe and appropriate facilities for individuals with disabilities, and the obligation to consider reasonable modifications that would allow individuals with disabilities to meet the shelter’s eligibility criteria. (9/8/16)

Michael Robinson v. Brandon Farley

Statement of Interest of the United States (Word) | (PDF) -- re: plaintiff alleged that police officers violated Title II of the ADA when they failed to reasonably accommodate his disabilities during his arrest and post-arrest proceedings. The Statement of Interest was filed to clarify that Title II of the ADA applies to the arrest of an individual with a disability, and to explain the application of Title II’s reasonable modification requirement in that context.

Marytza Golden v. Indianapolis Housing Agency

Statement of Interest of the United States | PDF -- re: the proper interpretation of Section 504 and the ADA with respect to an employer’s obligation to consider a request for additional, unpaid leave as a reasonable accommodation and its obligation to evaluate whether an employee who seeks such an accommodation is qualified (5/19/16)

Richmond City Sheriff's Office, Richmond, VA

Opposition to Defendant’s Motion for Summary Judgment (Word) | PDF -- re: reassignment as a reasonable accommodation- arguing that the ADA required Defendant to reassign a qualified employee as a reasonable accommodation and that reassignment would not have imposed an undue hardship (9/16/16)

Memorandum in Support of the United States’ Motion for Summary Judgment (Word) | PDF-- re: reassignment as a reasonable accommodation- arguing that the ADA requires employers to reassign a qualified employee with a disability to a vacant position as a reasonable accommodation when reassignment is the only available accommodation (9/2/16)

Response to Defendants' Motion to Dismiss the Complaint -- re: reassignment as a reasonable accommodation-- arguing that, contrary to defendants’ motion to dismiss, sovereign immunity does not bar suits by the United States against States under Title I of the ADA, and a Virginia sheriff in his official capacity is an "employer" under Title I of the ADA (4/6/16)

Ruffing Montessori School

U.S. Motion to Intervene -- re:  intervention regarding disenrollment of child diagnosed with autism spectrum disorder in violation of Title III the ADA (3/2/16)

Gates-Chili Central School District

Opposition to Defendant's Motion for Summary Judgment | PDF – arguing that school districts may need to provide a student with assistance in handling a service dog as a reasonable modification under Title II, and that the intermittent assistance the student requires in handling her service dog in this case is reasonable and would not result in a fundamental alteration (2/2/16)

Sachem Central School District

Statement of Interest of the United States | PDF -- re: violating Title II of the ADA by refusing to allow a child’s service animal to accompany the child at school or school-related functions (12/23/15)

North Colonie Board of Education

Statement of Interest of the United States | PDF -- re: investigation of North Colonie, NY schools authorized by the Protection and Advocacy for Individual with Mental Illness Act (“PAIMI”) to protect students with mental illness from abuse or discrimination on the basis of disability (7/6/15)

New York City Police Department

Statement of Interest of the United States | PDF -- re: disqualification of police officer candidate solely because of his epilepsy under Title I of the ADA and Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act. (6/29/15)

National Association of the Deaf v. Harvard University

Statement of Interest of the United States | PDF
In this case, the plaintiff alleges that Harvard University violated the ADA and Section 504 by denying equal access to free online courses and lectures to individuals who are deaf or hard of hearing.  Specifically, the plaintiff alleges that Harvard failed to provide appropriate auxiliary aids, benefits and services, including captioning. The U.S. Department of Education, which enforces Section 504 against post-secondary institutions such as Harvard, is a signatory to the Statement of Interest.

National Association of the Deaf v. Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT)

Statement of Interest of the United States | PDF
In this case, the plaintiff alleges that MIT violated the ADA and Section 504 by denying equal access to free online courses and lectures to individuals who are deaf or hard of hearing.  Specifically, the plaintiff alleges that MIT failed to provide appropriate auxiliary aids, benefits and services, including captioning. The U.S. Department of Education, which enforces Section 504 against post-secondary institutions such as MIT, is a signatory to the Statement of Interest.

Aleeha Dudley v. Miami University, et al.

United States' Motion to Intervene | PDF | Press Release
On May 12, 2015, the U.S. Department of Justice moved to intervene in Aleeha Dudley v. Miami University, et al., 14-cv-038 (S.D. Ohio), a disability discrimination lawsuit brought against Miami University, in Oxford, Ohio, by a former student with a vision disability.  The United States’ motion and proposed complaint alleges that Miami University has violated Title II of the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) by requiring current and former students with disabilities to use inaccessible websites and learning management system software, and by providing these students with inaccessible course materials.

Williams v. the City of New York

Statement of Interest of the United States of America | PDF
This Statement of Interest was filed to clarify that Title II of the ADA applies to "on the street" police encounters which are "services, programs or activities" covered by Title II of the ADA and therefore require that public entities, such as the NYPD, must provide auxiliary aids and services and make reasonable modifications to accommodate an individual's disability. (3/9/15)

Alboniga v. School Board of Broward County, Florida

Statement of Interest of the United States of America | PDF
This Statement of Interest was filed to clarify that the Department’s Title II regulation generally requires public entities, such as schools, to permit individuals with disabilities to use their service animals. (1/26/15)

National Federation of the Blind of California v. Uber Technologies, Inc.

Statement of Interest of the United States of America | PDF
The Statement of Interest was filed to clarify the scope of Title III as applied to private entities primarily engaged in providing specified public transportation services, including entities that operate a demand responsive system. (12/23/14)

S.S., et al., v. City of Springfield, Massachusetts, et al.

Statement of Interest of the United States of America | PDF
This Statement of Interest was filed to clarify the proper interpretation of the Title II ADA claim at issue in this case involving children with mental health disabilities.  The Statement of Interest addresses the relationship between the ADA and the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act ("IDEA") and further clarifies that the regulations at 28 C.F.R. § 35.130 directly execute the ADA's nondiscrimination mandate and give rise to a private right of action. (8/27/14)

New v. Lucky Brand

Statement of Interest of the United States of America | PDF
This Statement of Interest was filed to clarify that the effective communication requirements of the ADA do apply to the provision of touch-screen point-of-sale devices used to purchase goods and services in places of public accommodations so that individuals who are blind may independently enter their private personal identification number when making an in-store purchase using a debit card.   Among other things, the Department's Statement of Interest addresses the proper framework for evaluating the title III ADA claim at issue in this case. (4/10/14)

G.F., W.B., and Q.G., by and through their guardians ad litem v. Contra Costa County, California

Statement of Interest of the United States of America | PDF This Statement of Interest was filed to affirm and clarify the protections afforded to youth with disabilities by title II of the ADA, the IDEA, and their implementing regulations, where the plaintiffs have alleged violations based on the denial of special education and related services when youth are locked in their cells for 22 hours or more in solitary confinement at a juvenile hall. The Department of Education joined the Department of Justice on the Statement. (2/13/14)

R.K., by next friends, J.K. and R.K. v. Board of Education of Scott County, Kentucky

Statement of Interest of the United States of America | PDF This Statement of Interest was filed to clarify the proper framework for evaluating the title II ADA claim at issue in this case, where the plaintiffs have alleged an ADA violation based on the forcible transfer of a child with diabetes to an out-of-zone school because his zoned school lacked a full-time nurse.  The Statement of Interest also clarifies that the U.S. Constitution’s Supremacy Clause requires that state law give way where it is in conflict with a federal law such as the ADA and opposes the renewed argument that the plaintiff’s ADA claim is foreclosed for failure to exhaust administrative remedies under IDEA, a federal statute with no nexus to the case. (1/22/14)

Prakel, et al. v. the State of Indiana, et al.

Statement of Interest of the United States of America | PDF in support of Plaintiffs’ Motion for Partial Summary Judgment.  The United States argues that judges of Indiana’s Dearborn Circuit Court and Dearborn Superior Court No. 1 violated Title II of the ADA and Section 504 by failing to provide qualified interpreters to a spectator of criminal proceedings, were deliberately indifferent to the spectator’s federally protected rights entitling the spectator to compensatory damages, and engaged in association discrimination against the criminal defendant, the spectator’s mother.  (1/8/14)

National Federation of the Blind v. HRB Digital LLC and HRB Tax Group, Inc. (H&R Block)

National Federation of the Blind v. HRB Digital LLC and HRB Tax Group, Inc. Motion to Intervene | Memorandum in Support of Motion of the United States to Intervene - re: intervention regarding discrimination against individuals with disabilities in the full and equal enjoyment of the goods and services of HRB Digital LLC and HRB Tax Group, Inc. provided through (11/25/13)

Board of Elections, City of New York

United States Amicus Brief | PDF provision of accessible polling places (8/16/13)

Hunter v. District of Columbia

Statement of Interest of the United States of America | PDF in opposition to the District of Columbia’s Motion for Dismissal.  The United States argues that the District is liable under title II of the ADA for the actions of its contractors operating the District’s shelter program, and that the shelters are covered by the Fair Housing Act. (7/26/13)

Argenyi v. Creighton University

Statement of Interest of the United States of America | PDF in opposition to Creighton’s Partial Motion for Summary Judgment, regarding the applicable standard to obtain compensatory damages under Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, and Creighton’s erroneous reliance on academic deference in relation to compensatory damages. (7/15/13)

Brooklyn Center for Independence of the Disabled, et al. v. Michael R. Bloomberg and the City of New York

Statement of Interest of the United States of America | PDF in support of the plaintiffs, regarding the applicability of the ADA and Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 to New York City’s municipal emergency management and preparedness plans (5/22/13)

United States v. Northern Illinois Special Recreation Association

Memorandum Of Law In Support Of United States' Opposition To NISRA's Motion To Dismiss | PDF -- re: the refusal of a public entity that runs recreational programs for children and adults with disabilities to reasonably modify its policies – specifically, refusing to administer Diastat to children with epilepsy, which is necessary for them to fully and equally participate in the recreational programs. (1/3/13)

Department of Fair Employment & Housing v. Law School Admission Council, Inc. (LSAC) (N.D. Cal.)

Opinion Granting in Part and Denying in Part Appeal of Best Practices Report – The District Court upheld most of the expert recommendations contained in the Best Practices Report.  Implementation of the surviving best practices will begin immediately for requests for testing accommodations on the December 2015 administration of the LSAT and later administrations.   (8/7/15)

Motion to Intervene: Department of Fair Employment & Housing v. Law School Admission Council, Inc. (LSAC) | PDF - re: intervention regarding denial of testing accommodations and flagging test scores obtained with certain testing accommodations in violation of the ADA (9/6/12)

Press Release: Justice Department Seeks to Intervene in Lawsuit Against Law School Admission Council to Protect Rights of Individuals with Disabilities

Statement of Interest of the United States of America in Support of Plaintiff's Opposition to Defendant's Motion to Dismiss | PDF -- explaining that the Department's regulation on examinations and courses is entitled to deference and that LSAC's policy of flagging test scores of individuals who receive disability-related testing accommodations violates the ADA. (6/27/12)

Madigan v. Illinois High School Association (N.D. Ill.)  

Statement of Interest of the United States | PDF – explaining, among other things, that coverage under Title III of the ADA extends to entities that operate in places of public accommodation even if the owner of the facility is not otherwise covered by Title III, such as the operation of high school athletic association in public high schools for tournaments; and urging Court to deny Defendant’s Motion to Dismiss on grounds that it is not (7/25/2012)

National Association of the Deaf, et al. v. Netflix

Statement of Interest in Opposition to Defendant Netflix's Motion for Judgment on the Pleadings | PDF -- concerning closed captioning of Netflix's "Watch Instantly" Internet streamed content under title III of the ADA. (5/15/12)

Statement of Interest of the United States | PDF -- opposing defendant's motion to dismiss and arguing that plaintiffs' lawsuit, which alleges that Netflix violated title III of the ADA by failing to provide closed captioning on the video programs offered through its streaming service, should not be dismissed because (1) the Federal Communication Commission does not have primary jurisdiction over such claims, and (2) plaintiffs have standing to sue under the ADA. (10/3/11)

Noel, et al. v. New York City Taxi and Limousine Commission

Statement of Interest supporting plaintiffs' motion for partial summary judgment | PDF regarding the applicability of title II of the ADA to defendants' operation and regulation of New York City taxicabs in failing to ensure that the city's iconic taxicab fleet is accessible to individuals with mobility disabilities who use wheelchairs. (10/17/11)

Deanna Jones v. National Conference of Bar Examiners – 5:11-cv-174 (D. Vt. 2011)

Statement of Interest of the United States in Support of Plaintiff's Motion for Preliminary Injunction | PDF -- re: obligation of testing entities to provide appropriate auxiliary aids and services for examinations subject to Section 309 of the ADA to best ensure that the examination results accurately reflect an individual with a disability's knowledge and skills rather than the individual's disability. (7/20/11) Word | PDF

Colorado Cross-Disability Coalition v. Abercrombie & Fitch

Statement of Interest of the United States | PDF – supporting plaintiffs' motion for summary judgment against Hollister stores nationwide that have entrances on raised porches.  The statement of interest argues that the raised porches violate title III because they violate the provisions of both the 1991 Standards and the 2010 Standards regarding public entrances and accessible routes.  It explains that the Department's guidance to the 2010 Standards is entitled to deference and that the raised porches function as both entrance and part of the store and therefore must be accessible and must be located on an accessible route. (6/26/12)

Statement of Interest of the United States | PDF – supporting plaintiff's allegation that two Hollister stores located in the Denver area are in violation of title III of the ADA because the main entrances to the stores are not accessible even though it would be feasible to make them accessible. (6/24/11)

C.C. v. Cypress School District (C.D. Cal.)

Statement of Interest of the United States in Support of Plaintiffs' Motion for Preliminary Injunction | PDF -- re: obligation of public schools to make reasonable modifications to policies, practices, and procedures to permit students to use service animals in school and provide assistance to children with disabilities using service animals. (6/10/11)

R.K., Next Friend R.K., Next Friend J.K. v. Board of Education of Scott County, KY, Patricia Putty, Individually and in her Official Capacity

United States Amicus Brief in Support of Appellant | PDF - argues that the district court failed to apply the correct legal standards in analyzing whether defendant complied with the Rehabilitation Act's FAPE and general non-discrimination requirements, and that under the Supremacy Clause a school district may not avoid its obligations under federal law even if compliance might violate state law. (6/7/11)

American Nurses Assoc. v. O'Donnell, California Superintendent of Schools

United States Amicus Brief in Support of Defendant | PDF argues that when a state law directly conflicts with the ADA, the state law must be interpreted in a way that complies with the ADA. (5/11/11)

United States v. City of Baltimore

United States' Motion for Partial Summary Judgment | PDF -- re: discriminatory zoning standard for residential substance abuse treatment facilities. (4/15/11)

Sacred Heart Rehabilitation Center, Inc. v. Richmond Township, et al.

United States' Memorandum as Amicus Curiae in Opposition to Defendant's Motion to Dismiss | PDF -- re: title II of the ADA, zoning (special land use permit), ripeness (exhaustion of state administrative remedies), and abstention by Federal District Courts. (1/11/10)

Ault v. Walt Disney World Co.

Objections of Amicus Curiae United States to Proposed Disney Class Action Settlement Agreement | PDF (3/12/09)

Arizona v. Harkins Amusement Enterprises, Inc.

Appellate Brief for the United States as Amicus Curiae supporting appellants and urging reversal (PDF) – re: closed captions and video description as auxiliary aids in movie theaters (2/6/09)

Lawrence Dilworth, Willie Cochran, Carolyn Reed, and Elbert Davis and The United States of America v. City of Detroit

Memorandum of Points and Authorities in Support of the United States' Opposition to Defendant's Motion to Disqualify Nancy-Ellen Zusman and the Federal Transit Authority | PDF -- re: Transportation; Disqualification of Counsel (6/8/05)

Supplemental Memorandum in Support of The United States' Motion to Intervene | PDF -- re: Transportation; Intervention; Mediation; Damages (4/6/05)

Memorandum of Points and Authorities in Support of the United States' Motion to Intervene of Right or, Alternatively, to Intervene by Permission | PDF -- re: Transportation; Intervention (3/17/05)

United States v. Cinemark USA, Inc.

Plaintiff United States' Memorandum in Support of Motion for Protective Order From Rule 30(b)(6) Deposition Notice | PDF -- re: Stadium-Style Theater; Discovery; Protective Order (4/27/04)

Plaintiff United States' Combined (A) Opposition to Defendant's Motion for Protection and Motion to Quash Notice of Entry Upon Land and (B) Plaintiff's Motion for Court Order Setting Conditions for the United States' Inspections of Certain Cinemark Theaters | PDF - re: Stadium-Style Theater; Discovery; Protective Order; Pattern or Practice (4/27/04)

Plaintiff United States' Opposition to Defendant's Motion for Protection, Motion to Quash Subpoenas Served on Third Party Architects | PDF -- re: Stadium-Style Theater; Discovery (4/27/04)

Plaintiff United States' Opposition to Defendant's Motion for Partial Summary Judgment for All Stadium-Style Movie Theaters Within the Fifth Circuit | PDF -- re: Stadium-Style Theater; Pattern or Practice; Discovery (3/26/04)

Plaintiff United States' Opposition to Defendant's Request for Costs and Fees | PDF -- re: Attorneys' fees; Stadium-Style Theater (3/26/04)

Reply Memorandum of Law in Further Support of Plaintiff United States' Cross Motion for Partial Summary Judgment | PDF -- re: Stadium Style Theater; Administrative Procedure Act; Line of Sight; Collateral Estoppel (3/12/01)

Plaintiff United States' Brief in Opposition to Defendant's Motion for Summary Judgment | PDF -- re: Stadium Style Theater; Line of Sight (2/14/00)

Meineker v. Hoyts Cinemas Corporation

Plaintiff-Intervenor United States' Response to Defendant's Objections to Magistrate Homer's February 25, 2004 Order | PDF -- re: Stadium-Style Theater; Discovery; Private Right of Action (4/2/04)

Reply Memorandum in Support of United States' Motion to Intervene | PDF -- re: Stadium-Style Theater; Intervention (12/10/03)

United States' Opposition to Defendant Hoyts's Motion to Join the Department of Justice as a Party-Plaintiff | PDF -- re: Stadium-Style Theater; Joinder (12/3/03)

Memorandum in Support of United States' Motion to Intervene | PDF -- re: Stadium-Style Theater; Intervention (11/12/03)

United States v. Mississippi Department of Public Safety

Plaintiff United States' Memorandum in Support of Motion in Limine | PDF -- re: Discovery; Motion in Limine (3/1/04)

United States' Memorandum in Opposition to the Defendant's Motion for Summary Judgment | PDF -- re: Diabetes; Misconduct; Reasonable Accommodation (12/8/03)

Memorandum in Rebuttal to Defendant's Response to United States' Motion to Alter or Amend Judgment | PDF -- re: Constitutionality/Sovereign Immunity; Constitutionality/Commerce Clause (10/18/01)

Memorandum of Authorities in Support of United States' Motion to Alter or Amend Judgment | PDF -- re: Constitutionality/Sovereign Immunity; Constitutionality/Commerce Clause (9/27/01)

United States' Memorandum in Opposition to the Defendant's Motion to Dismiss | PDF -- re: Constitutionality/Commerce Clause (6/5/01)

U.S. v. Century Management, LLC. | PDF-- re: Pattern or Practice; Reasonable Cause (2/2004)

Barker v. Emory University

United States' Sur-Reply Brief as Amicus Curiae in Opposition to Emory University's Motion to Dismiss | PDF -- re: Coverage/College Dormitories (1/23/03)

United States' Brief as Amicus Curiae in Opposition to Emory University's Motion to Dismiss | PDF -- re: Coverage/College Dormitories (12/18/02)

McAleese v. Pennsylvania Dept. of Corrections

The United States' Supplemental Opposition to Defendants' Second Motion for Summary Judgment | PDF -- re: Constitutionality/Sovereign Immunity (2003)

The United States' Opposition to Defendants' Second Motion for Summary Judgment | PDF -- re: Constitutionality/Sovereign Immunity (1/15/03)

United States v. AMC Entertainment, Inc.

Response of Plaintiff United States to AMC Defendants' "Objections" to Declaration of William Hecker in Support of Plaintiff's Motion for Summary Judgement | PDF -- re: Discovery/Expert Witness; Stadium Style Theater; Line of Sight (1/14/03)

Reply Memorandum of Plaintiff United States in Support of Motion for Partial Summary Judgement on Defendants' Failure to Comply with the Standards for Accessible Elements Not Related to Line of Sight | PDF -- re: Stadium Style Theater; New Construction/Theater; Visual Alarms; Protruding Objects; Signage; Cross Slope; Toilet Rooms; Ramps; Wheelchair Seating; Aisle Seats; Maneuvering Spaces; Assistive Listening Devices (1/14/03)

Plaintiff United States' Opposition to Defendants' Motion to Certify for Interlocutory Appeal November 20, 2002 Order | PDF -- re: Stadium Style Theater; Line of Sight; Interlocutory Appeal (1/7/03)

Reply Memorandum of Plaintiff United States in Support of Motion for Partial Summary Judgment RE: Line of Sight Issues | PDF -- re: Stadium Style Theater; Line of Sight; Integral Seating; New Construction/Theater (11/18/02)

Memorandum in Support of Plaintiff United States' Motion for Partial Summary Judgment RE: Line of Sight Issues | PDF -- re: Stadium Style Theater; Line of Sight; Integral Seating; New Construction/Theater (11/18/02)

Memorandum of Plaintiff United States in Opposition to AMC's Motion for [Partial] Summary Judgment | PDF -- re: Stadium Style Theater; Line of Sight; Integral Seating; New Construction/Theater (11/18/02)

Memorandum in Support of United States' Motion to Strike Declaration of Attorney Gregory F. Hurley | PDF -- re: Stadium Style Theater; Declarations/Summary Judgment (11/18/02)

Plaintiff United States' Memorandum in Support of Motion for Partial Summary Judgment on Defendants' Affirmative Defenses | PDF -- re: Stadium Style Theater; Collateral Estoppel, Equitable Estoppel; Laches; Mitigation of Damages; Statute of Limitations; Law of the Case Doctrine; Waiver; Line of Sight (9/27/02)

Plaintiff United States' Supplemental Memorandum in Support of its Motion for Protective Order from Defendant's Notices of Deposition of Five Department of Justice Employees | PDF -- re: Stadium Style Theater; Discovery (4/15/02)

Memorandum of Points & Authorities in Support of Plaintiff United States' Motion for Protective Order From Defendant AMC Entertainment, Inc.'s Rule 30(b)(6) Deposition Notice, and Motion for Sanctions | PDF - re: Stadium-Style Theater; Protective Order (3/1/02)

Plaintiff United States' Memorandum in Support of its Ex Parte Application for a Temporary Restraining Order to Prevent Further Spoliation of the Evidence by Defendants | PDF -- re: Discovery (10/4/00)

Plaintiff United States' Supplemental Response to Revised Joint Statement Regarding Comments on Tentative Ruling | PDF -- re: Stadium Style Theater; Discovery (5/23/00)

Plaintiff United States' Memorandum of Points and Authorities in Opposition to Defendants' Ex Parte Application for an Order Enlarging the Time in Which Defendants May Refile an APA Counterclaim | PDF -- re: Stadium Style Theater; Discovery (4/28/00)

Plaintiff United States' Reply Memorandum in Support of its Motion to Dismiss Defendant STK's Counterclaim | PDF -- re: Stadium Style Theater; Administrative Procedure Act; Discovery (4/28/00)

Plaintiff United States' Memorandum in Support of its Motion to Dismiss Defendant STK's Counterclaim | PDF -- re: Stadium Style Theater; Administrative Procedure Act (4/17/00)

Plaintiff United States' Memorandum of Points and Authorities in Opposition to Defendant's Motion to Reconsider Magistrate Judge Hillman's February 25, 2000 Order | PDF-- re: Stadium Style Theater; Line of Sight; Discovery (3/27/00)

Karr v. Wal-Mart Stores, Inc. | PDF -- re: Individual with a Disability; Tourette Syndrome (12/20/02)

Anderson v. Rochester-Genesee Regional Transportation Authority | PDF -- re: Transportation; Paratransit (10/25/02)

United States v. Hoyts Cinemas Corporation and National Amusements, Inc.

Consolidated Opposition of United States to Defendants' Motions for Summary Judgement | PDF -- re: Stadium Style Theater; Line of Sight; Integral Seating (7/15/02)

Opposition of United States to Defendant's Motions to Dismiss Complaint | PDF -- re: Stadium Style Theater; Line of Sight; Integral Seating (4/30/01)

American Disability Association, Inc. v. BFS Retail & Commercial Operations, LLC | PDF -- re: Class Action/Objections (05/31/02)

It's My Party, Inc. v. The United States of America

United States' Memorandum in Reply to Plaintiff's Opposition to the United States' Motion to Dismiss Complaint for Lack of Subject Matter Jurisdiction and Motion to Strike Portions of Affidavit of Seth Hurwitz | PDF -- re: Administrative Procedure Act; Ripeness (5/13/02)

United States' Memorandum in Support of Motion to Dismiss Complaint for Lack of Subject Matter Jurisdiction | PDF -- re: Administrative Procedure Act; Declaratory Judgment; Ripeness (5/13/02)

United States' Motion to Dismiss Complaint for Lack of Subject Matter Jurisdiction | PDF -- re: Administrative Procedure Act; Declaratory Judgment; Ripeness (4/5/02)

Access Now, Inc. v. Ambulatory Surgery Center Group, Ltd. | PDF -- re: Class Action/Objections (3/1/02)

The Ability Center of Greater Toledo v. The City of Sandusky | PDF -- re: Private Right of Action (10/11/01)

Access Now, Inc. v. Cunard Line Ltd. and Carnival Corp. | PDF -- re: Class Action/Objections (8/17/01)

United States v. Norwegian Cruise Lines, Inc. and Norwegian Cruise Line Ltd.

Plaintiff United States' Memorandum Responding to the Court's Request to Brief the Applicability of Prior Authority | PDF -- re: Coverage/Cruise Ships (8/13/01)

Plaintiff United States' Memorandum of Law in Support of its Motion for a Protective Order Quashing Defendants' Subpoena | PDF -- re: Protective Order; Discovery (07/27/01)

Memorandum of Law in Support of Plaintiff United States' Motion in Limine to Exclude Evidence | PDF -- re: Direct Threat (07/27/01)

Access Living of Metropolitan Chicago et al. v. Chicago Transit Authority | PDF -- re: Damages; Standing; Transportation (4/17/01)

Crocker v. Lewiston Police Department

United States' Memorandum as Amicus Curiae in Opposition of Defendants' Motion for Summary Judgment | PDF -- re: Coverage/Arrests (2/28/01)

United States' Objections to Magistrate Judge's Memorandum Decision on Motions to Strike and Recommended Decision on Motions of Defendants Gagne and Lewiston Police Department for Summary Judgment and Motion of Plaintiff for Partial Summary Judgment | PDF -- re: Coverage/Arrests (2/27/01)

Spector v. Norwegian Cruise Line Ltd.

United States' Sur-Reply as Amicus Curiae to Defendant's Reply in Support of its Motion to Dismiss | PDF -- re: Coverage/Cruise Ships; Barrier Removal; Extraterritoriality (1/29/01)

United States' Memorandum of Law as Amicus Curiae in Support of Plaintiff's Opposition to Defendant Norwegian Cruise Line's Motion to Dismiss | PDF -- re: Coverage/Cruise Ships; Barrier Removal; Extraterritoriality (12/4/00)

Liberty Resources, Inc and Consumer Connection v. Southeastern Pennsylvania Transportation Authority | PDF (12/15/00) (NOTE: THIS BRIEF WAS FILED BY DOJ BUT WAS NOT ACCEPTED BY THE COURT BECAUSE IT WAS NOT TIMELY)

House v.City of Jackson | PDF -- re: Direct Threat; Blanket Exclusion (12/4/00)

Constance v. State University of New York Health Science Center

United States' Response as Amicus Curiae to Defendant's Motion for Summary Judgment | PDF -- re: Effective Communication; Standing; Damages (12/1/00)

United States' Reply in Support of Its Amicus Curiae Brief | PDF -- re: Constitutionality/Sovereign Immunity (5/19/99)

United States' Memorandum of Law as Intervenor and Amicus Curiae in Response to Defendant's Motion for Judgement on the Pleadings | PDF -- re: Constitutionality/Sovereign Immunity (4/27/99)

Walker v. Carnival Cruise Lines | PDF -- re: Coverage/Cruise Ships; Barrier Removal; Extraterritoriality (10/21/00)

United States v. HealthTexas Medical Group of San Antonio; Primary Carenet of Texas, L.L.C.; Humana Gold Plus; Pacificare of Texas and Secure Horizons | PDF -- re: Solely on the basis of disability; Healthcare/HMO (10/13/00)

Barrier Busters v. City of Erie, Pennsylvania | PDF -- re: Curb Cuts; Statute of Limitations (6/26/00)

United States v. United States Golf Association, Inc. | PDF -- re: Coverage/Golf Course (6/12/00)

The Disability Rights Council of Greater Washington, et al. v. Ames Department Stores, Inc. | PDF -- re: Exhaustion (6/5/00)

Fred DuVall v. County of Van Buren, Arkansas, et al. | PDF -- re: Private Right of Action; Administrative Procedure Act (5/10/00)

Kennedy v. Vincent Fitzgerald, Guy and Nancy Easter, Baskin-Robbins USA, Co., and City of Syracuse, New York | PDF -- re: Coverage/Zoning; Reasonable Modifications; Damages; Constitutionality/Taking (4/6/00)

M.C. v. Fort Lee Board of Education | PDF -- re: Constitutionality/Sovereign Immunity (2/10/00)

Higgins v. Warrior Insurance Group | PDF -- re: Insurance; Intellectual Disability (1/19/00)

Stephens v. University of Tennessee | PDF -- re: Constitutionality/Sovereign Immunity (1/5/00)

Nored v. Weakley County Emergency Communications District

United States' Reply Memorandum | PDF -- re: Intervention (12/6/99)

Memorandum of Points and Authorities in Support of the United States' Motion to Intervene as of Right or, Alternatively, to Intervene by Permission | PDF -- re: Intervention (11/4/99)

Campos v. San Francisco State University | PDF -- re: Constitutionality/Sovereign Immunity (9/10/99)

United States v. The New York State Department of Motor Vehicles; The New York State Department of Education; and the Three Village Central School District

Memorandum of Law in Reply to Defendants' Opposition to Plaintiff's Motion for Summary Judgment and in Opposition to Defendants' Cross-Motions for Summary Judgment | PDF -- re: Qualified Individual with a Disability; Employer; Backpay (7/29/99)

Memorandum of Law in Support of the United States' Motion for Summary Judgment | PDF -- re: Qualified Individual with a Disability; Employer; Backpay (3/25/99)

Pathways Psychosocial Support Center, Inc. v. Town of Leonardtown | PDF -- re: Standing (6/2/99)

Alvarez v. Fountainhead, Inc. | PDF - re: Childcare; Asthma; Reasonable Modification; Irreparable harm; Association (4/22/99)

Deck v. City of Toledo | PDF -- re: Curb Cuts; Standing (4/22/99)

Lonberg v. Sanborn Theaters, Inc. | PDF -- re: New Construction; Line of Sight; Stadium Style Theater (4/20/99)

Cinemark USA v. United States Department of Justice | PDF -- re: Administrative Procedure Act; Stadium style Theater (4/2/99)

Ramon Badillo Santiago, M.D. PRO SE v. Hon. Jose Andreu Garcia, et al. | PDF -- re: Constitutionality/Sovereign Immunity; Judicial Immunity; Auxiliary Aids (3/10/99)

James v. Peter Pan Transit Management, Inc. | PDF -- re: Coverage/Contractor; Damages; Transportation (3/1/99)

Project Life, Inc. v. Parris Glendening | PDF -- re: Coverage/Drug Rehabilitation (3/1/99)

Long v. Coast Resorts, Inc. | PDF -- re: New Construction; Hotels (3/1/99)

Colorado Cross-Disability Coalition v. Taco Bell Corporation | PDF -- re: Exhaustion; New Construction/Customer Service Queues; Barrier Removal (1/27/99)

Williams v. Wasserman | PDF -- re: Constitutionality/Immunity; Constitutionality/Commerce Clause (12/9/98)

Kitson v. Peoples Heritage Savings Bank | PDF -- re: Exhaustion (11/12/98)

Rogers v. Department of Health and Environmental Control, et al. | PDF -- re: Coverage/Employment (9/10/98)

Harnois v. Christy's Market | PDF -- re: Exhaustion (9/4/98)

Beauchamp v. Los Angeles County Metropolitan Transit Authority | PDF -- re: Private Right of Action; Exhaustion (8/10/98)

Brown v. Chiles | PDF -- re: Constitutionality/Sovereign Immunity; Unnecessary Segregation (7/17/98)

Padilla v. Ryan | PDF -- re: Auxiliary Aids; Reasonable Modification; Prisons (6/26/98)

Gilbert v. Eckerd Drugs | PDF -- re: Exhaustion (6/1/98)

Butler v. The National Collegiate Athletic Association | PDF -- re: Learning Disability; Coverage/NCAA; Public Accommodation/Operates; Public Accommodation/Leases (3/19/98)

Tatum v. The National Collegiate Athletic Association | PDF -- re: Coverage/NCAA; Public Accommodation/Operates (1/9/98)

Miller v. District of Columbia | PDF -- re: Auxiliary Aids; 911 (12/4/97)

United States v. Days Inn of America, Inc.

Plaintiff United States' Reply Memorandum in Support of Its Motion for Summary Judgment | PDF -- re: Public Accommodation/Franchiser; New Construction/Hotels (12/2/97)

Plaintiff United States' Memorandum in Opposition to Defendants Days Inns of America, Inc. and HFS Incorporated's Motion for Summary Judgment | PDF -- re: Public Accommodation/Franchiser; New Construction/Hotels (11/14/97)

United States' Reply Memorandum in Support of Its Motion for Summary Judgment | PDF -- re: Public Accommodation/Franchiser; New Construction/Hotels (11/13/97)

Plaintiff United States' Memorandum in Support of Its Motion for Summary Judgment | PDF -- re: Public Accommodation/Franchiser; New Construction/Hotels (10/27/97)

United States' Reply Memorandum in Support of Its Motion for Summary Judgment | PDF -- re: Public Accommodation/Franchiser; New Construction/Hotels (10/08/97)

United States' Reply Memorandum in Support of Its Motion for Summary Judgment | PDF -- re: Public Accommodation/Franchiser; New Construction/Hotels (10/06/97)

United States' Memorandum in Opposition to Defendants Days Inns of America, Inc. and HFS Incorporated's Motion for Summary Judgment (Oral Argument Requested) | PDF -- re: Public Accommodation/Franchiser; New Construction/Hotels (9/20/97)

United States' Memorandum in Support of Its Motion for Summary Judgement | PDF -- re: Public Accommodation/Franchiser; New Construction/Hotels (8/28/97)

Plaintiff United States' Memorandum in Opposition to Defendants Motion for Summary Judgement | PDF -- re: Public Accommodation/Franchiser; New Construction/Hotels (8/27/97)

United States' Memorandum in Support of its Motion for Summary Judgement | PDF -- re: Public Accommodation/Franchiser; New Construction/Hotels (8/17/97)

Anderson v. Pennsylvania Department of Public Works | PDF -- re: Constitutionality/Sovereign Immunity (11/06/97)

Bowers v. The National Collegiate Athletic Association | PDF -- re: Learning Disability; Coverage/NCAA; Public Accommodation/Operates; Public Accommodation/Leases (11/4/97)

Martin v. South Carolina Department of Transportation | PDF -- re: Coverage/Employment; Exhaustion (7/01/97)

Autio v. State of Minnesota | PDF -- re: Constitutionality/Sovereign Immunity (3/5/97)

United States v. Ellerbe Becket, Inc. | PDF -- re: Architects: Stadium/Arena (1/13/97)

Wai v. Allstate Insurance Company | PDF -- re: Insurance (1/1/97)

Lara v. Cinemark USA, Inc. | PDF -- re: Stadium Style Theater; Line of Sight (1997)

Colorado Cross-Disability Coalition v. Nine West Group, Inc. | PDF -- re: Exhaustion (12/20/96)

Cason v. Seckinger | PDF -- re: Coverage/Prisons (9/30/96)

Westcott v. Gardner | PDF -- re: Coverage/Prisons (9/30/96)

Davoll, et al. v. The City and County of Denver, et al. | PDF -- re: Coverage: Reasonable Accommodation/Reassignment (8/15/96)

Paralyzed Veterans of America v. Ellerbe Becket Architects | PDF -- re: Line of Sight; Stadium/Arenas (7/10/96)

Armstrong v. Wilson | PDF -- re: Coverage/Prisons; Constitutionality/Sovereign Immunity (6/21/96)

Lancaster v. City of Mobile, Alabama | PDF -- re: Constitutionality/Sovereign Immunity (5/16/96)

Gorman v. Bishop

Response of the United States as Amicus Curiae to Defendants' Supplemental Motion for Summary Judgment | PDF -- re: Coverage/Arrests; Reasonable Modification (4/25/96)

Brief of the United States as Amicus Curiae in Response to Defendants' Separate Motions for Summary Judgment | PDF -- re: Qualified/Immunity (3/8/96)

Reply Brief of the United States as Amicus Curiae | PDF - re: Coverage/Arrests (12/27/95)

United States' Suggestions in Opposition to Defendants' Partial Motion to Dismiss | PDF - re: Coverage/Arrests; Constitutionality/Vagueness (7/14/95)

Memorandum of the United States as Amicus Curiae | PDF -- re: Coverage/Arrests

United States v. The City and County of Denver | PDF -- re: Attorney General Authority (4/19/96)

Days Inn of America, Inc. v. Reno | PDF -- re: Declaratory Judgment; Standing (4/8/96)

Ferguson v. City of Phoenix

United States' Supplemental Brief as Amicus Curiae in Opposition to Defendant's Motion for Summary Judgment | PDF -- re: 9-1-1 (3/1/96)

United States' Brief as Amicus Curiae in Opposition to Defendant's Motion for Summary Judgment | PDF -- re: 9-1-1; Damages (2/22/96)

Davoll, et al., v. Wellington Webb, et al. | PDF -- re: Coverage; Reasonable Accommodation/Reassignment; Qualified Individual with a Disability (2/29/96)

United States v. City of Pontiac

Plaintiff United States' Reply Brief to Defendant's Opposition to Plaintiff's Motion for Summary Judgment | PDF -- re: Qualified Individual with a Disability; Employer Direct Threat; Monocular Vision (2/9/96)

Plaintiff United States' Response Brief in Opposition to Defendant's Motion for Summary Judgment | PDF -- re: Qualified Individual with a Disability; Employer Direct Threat; Monocular Vision (1/1/94)

Plaintiff United States' Brief in Support of its Motion for Summary Judgment | PDF -- re: Qualified Individual with a Disability; Employer Direct Threat; Monocular Vision (1/1/94)

Lakes Region Consumer Advocacy Board v. City of Laconia, New Hampshire

Supplemental Memorandum of the United States as Amicus Curiae | PDF -- re: Coverage/Zoning; Reasonable Modification (1995)

Memorandum of the United States as Amicus Curiae | PDF -- re: Coverage/Zoning; Reasonable Modification (1995)

Orr v. Kindercare Learning Centers, Inc.

Reply Brief of the United States as Amicus Curiae in Support of Plaintiffs' Motion for Preliminary Injunction | PDF -- re: Childcare; Reasonable Modification; Association (5/19/95)

United States' Brief as Amicus Curiae in Support of Plaintiffs' Motion for Preliminary Injunction and Request for Oral Argument | PDF -- re: Childcare; Reasonable Modification; Association (4/24/95)

United States and Taylor Home of Charlotte, Inc. v. City of Charlotte, North Carolina | PDF -- re: Association; Coverage/Zoning (3/13/95)

Kovacs v. Kawakami | PDF -- re: Standing; Auxiliary Aids; Reasonable Modification (2/24/95)

Clark v. Virginia Board of Bar Examiners

Memorandum of Law of the United States as Amicus Curiae | PDF -- re: Unnecessary Inquiries; Licensing/Attorneys (11/21/94)

Memorandum of the United States as Amicus Curiae in Opposition to Defendants' Motion for Summary Judgement | PDF -- re: Unnecessary Inquiries; Licensing/Attorneys (10/31/94)

Memorandum of the United States as Amicus Curiae in Support of Plaintiff's Notice and Motion to Alter Judgment | PDF -- re: Standing; Individual with a Disability Unnecessary Inquiries; Licensing/Attorneys (8/9/94)

Fiedler v. American Multi-Cinema, Inc. | PDF -- re: Public Accommodation/Operates; Barrier Removal/Movie Theaters; Direct Threat (9/30/94)

Ellen S. v. Florida Board of Bar Examiners | PDF -- re: Unnecessary Inquiries; Licensing/Attorneys (6/29/94)

Gorman v. Guitars & Cadillacs, L.P. | PDF -- re: Coverage/Arrests; Constitutionality/Vagueness; Reasonable Modification (6/21/94)

Posner v. Central Synagogue | PDF -- re: Constitutionality/Religious Exemption (12/30/93)

United States v. Becker, CPA Review, Ltd.

Reply to Defendant's Opposition to United States' Motion for Partial Summary Judgment | PDF - re: Auxiliary Aids; Examinations and Courses (10/11/93)

Corrected memorandum of Points and Authorities In Support of United States' Motion for Partial Summary Judgment | PDF -- re: Auxiliary Aids; Examinations and Courses (10/11/93)

Cohen v. The Trustees of Boston University | PDF -- re: Tourette Syndrome; Academic Freedom (10/7/93)

Medical Society of New Jersey v. Jacobs | PDF -- re: Unnecessary Inquiries (9/29/93)

Pinnock v. International House of Pancakes Franchisee | PDF -- re: Constitutionality/Commerce Clause (9/7/93)

Galloway v. Superior Court of the District of Columbia

Memorandum of the United States, as Amicus Curiae, in Opposition to Defendants' Motion for Summary Judgement on Plaintiff's Claim for Compensatory Damages | PDF -- re: Vision Impairment; Jury; Damages (5/21/93)

Memorandum of the United States as Amicus Curiae | PDF -- re: Vision Impairment; Jury; Damages (4/30/93)

Rosenthal v. New York State Board of Law Examiners | PDF -- re: Unnecessary Inquiries (4/13/92)


Olmstead -- Olmstead Litigation

United States of America v. City of Florence, Kentucky -- pregnancy and disability lawsuit challenging a discriminatory light duty and disability-related “no restrictions” policy in the workplace, and challenging the failure to provide a reasonable accommodation to a woman with a pregnancy-related disability (10/26/16)

30 Hop Restaurant -- re: compliance with new construction requirements, including accessible routes between floors, at a multi-story restaurant and bar (9/19/16)

Humboldt County, CA -- re: failure to comply with Title II of the ADA even after entering into a Project Civic Access agreement (9/7/16)

United States v. Harris County, TX -- re: provision of physically accessible polling places for individuals with mobility and vision disabilities (8/4/16)

John Longacre, et al -- re: removal of architectural barriers in a restaurant (4/25/16)

Pain Management Care, P.C. -- re: denial of medical treatment by pain management doctor because the patient has HIV (4/7/16)

Richmond City Sheriff’s Office, Richmond, VA -- re:  termination resulting from failure to reassign qualified employee to a vacant position as a reasonable accommodation for her cardiac disability (3/2/16)

Greyhound Lines, Inc. -- re: agreement with nation’s largest provider of intercity bus transportation to remedy nationwide pattern or practice of ADA violations (2/8/16)

Two Men and a Truck -- re: moving company’s refusal to complete move of customer with Hepatitis-C (1/28/16)

Bolivar County, Mississippi -- re: termination of correctional officer after he disclosed in a post-hire physical examination that he was previously diabetic (11/17/15)

Augusta County, Virginia -- re: provision of physically accessible polling places for individuals with mobility and vision disabilities (11/4/15)

Pikes Peak Wrestling League – re: wrestling league's failure to modify its policies, practices or procedures to allow a child who has dwarfism to “play down” one age division at a state wrestling championship so that he could compete with wrestlers closer to his weight and size (10/29/15) 

County of Riverside, California -- re: a job applicant with epilepsy denied a position by the County (10/8/15)

Gates-Chili Central School District | PDF -- re: public school district's failure to make reasonable modifications to policies, practices, and procedures to permit a student to use her service animal in school with assistance from school staff, in violation of title II of the ADA (9/29/15)

University of Michigan -- re: failure to reassign two qualified employees as a reasonable accommodation and engaging in a pattern or practice of discrimination by requiring employees with disabilities who need reassignment as a reasonable accommodation to compete for a vacant position.  (7/22/15)

Aleeha Dudley v. Miami University, et al. | PDF -- re: a motion to intervene and proposed complaint alleging that Miami University has violated Title II of the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) by requiring current and former students with disabilities to use inaccessible websites and learning management system software, and by providing these students with inaccessible course materials.

Compass Career Management L.L.C. -- re: career college’s failure to enroll applicant with HIV in licensed practical nursing program (4/27/15)

City of Ocean Springs, Mississippi – lawsuit alleging the City of Ocean Springs, MS discriminated against Psycamore, LLC, an outpatient mental health clinic, on the basis of disability, when the City denied Psycamore a certificate of occupancy and a use permit to operate in a zone where it should have been allowed to operate by right under the local zoning ordinance (11/25/14)

Renaissance Mobile Battle House Hotel and Spa -- re: architectural barriers at an extensively renovated historic hotel in Mobile, AL, including at its entrance areas, accessible routes, spas, swimming pool, and other common use areas as well as its guest rooms (10/14/14)

Milwaukee Montessori School (Wisconsin) – re:  the failure to reasonably modify policies for and impermissible disenrollment of a young child whose disability caused him to stumble and fall more frequently than his peers. (9/29/14)

City of North Las Vegas -- re: constructive discharge of qualified employee after employer’s unjustified revocation of the employee’s longstanding reasonable accommodation for his monocular vision, which exempted him from obtaining a Commercial Driver’s License. (9/25/14)

City of Baltimore, Maryland -- re: pattern or practice of discrimination requiring job applicants to submit to a medical examination and answer disability-related inquiries before making conditional offers of employment, and refusal to hire a complainant because of her disability (8/20/14)

City School District of New Rochelle, New York -- re: public entities’ obligation to provide students with disabilities the opportunity to meaningfully participate in evacuations – whether actual or drills – under Title II of the ADA (7/23/14)

Days Inn and Conference Center (Tulsa, OK) -- re: reasonable modification of policies, practices and procedures to permit full and equal access to hotel facilities by disabled guests who use service animals and not subjecting guests with service animals to the hotel's "pet policy" (5/23/14)

Nederlander Organization -- re: comprehensive barrier removal in nine theaters in New York City (1/28/14)

National Federation of the Blind v. HRB Digital LLC and HRB Tax Group, Inc. (H&R Block) -- re: intervention regarding discrimination against individuals with disabilities in the full and equal enjoyment of the goods and services of HRB Digital LLC and HRB Tax Group, Inc. provided through (12/11/13)

Carmine's Broadway Feast -- re: consent decree requiring removal of architectural barriers in multiple New York City locations of a restaurant chain (10/30/13)

County of Erie, New York -- re: failure to promote a Park Maintenance Worker with a vision impairment on the basis of disability and failure to offer a reasonable accommodation (7/10/13)

Fire Department of the City of New York -- re: failing to provide reasonable accommodations and forced retirement of an employee having pulmonary injuries related to FDNY operations at the World Trade Center on or after September 11, 2001 (5/18/13)

The City of New York - re: discriminatory practices of requiring an applicant to submit to a medical examination prior to a conditional offer of employment and refusing to provide reasonable accommodations during the application process (3/1/13)

United States of America v. Corral of Westland, LLC d/b/a Golden Corral Restaurant, Kirit Patel and Shakuntla Patel - re: denying a family access to a restaurant because the family's children have a genetic skin disorder that is not contagious (2/27/13)

Department of Fair Employment & Housing v. Law School Admission Council, Inc. (LSAC) (N.D. Cal.) | PDF -- re: denial of testing accommodations and flagging test scores obtained with certain testing accommodations in violation of the ADA (10/19/12)

Press Release: Justice Department Intervenes in Lawsuit Against Law School Admission Council on Behalf of Test Takers with Disabilities Nationwide

Baltimore County, Maryland -- re: discriminatory practices of, among other things, requiring employees to submit to medical examinations and disability-related inquiries without a proper reason, and by excluding applicants from emergency medical technician (EMT) positions because of their diabetes (8/6/12)

Starline Tours of Hollywood, Inc. -- re: accessible service and operations of a tour bus company to ensure that persons with disabilities have available to them accessible transportation and services from trained employees (7/26/12)

The United States District Court For The District Of Nebraska (QuikTrip Corporation) - re: ensuring accessibility of hundreds of gas stations, convenience stores, truck stops, and travel centers; fueling and other types of assistance; independent licensed architect certification; website accessibility; compensatory damages fund for aggrieved individuals (7/15/10)

United States of America v. Patric LeHouillier and LeHouillier & Associates, P.C. - re: denying access to his law offices because an individual with a disability was accompanied by a service animal (11/4/09)


Olmstead -- Olmstead Litigation
HIV/AIDS -- HIV/AIDS Litigation
Barrier-Free Health Care Initiative -- Access to Medical Care Litigation

United States of America v. City of Florence, Kentucky -- pregnancy and disability lawsuit challenging a discriminatory light duty and disability-related “no restrictions” policy in the workplace, and challenging the failure to provide a reasonable accommodation to a woman with a pregnancy-related disability (10/26/16)

Aleeha Dudley and United States v. Miami University, et al. -- Under the proposed consent decree, Miami will make significant improvements to ensure that technologies across all its campuses are accessible to individuals with disabilities and will pay $25,000 to compensate individuals with disabilities.  The decree also requires reforms to Miami University’s technology procurement practices. (10/17/16)

United States v. 30 Hop Restaurant -- re: compliance with new construction requirements, including accessible routes between floors, at a multi-story restaurant and bar (9/19/16)

United States v. Humboldt County, CA -- re: failure to comply with Title II of the ADA even after entering into a Project Civic Access agreement (9/7/16)

United States v. Pain Management Care, P.C. -- re: denial of medical treatment by pain management doctor because the patient has HIV (4/7/16)

United States v. Greyhound Lines, Inc. -- re: agreement with nation’s largest provider of intercity bus transportation to remedy nationwide pattern or practice of ADA violations (2/8/16)

United States v. Two Men and a Truck -- re: moving company’s refusal to complete move of customer with Hepatitis-C (1/28/16)

United States v. Bolivar County, Mississippi -- re: termination of correctional officer after he disclosed in a post-hire physical examination that he was previously diabetic (11/17/15)

United States v. Augusta County, Virginia -- re: provision of physically accessible polling places for individuals with mobility and vision disabilities (11/4/15)

United States v. Pikes Peak Wrestling League – re: wrestling league's failure to modify its policies, practices or procedures to allow a child who has dwarfism to “play down” one age division at a state wrestling championship so that he could compete with wrestlers closer to his weight and size (10/29/15)

United States v. County of Riverside, California -- re: a job applicant with epilepsy denied a position by the County (10/8/15)

United States v. University of Michigan -- re: failure to reassign two qualified employees as a reasonable accommodation and engaging in a pattern or practice of discrimination by requiring employees with disabilities who need reassignment as a reasonable accommodation to compete for a vacant position.  (7/22/15)

United States v. Compass Career Management L.L.C. -- re: career college’s failure to enroll applicant with HIV in licensed practical nursing program (4/27/15)

United States v. Days Inn and Conference Center Tulsa (Oklahoma) -- re: alleged exclusion of a guest with a disability from lodging at a hotel because the guest had a service animal (2/6/15)

United States v. City of Ocean Springs, Mississippi – re: agreement with City of Ocean Springs, MS to resolve zoning discrimination lawsuit alleging the City discriminated against an outpatient mental health clinic because it treats patients with mental illness in violation of Title II of the ADA (11/25/14)

United States v. Renaissance Mobile Battle House Hotel and Spa -- re: architectural barriers at an extensively renovated historic hotel in Mobile, AL, including at its entrance areas, accessible routes, spas, swimming pool, and other common use areas as well as its guest rooms (10/14/14)

United States v. Milwaukee Montessori School (Wisconsin) – re:  the failure to reasonably modify policies for and impermissible disenrollment of a young child whose disability caused him to stumble and fall more frequently than his peers. (9/29/14)

United States v. City of North Las Vegas -- re: constructive discharge of qualified employee after employer’s unjustified revocation of the employee’s longstanding reasonable accommodation for his monocular vision, which exempted him from obtaining a Commercial Driver’s License. (9/25/14)

United States v. City of Baltimore, Maryland -- re: pattern or practice of discrimination requiring job applicants to submit to a medical examination and answer disability-related inquiries before making conditional offers of employment, and refusal to hire a complainant because of her disability (8/20/14)

United States v. City School District of New Rochelle, New York -- re: public entities’ obligation to provide students with disabilities the opportunity to meaningfully participate in evacuations – whether actual or drills – under Title II of the ADA (7/23/14)

Department of Fair Employment & Housing and the United States of America v. Law School Admission Council, Inc. (LSAC) (N.D. Cal.) | Press Release -- re: denial of testing accommodations and flagging test scores obtained with certain testing accommodations in violation of the ADA (5/20/14)

Opinion Granting in Part and Denying in Part Appeal of Best Practices Report – The District Court upheld most of the expert recommendations contained in the Best Practices Report.  Implementation of the surviving best practices will begin immediately for requests for testing accommodations on the December 2015 administration of the LSAT and later administrations.   In the event that LSAC chooses to appeal the District Court’s decision to the Ninth Circuit, implementation may occur on a different timeline, however.   We will continue to post updates to this website as developments occur.  (8/7/15)

Order Extending the Claims Period to April 15, 2015 – The deadline for submitting a claim for the LSAC nationwide compensation fund has been extended to April 15, 2015. Contact the Claims Administrator for information on how to submit a claim. (See the entry below “Compensation Fund Information & Notice” for the Claims Administrator’s contact information.)

Compensation Fund Information & Notice – The deadline for submitting a claim for the LSAC nationwide compensation fund has been extended to April 15, 2015. Information regarding the LSAC nationwide compensation fund, including how to submit a claim and how to contact the Claims Administrator, can be found in the attached Notice and at

Best Practices Report in DFEH v. LSAC | PDF –This report contains recommendations – or “best practices” – from an expert panel convened pursuant to the Consent Decree that LSAC must implement.  LSAC appealed the Best Practices Report to the District Court.  The District Court denied that appeal for the most part and upheld the majority of the expert recommendations contained in the Best Practices Report, in an opinion issued on August 7, 2015.  Implementation of the surviving best practices will begin immediately for requests for testing accommodations on the December 2015 administration of the LSAT and later administrations.   In the event thatLSAC chooses to appeal the District Court’s decision to the Ninth Circuit, implementation may occur on a different timeline, however.   We will continue to post updates to this website as developments occur. (1/26/15)

National Federation of the Blind et al and the United States of America v. HRB Digital LLC and HRB Tax Group, Inc. (H&R Block) -- re: compliance with Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0 AA for tax company's website and mobile applications (3/6/14)

United States v. Nederlander Organization -- re: comprehensive barrier removal in nine theaters in New York City (1/28/14)

United States v. Carmine's Broadway Feast -- re: consent decree requiring removal of architectural barriers in multiple New York City locations of a restaurant chain (11/8/13)

United States v. Cotton's Restaurant -- re: consent decree requiring removal of architectural barriers in a restaurant (9/17/13)

United States of America v. Corral of Westland, LLC d/b/a Golden Corral Restaurant, Kirit Patel and Shakuntla Patel Consent Decree - re: denying a family access to a restaurant because the family's children have a genetic skin disorder that is not contagious (7/31/13)

United States v. County of Erie, New York -- re: failure to promote a Park Maintenance Worker with a vision impairment on the basis of disability and failure to offer a reasonable accommodation (7/10/13)

United States v. Fire Department of the City of New York -- re: failing to provide reasonable accommodations and forced retirement of an employee having pulmonary injuries related to FDNY operations at the World Trade Center on or after September 11, 2001 (5/8/13)

United States v. The City of New York - re: discriminatory practices of requiring an applicant to submit to a medical examination prior to a conditional offer of employment and refusing to provide reasonable accommodations during the application process (3/1/13)

United States v. Rosa Mexicano- re: consent decree requiring removal of architectural barriers in multiple New York City locations of a restaurant chain (2/12/13)

United States v. Baltimore County, Maryland -- re: discriminatory practices of, among other things, requiring employees to submit to medical examinations and disability-related inquiries without a proper reason, and by excluding applicants from emergency medical technician (EMT) positions because of their diabetes (8/6/12)

United States v. Starline Tours of Hollywood, Inc.-- re: accessible service and operations of a tour bus company to ensure that persons with disabilities have available to them accessible transportation and services from trained employees (7/26/12)

United States v. Larkin, Axelrod, Ingrassia & Tetenbaum, LLP -- re: modification of policies, practices, and procedures to permit the use of a service animal by an individual with a disability during meetings at a law firm (entered 6/28/12)

United States v. Lincoln Center for the Performing Arts (Avery Fisher Hall) -- re: removal of architectural barriers to provide access to a performing arts facility, including wheelchair seating locations, toilet rooms, and food/drink service and retail areas (6/28/12)

United States v. Total Lifetime Care Health and Fitness Center --  re:  reasonable modification of policy in order to accommodate a fitness center member with a disability and allow a non-member to accompany her during her workout  (5/3/12)

United States v. GPH Management and RFR Hotel Group regarding the Gramercy Park Hotel -- re: removal of architectural and communication barriers to provide access to guest rooms and common elements (9/14/11)

United States of America v. Department of Justice of the Commonwealth of Puerto Rico -- re: title I of the ADA consent decree to provide training to employees on the requirements of the ADA, to provide reasonable accommodation and compensation to discriminated employee, and to adopt policies to ensure employees accessible meetings and office locations (8/29/11)

United States v. Metropolitan Opera, New York, NY -  re:  alterations requirements, removal of architectural barriers, and ticketing policy to provide access to the Metropolitan Opera House. (4/8/11)

United States of America v. Inova Health System- re: consent decree to provide appropriate auxiliary aids and services, including sign language interpreters, to persons who are deaf or hard of hearing at a hospital (3/30/11)

United States v. AMC Entertainment, Inc, et al. -- re: consent decree (subject to court approval) to improve wheelchair and companion seating at AMC’s existing and acquired stadium-style theaters nationwide, establish design requirements for future construction theaters, and require payment of civil penalties and compensatory damages (11/23/10)

United States v. HCA Health Services of New Hampshire (Portsmouth Regional Hospital) -- re: provision of appropriate auxiliary aids and services, including qualified sign language interpreters, for deaf and hard of hearing patients and companions where necessary to ensure effective communication at a hospital (11/23/10)

United States v. NCL (Bahamas) Ltd. and NCL America, LLC -- re: auxiliary aids and services for guests who are deaf or hard of hearing on cruises and accessible bus transportation for travel between the airport, cruise ship, and hotel, and on shore excursions (11/18/10)

United States v. Hilton Worldwide, Inc. -- re: consent decree to enhance accessibility of hotels built after 1993, provide equal opportunity to reserve accessible guest rooms, improve information available about accessible guest rooms, and require dispersion of accessible guest rooms (11/9/10)

United States v. County of Ventura, CA-- re: alleged failure to hire a qualified social worker who is deaf because of reasonable accommodations including a sign language interpreter  (7/16/10)

United States v. QuikTrip Corporation -- re: ensuring accessibility of hundreds of gas stations, convenience stores, truck stops, and travel centers; fueling and other types of assistance; independent licensed architect certification; website accessibility; compensatory damages fund for aggrieved individuals  (7/15/10)

United States v. City of Jackson, Miss -- re: maintenance of wheelchair lifts on the city's fixed route bus system, training personnel to assist passengers with disabilities, and meeting the required level of service on the city's complementary paratransit system (3/30/10)

Motion to Revise and Extend Consent Decree (3/10/15)

United States v. LeHouillier & Associates, P.C. -- re: ensuring equal access to a law office for individuals with disabilities who are accompanied by sevice animals and providing for payment of compensatory damages and a civil penalty (3/29/10)

United States v. The Moderne, the Ameritania, and the Amsterdam Court hotels, New York, NY -- re: removal of architectural and communication barriers to provide access to guest rooms and common elements  (5/6/09)

United States v. City of Colorado Springs, CO -- re: violation the ADA’s non-retaliation prohibition (8/14/08)

United States v. New Century Travel, Inc. -- re: provision of accessible transportation on wheelchair equipped over-the-road buses, including the opportunity to book and receive timely confirmation of reservations  (7/7/08)

United States v. University of Michigan -- re: accessible seating in the university’s football stadium, modifications to ticketing policies, accessible parking, toilet rooms, accessible routes to and throughout the stadium, and other facilities and services at the stadium   (3/10/08)

United States v. Madison Square Garden, L.P., Rainbow Media Holdings, L.L.C., and Cablevision Systems Corp. -- re: removal of architectural barriers in a sports and entertainment venue   (11/1/07)

United States v. Inova Health Care Services, Falls Church, VA -- re: provision of auxiliary aids and services, including interpreters for deaf patients and companions at the Hospital  (4/9/07)

United States v. Smith and the United States v. City of Philadelphia -- re: nondiscrimination on the basis of disability, including individuals with communicable diseases, in the provision of emergency medical services provided by the city  (11/13/06)

United States v. DeNunzio's Restaurant, Jeannette, PA -- re: removal of architectural barriers (8/23/06)

Laurel Regional Hospital -- re: ensuring effective communication, including interpreters on-site/via videophone at a hospital (7/18/06)

United States v. Bern Township, PA -- re: reasonable accommodations for employees and job applicants with disabilities

United States v. Robin Singh Educational Services, Inc., d/b/a Testmasters -- re: consent order to ensure effective communication, including with interpreters, for students of prep course for LSAT and other exams  (6/21/06)

United States v. Advanced Eye Care Associates -- re: provision of auxiliary aids and services to insure effective communication for patients at the eye care center (6/14/06)

United States v. Town Sports International, Inc. -- re: provision of reasonable modifications in policies, practices, and procedures when necessary to ensure safe participation in program for campers with diabetes  (3/30/06)

United States v. Kaufman Realty Corporation -- re: leasing space to a non-profit organization that provides services to individuals with disabilities  (3/15/06)

United States v. National Amusements, Inc.-- re: consent order to provide lines of sight for persons who use wheelchairs that are comparable to those offered other patrons in stadium-style movie theaters (3/16/06)

United States v. Easter Seals Michigan, Inc.  -- re: denial of zoning permit for a day program for people with mental illness (12/12/05)

United States v. City of Detroit  -- re: accessibility of Detroit's fixed route bus system for individuals who use wheelchairs (11/3/05)

United States v. Cinemark USA, Inc.  -- re: consent order to provide lines of sight for persons who use wheelchairs that are comparable to those offered other patrons in stadium-style movie theaters (11/3/05)

United States v. Fairview Health Services -- re: provide qualified sign language interpreters and other auxiliary aids and services to ensure effective communication  (3/24/05)

United States v. New Puck, LP -- re: readily achievable barrier removal; alternatives to barrier removal; and modification of policies, practices and procedures (3/24/05)

United States v. Parkway Hospital -- re: provide sign language interpreters and other auxiliary aids and services to ensure effective communication (2/24/05)

United States v. Mississippi Department of Public Safety -- re: failing to provide reasonable accommodations and discharge of an employee having insulin-dependent diabetes from training academy (7/16/04)

United States v. Top China Buffet, Inc., Indianapolis, IN -- re: admitting service animals in a restaurant (3/12/04)

United States v. AMC Entertainment Inc., AMC Multi-Cinema Inc. -- re: removal of barriers to accessibility in elements and features of stadium style movie theaters other than those affecting "comparable lines of sight." (12/18/03)

United States v. State of Tennessee  -- re: state statute regulating eligibility criteria for public safety jobs (9/4/03)

United States v. SFX Entertainment, Inc. d/b/a Clear Channel Entertainment -- re: modification to policies to allow guests with diabetes to keep their diabetic supplies and food with them inside the concert venue (6/23/03)

United States v. Penn's Landing Partners and Brennan Beer Gorman -- re: new construction and compliance review of hotel in North Carolina (12/2/02)

United States v. Norwegian Cruise Line Limited  -- re: modifications of policies and procedures, including eligibility requirements, for people with visual impairments (9/5/01)

United States v. Drew v. Merrill -- re: Providing auxiliary aids and services, including qualified sign language interpreters for effective communication with persons who are deaf or who have other communication-related disabilities (2/6/01)

United States v. City of Steamboat Springs, CO  -- re: transit services and other city programs and facilities (2/2/01)

United States v. State of Tennessee, Weakley County and Weakley County Emergency Communications District  -- re: state statute imposing blanket exclusion based on mental disability and requiring psychological testing of state and local government law enforcement employees (1/30/01)

United States v. Neurological Surgery, Inc. -- re: denial of medical services on the basis of disability (12/22/00)

United States v. City and County of Denver and Denver, Colorado Police Department - modification of employment policy to allow police officers with disabilities to be reassigned to civilian jobs in the city or county (7/19/00)

United States v. Days Inns of America, Inc and Cendant Corporation  -- re: new construction under the ADA (12/2/99)

United States v. RCPI Trust & Radio City Productions LLC (posted Radio City Music Hall) -- re: removal of architectural barriers, reasonable modifications of policies, practices and procedures, and effective communication (2/11/99)

United States v. Middlesex Memorial Hospital, et al., CT  -- re: providing auxiliary aids and services, including sign language interpreters in hospitals (8/20/98)

United States v. National Collegiate Athletic Association  (posted NCAA) -- re: initial-eligibility requirements for students with learning disabilities (5/26/98)

United States v. Maine Medical Center, Portland, ME  -- re: effective communication with persons who are deaf or hard of hearing or who have other communication-related disabilities (5/18/98)

United States v. Ellerbe Becket, Inc., Minneapolis, MN  -- re: design and construction of arenas and stadiums (4/22/98)

United States v. Dover Downs Entertainment, Inc., Dover, DE  -- re: removal of architectural barriers and compliance with the alteration requirements of the ADA Standards for Accessible Design (3/15/98)

United States v. State of Hawaii, Honolulu, HI  -- re: quarantine of guide dogs used by persons with visual impairments (1/15/98)

United States v. Metropolitan Government of Nashville and Davidson County, TN -- re: employment of an emergency medical technician who is deaf in one ear and prohibition of blanket disqualification standards (7/9/97)

United States v. Friendly Ice Cream Corporation -- re: auxiliary aids and services, architectural access, and removal of architectural barriers at Friendly's Restaurants (5/22/97)


Olmstead -- Olmstead Litigation
HIV/AIDS -- HIV/AIDS Litigation
Barrier-Free Health Care Initiative -- Access to Medical Care Litigation
Project Civic Access -- Access to Counties, Cities, Towns, and Villages

Ohio Department of Rehabilitation and Correction -- re: removal of architectural and programmatic barriers to access for persons with disabilities to ensure participation in benefits of programs, services, or activities (1/3/17)

John Dempsey Hospital (part of the University of Connecticut Health Center) -- re: provision of auxiliary aids and services, including sign language interpreters, to patients who are deaf to ensure effective communication in a hospital that is part of a state university health center (1/3/17)

Princeton University -- re: reasonable modification policies, practices, and procedures relating to students with mental health disabilities, including requests for reasonable accommodations, withdrawals and leaves of absence (12/19/16)

Arlington County Sheriff -- re: effective communication for persons who are deaf or hard of hearing detailed in Sheriff Department’s detention and corrections system (11/16/16)

Lexington Chinese School -- re: provision of a non-discrimination policy and reasonable modification policies, practices, and procedures relating to students with disabilities, including a description, in both English and Chinese, of the process the school will us to provide reasonable modifications and/or auxiliary aids and services. (9/29/16)

Camp Tree Tops - re: reasonable modification of policies, practices, and procedures to enable a child with diabetes to participate in a residential summer camp (9/27/16)

City of Ecorse, Michigan -- re: provision of physically accessible polling places for individuals with mobility and vision disabilities (8/15/16)

YMCA of the Triangle -- re: reasonable modification of policies, practices and procedures, including administration of emergency medication, Glucagon, to afford children with type 1 diabetes equal access to child care programs and summer camps (7/27/16)

Omaha Performing Arts Society -- re: the Orpheum Theater agreement requiring dispersed wheelchair and companion seating at a choice of admission prices and seating locations and modified ticketing policies providing equal access in altered theater (7/14/16)

Arrowhead Regional Medical Center -- re: provision of auxiliary aids and services, including sign language interpreters, to patients and companions who are deaf to ensure effective communication in a hospital (7/2016)

Imperial Plaza Condominium -- re: removal of architectual barriers (6/30/16)

Lone Star Steakhouse & Saloon -- re: removal of architectural barriers at a brew pub (6/30/16)

The Irish Democrat -- re: removal of architectural barriers at a brew pub (6/30/16)

McLean Hospital -- re: reasonable modifications of policies, practices, or procedures, to enable individuals with disabilities access to therapeutic services and residence services  (6/29/16)

Vinarc, LLC -- re: compliance with alterations requirements and removal of architectural barriers (6/29/16)

The Natural Epicurean Academy of Culinary Arts -- re: effective communication for individuals with disabilities who seek to participate in the Academy’s services, such as its professional chef training program (6/24/16)

Philadelphia Freedom Valley YMCA – Rocky Run Branch -- re: YMCA denied a child an equal opportunity to participate in an after-school program and a summer day camp program because of her type 1 diabetes (5/19/16)

Byesville, Ohio, Guernsey County -- re: removal of architectural barriers to provides access to City services (5/17/16)

Mercy College -- re: reasonable modification of policies, practices, or procedures to permit use of a service animal on all of the college's campuses by a disabled veteran college student (4/29/16)

Mid-America Center -- re: agreement requiring dispersed wheelchair and companion seating at a choice of admission prices and seating locations and modified ticketing policies providing equal access in new multi-purpose arena (5/5/16)

Columbia, South Carolina Police Department -- re: provision of auxiliary aids and services by police department to ensure effective communication to persons with hearing impairments (5/3/16)

City of Detroit - reasonable modifications to policies, practices or procedures to ensure that children with disabilities, and their parents,  may participate in all of the programs, services, or activities provided by a city recreation center, including allowing mother to help pre-school aged son with a disability to use locker room designated for opposite gender. (4/4/16)

Arlington-Mansfield Area YMCA -- re: YMCA refused to provide daily insulin injections to a child with type one diabetes, which left him unable to attend the summer day camp program, in violation of title III of the ADA (2/24/16)

360 Federal Credit Union -- re: provision of auxiliary aids and services to ensure effective communication for individuals at a credit union (2/11/16)

The University of Alabama at Birmingham -- re: agreement between US Attorney’s Office and state university to survey and bring into compliance architectural violations in its facilities (2/10/16)

Grady Memorial Hospital -- re: provision of auxiliary aids and services, including sign language interpreters, to persons who are deaf or hard of hearing to ensure effective communication at a hospital (1/12/16)

Crystal City Shops and Underground -- re: architectural accessibility of shopping and business concourse for persons with mobility impairments (1/11/16)

North Florida OB/GYN Associates, P.A. -- re: gynecologist’s denial of tubal ligation to female patient because of her HIV status in violation of Title III of the ADA (1/7/16)

Omni Hotels Management Corporation -- re: barrier removal at a hotel, including designated accessible guest rooms and toilet rooms (1/5/16)

Promedica Toledo Hospital -- re: provision of auxiliary aids and services to ensure effective communication for patient at a hospital (12/23/15)

Burke Professional Center Condominium Association -- re: architectural accessibility of common areas for persons with mobility impairments (12/22/15)

Connecticut State Department on Aging -- re: compliance with title II of the ADA (12/22/15)

Mt. Pleasant Public Schools -- re: reasonable modification of policies, practices, and procedures for a student with diabetes requiring assistance (12/14/15)

Ritz Carlton, Inc. -- re: architectural barriers at a hotel and resort, including with regard to its guest rooms, accessible routes, ramps, restrooms, spa, restaurants, pool lifts, and parking (12/1/15)

Webster Bank, N.A. -- re: modification of policies, practices and procedures and provision of auxiliary aids and services to persons who are deaf to ensure effective communication at a bank (11/24/15)

Mercy Suburban Hospital -- re: hospital’s refusal to provide bariatric service to a patient because the patient has HIV (11/18/15)

Virgin Islands Bureau of Motor Vehicles – re:  modification of policies and procedures regarding vehicle registration and tinted windows for persons with a disability (11/2/15)

Detroit School District -- re: school district's refusal to provide parent of a student with a sign language interpreter at either the home or center-based teaching sessions so that she could actively participate in the education of her child (11/2/15)

Lakers Aquatic Club, Inc. -- re: a swim club's failure to make reasonable modifications for a swimmer with a disability (11/1/15)

Golden Corral -- re: architectural accessibility for persons with disabilities in a restaurant (10/19/15)

Rochester Police Department -- re: effective communication for people who are deaf or hard of hearing in Rochester, Michigan's Police Department and other programs and services (8/24/15)

Altamarea, LLC -- re: making goods and services at a restaurant available to people with disabilities (8/19/15)

Wallingford Police Department -- re: effective communication for people who are deaf or hard of hearing in Wallingford, Connecticut under title II of the ADA (8/18/15)

Southern Illinois University -- re: university's failure to reasonably modify its policies in order to accommodate a student with chronic fatigue syndrome (8/12/15)

Dekalb Regional Crisis Center -- re: provision of auxiliary aids and services to ensure effective communication for companions at a crisis mental health treatment center (8/11/15)

Carnival Corporation -- re: removal of architectural and communication barriers to provide access on cruise ships (7/23/15)

Trump Taj Majal Casino Hotel -- re: : alterations violations and barrier removal at a hotel and casino, including parking, buffet and toilet rooms (7/22/15)

Srinivas Mukkamala, M.D., P.L.C. -- re: provision of auxiliary aids and services to ensure effective communication for patients at the professional office of a healthcare provider (7/14/15)

Arshad Pervez, M.D.: -- re: provision of auxiliary aids and services to ensure effective communication for patients at the professional office of a healthcare provider. (7/14/15)

Fairfax Nursing Center, Inc: -- re: provision of auxiliary aids and services to ensure effective communication for companions of patient at skilled nursing facility (7/6/15)

Camp Bravo – re: making reasonable modifications to policies, practices, or procedures, including administration of the emergency medication Diastat, to ensure that a child with epilepsy has full and equal opportunity to participate in a Maryland camp’s programs (6/24/15)

Camp Winnewald - re: refusal to modify policies for effective diabetes care management in a summer day camp (6/5/15)

State of Idaho -- re: accessibility of the Idaho State Capitol's facilities, services, programs, and activities (5/18/15)

City of Española -- re: agreement bars employer from conducting medical examinations or making disability-related inquiries before a conditional offer of employment is made to applicants and requires employer to conduct training and designate an individual to address ADA compliance. (3/10/15)

City of Parowan -- re: agreement bars employer from conducting medical examinations or making disability-related inquiries before a conditional offer of employment is made to applicants and requires employer to conduct training, designate an individual to address ADA compliance, and make its online employment opportunities website conform with the Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0. (3/31/15)

Village of Ruidoso -- re: agreement bars employer from conducting medical examinations or making disability-related inquiries before a conditional offer of employment is made to applicants and requires employer to conduct training, designate an individual to address ADA compliance, and make its online employment opportunities website conform with the Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0. (3/24/15)

Fabco, Inc. -- re: reasonable modification of policies, practices and procedures to permit full and equal access to Fabco’s shoe stores by individuals with disabilities, including, without limitation, those who utilize wheelchairs  (4/13/15)

edX, Inc. -- re: improving the accessibility of its Massive Open Online Courses (MOOCs) on its website, Platform, and Mobile Applications to individuals with disabilities (4/1/15)  

St. Francis Hospital and Medical Center -- re: the HHS Office for Civil Rights and the US Attorney’s Office for the District of Connecticut provision of auxiliary aids and services to ensure effective communication for deaf and hard of hearing patients at St. Francis Hospital and Medical Center patients at St. Francis Hospital and Medical Center (2/13/15)

OPUS 465 and TRESCA -- re: removal of architectural barriers and modification of policies, practices and procedures to provide access to a restaurant, including dining and bar areas, toilet rooms, and entrance (2/25/15)

Dentex Dental Mobile, Inc. -- re: discriminatory denial of dental care due to HIV and improper referral of a patient with HIV by mobile dental clinic in violation of Title III of the ADA (2/19/15)

Rainforest Café -- re: alterations violations restaurant, including toilet rooms and sales counter (1/26/15)

City of DeKalb, Illinois -- re: agreement bars employer from conducting medical examinations or making disability-related inquiries before a conditional offer of employment is made to applicants and requires employer to conduct training, designate an individual to address ADA compliance, and make its online employment opportunities website conform with the Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0 (2/3/15).

City of Fallon, Nevada -- re: agreement bars employer from conducting medical examinations or making disability-related inquiries before a conditional offer of employment is made to applicants and requires employer to conduct training, designate an individual to address ADA compliance, and make its online employment opportunities website conform with the Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0 (2/3/15)

City of Isle of Palms, South Carolina -- re: agreement bars employer from conducting medical examinations or making disability-related inquiries before a conditional offer of employment is made to applicants and requires employer to conduct training, designate an individual to address ADA compliance, and make its online employment opportunities website conform with the Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0 (2/3/15)

City of Vero Beach, Florida -- re: agreement bars employer from conducting medical examinations or making disability-related inquiries before a conditional offer of employment is made to applicants and requires employer to conduct training, designate an individual to address ADA compliance, and make its online employment opportunities website conform with the Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0 (2/3/15)

Genesis Healthcare System -- re: primary care physician's discriminatory denial of care due to HIV and improper referral of patients with HIV in violation of title III of the ADA (1/15/15)

National Museum of Crime and Punishment -- re: improving access for individuals with disabilities to a museum's building and its exhibitions, public programs, and website (1/13/15)

Quinnipiac University -- re: re: failure to consider modifications to university’s mandatory leave policy to allow student with depression to complete coursework while living off campus (12/19/14)

Tropicana Atlantic City Corp. -- re: alterations violations and barrier removal at a hotel and casino, including parking, designated accessible guest rooms, and toilet rooms (12/23/14)

County of Erie NY and the Erie County Sheriff’s Office -- re: provide equal access to programs, services, and facilities to inmates with disabilities and to ensure effective communication and auxiliary aids and services to inmates who are deaf or have hearing loss, are blind or have low vision (12/23/14)

DC Trails Inc. -- re: accessible service and operations of an over-the-road bus company to ensure that persons with disabilities have available to them accessible transportation and services (12/5/14)

Franciscan St. James Health -- re: provision of auxiliary aids and services to ensure effective communication for patients at two hospitals (12/3/14)

Resorts Casino Hotel -- re: : alterations violations and barrier removal at a hotel and casino, including parking, designated accessible guest rooms, and toilet rooms (11/25/14)

Jerry and Carolyn DeSpain Rental, LLC -- re: removal of architectural barriers, including installation of a ramp to the entrance, at a business property leased to a hearing aid center (11/13/14)

Lehman College Center for the Performing Arts, Inc. -- re: wheelchair seating locations, toilet rooms, and concession stands as well as the provision of a assistive listening system (11/14/14)

Peapod, LLC -- re: improving access for individuals with disabilities to an online grocery shopping and delivery service’s website and mobile applications (11/17/14)

Sheraton Atlantic City Hotel and Convention Center -- re: new construction violations at a hotel and convention center, including parking, designated accessible guest rooms, restaurants and bars, and spa (10/17/14)

Swedish Edmonds Hospital -- re: provision of auxiliary aids and services, including sign language interpreters, to persons who are deaf or hard of hearing to ensure effective communication at a hospital (10/10/14)

Associated Foot & Ankle Centers of Northern Virginia, PC -- re: provision of auxiliary aids and services, including sign language interpreters, to persons who are deaf to ensure effective communication in specialty medical care offices (10/9/14)

Dr. Hal W. Brown and Primary Care of the Treasure Coast, Inc. -- re: adoption of effective communication and non-retaliation policies in family medical practice (10/7/14)

U.S. Rental Car Operating Subsidiaries of Enterprise Holdings, Inc. -- re: ensuring that persons with disabilities have access to rental cars with adaptive devices in a timely manner (10/7/14)

Alliance NY, LLC -- re: architectural accessibility of neighborhood businesses for persons with mobility impairments (9/30/14)

Glenwood Plaza, LLC -- re: architectural accessibility of neighborhood businesses for persons with mobility impairments (9/30/14)

Hamilton Initiative, LLC -- re: architectural accessibility of neighborhood businesses for persons with mobility impairments (9/30/14)

Subway of Casenovia, LLC -- re: architectural accessibility of neighborhood businesses for persons with mobility impairments (9/30/14)

Water Street Seafood Company -- re: architectural accessibility of neighborhood businesses for persons with mobility impairments (9/30/14)

State of Louisiana Attorney Licensure System – re: bar admissions policies, practices, and procedures that impose unnecessary burdens on applicants with mental health disabilities (8/15/14)

Joe Louis Arena -- removal of architectural barriers to provide access to a sports and entertainment facility, including wheelchair seating locations, toilet rooms, and food/drink service as well as plan review and inspections of planned new Events Center. (8/6/14)

Dr. Peter Chang-Sing, M.D., F.A.C.C. -- re: provision of sign language interpreters and other auxiliary aids in a specialist medical practice (7/22/14)

Orange County Clerk of Courts (Florida) -- re: accessibility of electronic court documents to an attorney who is blind and other individuals who use screen reader technology. (7/17/14)

The City of Hubbard, Oregon -- re: agreement bars employer from conducting medical examinations or making disability-related inquiries before a conditional offer of employment has been made to job applicants and requires employer to conduct training and designate an individual to address ADA compliance. (7/9/14)

Delran Township School District (New Jersey) -- re: making reasonable modifications to ensure that students with disabilities may be accompanied in school and on school-related activities by their service animals (6/24/14)

Florida State University -- re: agreement bars employer from conducting medical examinations or making any disability-related inquiries before a conditional offer of employment has been made to job applicants (6/5/14)

Campus Inn and Bell Tower Hotels -- re: removal of architectural and communication barriers, alterations, and modifications to policies, practices and procedures to provide access to guest rooms and common elements (6/3/14)

Hospital for Special Care, New Britain, Connecticut Settlement Agreement -- re: reasonable modification of policies, practices, and procedures to enable a child with diabetes to participate in summer camp (5/27/12)

Taxi Operated by Altagracia Roumou -- re:  failure to provide taxi services to a person with vision impairments accompanied by a service animal (5/15/14)

Gwinnett College -- re: forcing student with HIV to withdraw from a college medical assistant program (4/24/14)

Wade W. Han, M. D. and Florida Ear Nose Throat and Facial Plastic Surgery Center -- re: provision of auxiliary aids and services, including sign language interpreters, to persons who are deaf to ensure effective communication in specialty medical care offices (4/18/14)

Blue Smoke LLC - re: requiring removal of architectural barriers in New York City restaurant (4/10/14)

Commonwealth Health & Rehab Center-- re: provision of auxiliary aids and services, including sign language interpreters, to persons who are deaf to ensure effective communication at a skilled nursing facility (3/24/14)

Conway Lodging, Inc. (Comfort Suites, Conway, AR) -- re: reasonable modification of policies, practices and procedures to permit use of serviceanimals in a hotel (3/24/14)

Lincoln Center for the Performing Arts (Alice Tully Hall) -- re: removal of architectural barriers to provide access to a performing arts facility, including accessible routes to wheelchair seating locations, toilet rooms, and elevators (3/24/14)

Blair County, PA – re: provision of accessible polling places (3/10/14)

Rite Aid of Michigan, Inc. -- re: pharmacist’s denial of flu shot to customer because of his HIV status. (2/4/14)

California Aquatics – re: denial of membership to a high school student to participate in aquatic field trips based on her identification as a Type I diabetic (1/14/14)

Newseum, Inc. -- re: improving access for individuals with disabilities to a museum’s building and its exhibitions, programs, and website (12/6/13)

Camelot Child Development Center -- re: a child care program excluding a child with Down syndrome from field trips, and threatening to expel her from the program, because of her developmental delays (11/27/13)

Phoenician Golf and Resort -- re: architectural barriers at a luxury resort, including with regard to its guest rooms, lobby ramps, table seating, restrooms, shops, conference rooms, golf club amenities, tennis club, and parking (11/21/13)

Experimental Aircraft Association, Inc. - re: modification of policies, practices, and procedures to allow the use of Segways and other power-driven mobility devices at outdoor air shows (11/12/13)

Milford Plaza -- re: removal of architectural and communication barriers to provide access to guest rooms and common elements (9/27/13)

The [REDACTED] Unified School District -- re: violation of the non-retaliation prohibition under the ADA, Title VI, and the EEOA (9/11/13)

Nobu Associates, L.P. -- re: removal of architectural barriers and modification of policies, practices, and procedures in a restaurant (9/11/13) 

The Palace of Auburn Hills -- re: barrier removal and modification of ticketing policies at an arena (8/23/13)

City of Henderson, Nevada -- re: effective communication for people who are deaf or hard of hearing when interacting with law enforcement (8/5/13)

Louisiana Tech University Settlement Agreement – re: the use of internet-based learning product for university course work allegedly inaccessible to student who is blind (7/23/13)

XL Center - re: barrier removal and modification of ticketing policies at an arena (6/28/13)

Phoenix International Raceway – re: accessibility of grandstand seating, toilet rooms, accessible route and parking at an arena (6/10/13)

SuperShuttle International, Inc. -- re: failure to permit the use of a service animal by an individual with a disability on a shared ride and requiring a person with a service animal to pay a surcharge (6/5/13)

City of New Haven, CT – re: effective communication for people who are deaf or hard of hearing in the City of New Haven’s Police Department and other City programs and services (5/29/13)

Big Bear Marina-- re: refusal to rent a jet ski to a deaf family because of their deafness (5/29/13)

DeCamp Bus Lines -- re: requirement that an over-the-road bus company no longer require passengers with disabilities to provide advance notice to secure an accessible bus (5/29/13)

Mayfair Hotel – re: removal of architectural and communication barriers to provide access to guest rooms and common elements (5/15/13)

The Apple Tree Children's Center - re: reasonable modifications of policies, procedures, and practices to allow children with disabilities, including children with Down Syndrome, an equal opportunity to attend the preschool in Norwalk, Iowa (4/3/13)

The Learning Clinic - re: reasonable modifications of policies, procedures or practices to allow a minor child to use a service animal at The Learning Clinic, a private school in Brooklyn, CT (3/25/13)

Arapahoe County Sheriff's Office, CO - re: ensuring effective communication between individuals who are deaf or hard of hearing and patrol officers, detention center officers, and other law enforcement personnel (3/22/13)

The City of Englewood, CO - re: ensuring effective communication between individuals who are deaf or hard of hearing and police officers and other law enforcement personnel (3/22/13)

University of Medicine and Dentistry of New Jersey, Medical School and School of Osteopathic Medicine - re: discriminatory exclusion of two applicants because they have Hepatitis B (3/8/13)

City of Memphis, TN -- re: accessible seating in the Liberty Bowl Memorial Stadium, accessible concession stands, gates, elevators, ramps, toilet rooms, suites, press boxes, and other facilities and services at the stadium (1/8/13)

Mills College - re: new construction, alterations, and barrier removal under title III at Mills College in Oakland, California (1/5/13)

Peroutka and Peroutka, P.A. -- re: modification of policies, practices and procedures and provision of auxiliary aids and services to persons who are deaf to ensure effective communication at a law firm collection agency (1/3/13)

Lesley University -- re: reasonable modification policies, practices, and procedures to ensure full and equal enjoyment of meal plan and food services for students with celiac disease and other food allergies (12/20/12)

Cavaliers Operating Company, LLC (Quicken Loans Arena) -- re:  auxiliary aids and services, website accessibility, modifications of policies and procedures for ticketing, and seating for patrons who use wheelchairs and their companions in a sports arena (12/3/12)

U.S. v. Westgate Smoky Mountain Resort -- re: new construction, alterations, and barrier removal under title III at Westgate Smoky Mountain Resort in Gatlinburg, Tennessee (11/13/12)

City of Sierra Vista, AZ -- re: compliance review of the accessibility of the City's programs, services, and activities (12/12/12) 

United States v. City of Baltimore -- re: discriminatory zoning standard for residential substance abuse treatment facilities (11/5/12)

Mrs. K's Toll House Restaurant -- re: removal of architectural barriers to provide access to the restaurant, including wheelchair dining areas, toilet rooms, parking, pathways, and entrances (10/21/12)

Dynamic Tours & Transportation, Inc. -- re: company must comply with all requirements of accessible service and operations, provide training to all employees and contractors about the requirements of the ADA, and file required annual reports (10/11/12)

Medical Specialists of the Palm Beaches -- re: accessible medical equipment to ensure that persons who use wheelchairs are provided equal access to medical care; adopting a non-discrimination policy and training all employees about the requirements of title III of the ADA as they apply to health care facilities (9/28/12)

VIP's Jet Tours Corp./Pegasus Transportation -- re: company must comply with all requirements of accessible service and operations, provide training to all employees and contractors about the requirements of the ADA, ensure that all lifts are maintained as required, and file required annual reports (9/20/12)

Alltour of America, Inc. -- re: company must comply with all requirements of accessible service and operations, provide training to all employees and contractors about the requirements of the ADA, and file required annual reports (9/18/12)

Jet Set Line, Inc. -- re: company must comply with all requirements of accessible service and operations, provide training to all employees and contractors about the requirements of the ADA, and file required annual reports. (9/13/12)

Grand Circle LLC, doing business as Grand Circle Travel -- re: policy modification to ensure full and equal enjoyment of travel and tour services -- no fees charged for stowing wheelchairs and other mobility devices to customers who transfer to seats during travel within the United States (9/13/12)

U.S. v. Microtel Inns & Suites -- re: modification of policies, practices and procedures to permit the use of a service animal by an individual with a disability at Microtel Inns & Suites in Nashville, Tennessee (8/29/12)

Sacramento (California) Public Library Authority -- re: the use of inaccessible electronic book reader ("e-reader") devices in a patron lending program (8/29/12)

Toddlers ‘N Tots -- re: making reasonable modifications to policies, practices, or procedures, including administration of Diastat, to ensure that a child with epilepsy has full and equal opportunity to participate in a daycare center’s programs. (8/16/12)

Dr. Bruce Berenson, M.D., P.A.-- re: modification of policies, practices and procedures to permit the use of a service animal by an individual with a disability at a doctor's office (8/7/12)

City of Woodlake, CA -- re: discriminatory practice of unlawful pre-employment medical examinations of job applicants before making an offer of employment (8/1/12)

Dragon City I, Inc. -- re: modification of policies, practices, and procedures to permit the use of a service animal by an individual with a disability in a restaurant (7/3/12)

NorthShore University HealthSystems -- re: provision of auxiliary aids and services, including sign language interpreters, to persons who are deaf to ensure effective communication at a hospital (6/28/12)

RHM-88, LLC and M&C Hotel Interests, Inc. (Millennium Hotel New York, United Nations) -- re: removal of architectural and communication barriers to provide access to guest rooms and common elements (6/8/12)

Aqua Turf Club -- re: architectural barriers in a banquet facility, primarily in the toilet rooms (5/22/12)

AM2PM Childcare Learning Center -- re: making reasonable modifications to ensure that children with disabilities, including Down syndrome, have full and equal opportunity to participate in and benefit from the center's programs (5/21/12)

City of Flint, MI -- re: provision of accessible polling places (5/17/12)

Town of Rocky Hill, CT -- re: reasonable modification of policies, practices, and procedures to enable a child with diabetes to participate in summer camp (5/1/12)

Arizona Interscholastic Association, Inc.-- re: providing appropriate auxiliary aids and services, including sign language interpreters, to persons who are deaf or hard of hearing who participate in interscholastic extracurricular activities. (3/30/12)

The City of Ansonia, CT -- re: the City zoning code's exclusion of substance abuse treatment facilities from zones where medical clinics can locate (3/30/12)

Mountain Valley Midget Football League -- re: reasonable modification of policy in order to permit a child, who has ocular albinism and is very sensitive to sunlight, to wear a tinted visor on his football helmet, which would block out the sunlight and permit him to play. (3/19/12)

Shanghai Cottage at Fairhope, Inc. -- re: modification of policies, practices, and procedures to permit the use of a service animal by an individual with a disability in a restaurant. (3/7/12)

Great Vistas, LLC (Bluebeard's Castle Resort, St. Thomas, VI) -- re: removal of architectural barriers in hotel property and restaurants built before and after the ADA went into effect. (2/1/12)

Budget Saver Corporation D/B/A Budget Saver Motel -- re: reasonable modification of policies, practices and procedures to permit full and equal access to hotel facilities by disabled guests who use service animals and not subjecting guests with service animals to the hotel's "pet policy" (1/27/12)

Walls Transportation Tours, Inc. -- re: accessible service and operations of an over-the-road bus company to ensure that persons with disabilities have available to them accessible transportation and services from trained employees and contractors (1/5/12)

Ralph's Coach, Inc. -- re: accessible service and operations of an over-the-road bus company to ensure that persons with disabilities have available to them accessible transportation and services from trained employees and contractors (12/30/11)

LBA Express, Inc. -- re: accessible service and operations of an over-the-road bus company to ensure that persons with disabilities have available to them accessible transportation and services from trained employees and contractors (12/8/11)

Claudio's Trips, Inc. -- re: accessible service and operations of an over-the-road bus company to ensure that persons with disabilities have available to them accessible transportation and services from trained employees and contractors (12/6/11)

El Lagunero Bus Co. LLC -- re: accessible service and operations of an over-the-road bus company to ensure that persons with disabilities have available to them accessible transportation and services from trained employees and contractors (12/6/11)

Transportes Rivas, Inc. -- re: accessible service and operations of an over-the-road bus company to ensure that persons with disabilities have available to them accessible transportation and services from trained employees and contractors (12/6/11)

Watson Charter Services, Inc. -- re: accessible service and operations of an over-the-road bus company to ensure that persons with disabilities have available to them accessible transportation and services from trained employees and contractors (12/6/11)

Illinois State Police -- re: title I of the ADA settlement agreement to eliminate policies that automatically exclude cadet job applicants who use hearing aids or who manage their diabetes with insulin pumps and to revise employment publications and policies to reflect the change (11/30/11)

Holy Spirit Tours, Inc. -- re: accessible service and operations of an over-the-road fixed route bus company to ensure that persons with disabilities have available to them accessible transportation and services from trained employees and contractors (11/17/11)

Law School Admission Council, Inc. ("LSAC") -- re: testing accommodations on the Law School Admissions Test (LSAT) for an individual with ADD, Learning Disability, and a physical disability (9/27/11)

Fremantle Productions, Inc., and CBS Broadcasting Inc. regarding The Price Is Right -- re: contestant eligibility criteria and selection, modifications to policies and practices, auxiliary aids and services, complaint process, outreach campaign, readily achievable barrier removal to television studio, website accessibility, compensatory damages, and civil penalty (9/20/11)

Motel 6 Operating L.P. -- re: new construction, alterations and removal of architectural barriers (9/6/11)

The Great Chinese Buffet -- re: modification of policies, practices, and procedures to permit the use of a service animal by an individual with a disability in a restaurant (9/8/11)

Pacific Gateway, LTD., and Marriott International, Inc. -- re: failure to provide accessible hotel rooms with two double beds, failure to make reasonable modifications of policies to accommodate person with a disability, and removal of architectural barriers to provide access to guest rooms and common elements (7/6/11)

Beach Babies Learning Center, LLC -- re: making reasonable modifications to ensure that children with disabilities, including autism, have full and equal opportunity to participate in and benefit from the center's programs (6/28/11)

Alexandria Country Day School -- re: refusal to modify policies for effective diabetes care management in private school (6/1/11)

Wells Fargo & Company -- re: denial of effective communication, architectural barriers in retail locations, failure to make reasonable modifications, other types of disability discrimination, and a claims process to pay damages to individuals (5/31/11)

Beginning Montessori Academy -- re: preschool required to provide children with disabilities, including autism, an equal opportunity to participate in all programs, services, or activities (5/17/11)

Megabus USA LLC and Megabus Northeast LLC ("Megabus") -- re: use of accessible vehicles in intercity bus service and providing online reservation services that allow passengers with disabilities to access schedule information and make reservations in the same manner and using the reservation system as other passengers (5/16/11)

Tulsa County Public Facilities Authority ("Expo Square") -- re: provision of accessible parking, availability of shuttle and transportation services and other physical changes to ensure that programs, services and activities at the Tulsa County Fairgrounds are readily accessible to and usable by persons with disabilities (5/12/11)

Tramcon, Inc., D/B/A St. Thomas Skyride and Paradise Point -- re: new construction and barrier removal of tramway and associated mall and entertainment facilities (5/12/11)

Yavapai Regional Medical Center, Prescott, AZ -- re: modification of policies, practices, and procedures to provide appropriate auxiliary aids and services, including sign language interpreters, to patients who are deaf or hard of hearing at a medical center (5/1/11)

National Federation of the Blind, et. al. v. Law School Admission Council -- re: inaccessibility of the Law School Admission Council's website to blind individuals using screen reader technology (4/25/11)

Atlanta's John Marshall Law School -- re: agreement to cease using the Law School Admission Council electronic application process for the Fall 2012 application cycle unless it is accessible to and usable by applicants who are blind (4/26/11)

Dream Team Hotel Associates LLC and Westin Management Company East (Westin New York Times Square) -- re: removal of architectural and communication barriers to provide access to guest rooms and common elements (4/14/11)

CDL West 45th Street, LLC (Renaissance New York Hotel) -- re: removal of architectural and communication barriers to provide access to guest rooms and common elements (4/8/11)

Sherwood 48 Assoc. and Renaissance Hotel Mgmt. Co., LLC (Millennium Broadway Hotel) -- re: removal of architectural and communication barriers to provide access to guest rooms and common elements (4/8/11)

United States of America v. Towne Realty, Inc. and The Riverside Theater Foundation -- re: provision of wheelchair and companion seating and a ticketing policy that is advertised on the theater website (3/1/11)

National Board of Medical Examiners -- re: providing reasonable testing accommodations for professional licensing examinations required by the ADA for persons with disabilities (2/22/11)

HRB Tax Group, Inc. ("H&R Block") -- re: providing effective communication, including sign language interpreters for deaf or hard of hearing customers, for tax preparation services, programs, and courses at H&R Block offices nationwide (1/31/11)

Nobel Learning Communities, Inc. -- re: ensuring nondiscrimination against children with autism and other disabilities by a large national network of private preschools, elementary schools, and secondary schools (1/14/01)

City of Kerrville, TX and Playhouse 2000 (Cailloux Theater) -- re: provision of companion fixed seats for the wheelchair seating locations; wheelchair seating locations that provide a choice of admission prices; a reservations policy; correction of other violations of the ADA Standards; and payment of compensatory damages (10/26/10)

The Town of Wolfeboro, NH -- re: removal of physical barriers to provide full access to the town's facilities by persons with mobility impairments and modification of policies, practices, and procedures to ensure the town's programs, services, and activities are readily accessible and usable by individuals with disabilities (10/26/10)

Frisbie Memorial Hospital, Rochester, NH -- re: modification of policies, practices, and procedures to provide appropriate auxiliary aids and services to persons who are deaf or hard of hearing, ensuring effective communication and equal benefit from the goods, services, facilities, privileges, advantages, or accommodations afforded to other individuals (10/18/10)

City of Cheyenne, WY (Taco John's Event Center) -- re: compliance with new construction requirements at a City-owned multi-use arena (9/29/10)

Tornado Bus Company, Dallas, TX (PDF version 175 KB) | Press Release -- re: regarding failure to purchase accessible vehicles, meet requirements that 50 percent of a private carrier's fleet be accessible, train employees on interacting with disabled passengers, and establish a wheelchair lift maintenance program (9/23/10)

The American Hospitality Inn, Portland, OR -- re: agreement requires the Inn to modify its policies and practices to require its employees to accept alternative identification other than a drivers license from persons with disabilities who cannot drive. The agreement includes employee training on guest identification and service animals and extends to other hotels under the same ownership (9/10/10)

St. Joseph Hospital of Nashua, N.H. and SJ Physician Services, Inc. -- re: agreement requires hospital and related off site medical practices to ensure effective communication, including through the provision of qualified sign language interpreters, with deaf and hard of hearing persons (9/10/10)

McNeese State University -- re: removing barriers to access, requirements for alterations and new construction, modifying policies and practices to make programs accessible and modifications to the University's web site (9/10/10)

Rainbow River Child Development Center -- re: diabetes care management in a child care center (8/3/10)

Oconee County, South Carolina Courthouse Municipal Facility -- re: physical accessibility in a municipal courthouse facility, built in 2003, including parking, signage, restroom facilities, courtroom seating, witness stands, jury boxes, and accessible routes (7/22/10)

Mount Vernon Ladies´ Association of the Union -- re: improving access to a historic estate and to its exhibitions and programs for individuals with disabilities (7/21/10)

Blockbuster Inc. -- re: equal access for persons with disabilities, including persons who use service animals (7/19/10)

Southern New Hampshire Medical Center -- re: provision of appropriate auxiliary aids and services, including qualified sign language interpreters, for deaf and hard of hearing patients and companions where necessary to ensure effective communication at a hospital (7/15/10)

The Sheraton Grand Sacramento Hotel -- re: reasonable modification of policies, practices and procedures to permit full and equal access to hotel facilities by disabled guests who use service animals and not subjecting guests with service animals to the hotel’s “pet policy” (7/14/10)

City of Milton, WA -- re: architectural barrier removal and policy modifications to make city of Milton's parks, recreation program, and annual summer festival and parade route accessible to persons with disabilities. (7/14/10)

Town of Gretna, VA -- re: denial of zoning permit to a person seeking to serve individuals with disabilities in a private home (6/28/10)

Northland Germantown Falls LLC -- re: removal of architectural barriers to provide access to the leasing office of an apartment complex (4/6/10)

Crowne Plaza Times Hotel -- re: removal of architectural and communication barriers to provide access to guest rooms and common elements (3/31/10)

Charlotte Regional Visitors Authority -- re: alterations requirements and removal of architectural barriers to provide access to Ovens Auditorium (3/29/10)

HRB Businesses of FL, Inc. -- re: providing effective communication, including sign language interpreters, for deaf or hard of hearing customers at a tax preparation business (3/18/10)

Castles N' Coasters Inc. -- re: alterations and removal of architectural barriers in an amusement park and prohibition of waivers and releases that may single out individuals on the basis of disability (3/16/10)

The Children’s House, Inc. -- re: making reasonable modifications to medication policies to accommodate a child with a disability in need of asthma medication (2/18/10)

Alameda County Sheriff’s Office -- re: effective communications with persons who are deaf, hard of hearing, and deaf-blind in police and jail situations (2/2/10)

Arizona State University -- re: accessibility of electronic book readers to individuals with vision disabilities (1/8/10)

Town of Lewisboro, New York -- re: accessibility to services, programs, and activities by persons with disabilities (12/22/09)

IntelliTec Colleges -- re: removing physical barriers and requirements for new construction and alterations in leased facilities, and modifying policies and practices to ensure that classes, programs, and services are accessible (12/15/09)

New York City Police Department -- re: effective communication with persons who are deaf or hard of hearing under title II of the ADA (11/18/09)

Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center -- re: compliance with new construction and alterations requirements and removal of architectural barriers to provide access to medical center facilities (10/22/09)

Pine Hills Kiddie Garden ("Pine Hills"), Fort Wayne IN -- re: provision of equal opportunity for children with diabetes to participate in programs, services, or activities of a child care center (10/19/09)

Parco, Ltd. (Wendy’s restaurants, Cedar Rapids, IA) -- re: removal of architectural barriers in restaurants built before and after the ADA went into effect (8/20/09)

800 North Charles Street Limited Partnership, LLLP and Palamino Corporation (Donna's restaurant, Baltimore, MD) -- re: removal of architectural barriers, including installation of an inclined platform lift, in a restaurant (9/17/09)

Ocean Palms Beach Resort -- re: removal of architectural barriers to ensure an equal opportunity to enjoy accommodations (7/7/09)

City of Philadelphia, PA -- re: provision of accessible polling places (4/16/09)

Bio-Medics, Orange, CA -- re: modification of policies, practices, and procedures to permit individuals with disabilities to donate plasma (4/8/09)

Emstar Realty LLC and Emstar Operating LLC, New York, NY (W New York Hotel - The Tuscany) -- re: removal of architectural and communication barriers and modifications to policies, practices and procedures to provide access to guest rooms and common elements (3/18/09)

Walmart Stores, Inc. -- re: equal access for persons with disabilities, including persons who use service animals (1/16/09)

District of Columbia Shelter Program -- re: accessibility of homeless shelter program’s facilities and services (11/10/08)

Chatham University -- re: removing physical barriers to access, requirements for alterations, and modifying policies and practices to continue to ensure that classes, programs, and services are accessible (12/9/08)

Medbrook Medical Associates, Inc. -- re: providing effective communication for people who are deaf or hard of hearing (12/8/08)

Shopsmith, Dayton, OH -- re: re: ensure effective communication with customers who are deaf or hard of hearing including provision of appropriate auxiliary aids and services, including qualified interpreters, for live presentations (12/1/08)

Hudson Sheraton Corporation, LLC (Sheraton Manhattan Hotel) -- re: removal of architectural and communication barriers to provide access to guest rooms and common elements (11/19/08)

Dakota County, MN -- re: provision of appropriate auxiliary aids and services, including qualified sign language interpreters, to detainees who are deaf or hard of hearing to ensure effective communication (11/3/08)

Elk Grove Village Police Department, Elk Grove, IL -- re: failure to provide auxiliary aids and services (10/28/08)

Barter Foundation, Abingdon, VA -- re: new construction, alterations, and removal of architectural barriers to provide access to historic theater facilities and surrounding grounds (10/22/08)

Park Central Hotel, New York, NY -- re: removal of architectural and communication barriers to provide access to guest rooms and common elements (10/17/08)

Central DuPage Hospital, Winfield, IL -- re - provision of appropriate auxiliary aids and services, including interpreters, for deaf and hard of hearing patients and companions where necessary to ensure effective communication at a hospital (10/6/08)

Concord Hospital -- re: provision of appropriate auxiliary aids and services, including interpreters, for deaf and hard of hearing patients and companions where necessary to ensure effective communication at a hospital (9/18/08)

Push My Swing, Inc., Camden, SC -- re: admission of a child with a mobility disability to a day care center (9/14/08)

U.S. and Education Management Corporation, Pittsburgh, PA -- re: making various educational campuses accessible to individuals with disabilities (7/23/08)

Muse Hotel, New York, NY -- re: removal of architectural and communication barriers to provide access to guest rooms and common elements (7/17/08)

Marriott Marquis, New York, NY -- re: removal of architectural and communication barriers to provide access to guest rooms and common elements (7/10/08)

St. Mary’s Duluth Clinic Health System -- re: furnishing appropriate auxiliary aids and services including interpreters for deaf patients and companions at a hospital (7/3/08)

Raynor Country Day School -- re: denied admission to a summer camp for two individuals as a result of their diabetes (7/1/08)

The International Spy Museum -- re: access to exhibitions, public programs, and other offerings for people with hearing, vision, and mobility disabilities (7/3/08)

Clifford B. Hearn, Jr. and Clifford B. Hearn, Jr., P.A. -- re: provision of sign language interpreters and other effective communication at an attorney's office (5/29/08)

HealthEast, St. Paul, MN -- re: providing effective communication and sign language interpreters in a health care setting (5/22/08)

World Fresh Market, LLC., St. Thomas, US VI -- re: reasonable modifications in policies. practices, and procedures, to permit the use of service animals by people with disabilities in a supermarket (4/16/08)

Marco Polo Restaurant and Tavern -- re: removing physical barriers in a restaurant (4/15/08)

The State of Colorado Peace Officers Standards and Training Board -- re: administration of licensing or certification services and provision of reasonable accommodation to qualified candidates for written examinations (3/19/08)

Golden Cab Corporation -- re: transportation of customers and their service animals (2/21/08)

Bistro Savannah Restaurant (Bistro) and Garibaldi's Restaurant -- re: making goods and services at a restaurant available to people with mobility disabilities (2/8/08)

Wallace Theater Corporation (Wallace Corp.) -- re: removing physical barriers to access in a movie theater (1/15/08)

Swarthmore College -- re: removing physical barriers to access, requirements for alterations, and modifying policies and practices to continue to ensure that classes, programs, and services are accessible (11/19/07)

City of Stockton, California -- re: nondiscrimination on the basis of disability, including individuals with communicable diseases, for emergency medical services provided by the city (11/9/07)

Washington Metropolitan Airports Authority -- re: new construction, alterations, and program accessibility at Ronald Reagan National Airport's accessible parking facilities (10/31/07)

Hilton Hotels Corporation (Hilton New York and Towers) -- re: removal of architectural and communication barriers to provide access to guest rooms and common elements (10/12/07)

Granite Park LLC and Crossroads Hospitality Company LLC (Courtyard by Marriott Times Square) -- re: removal of architectural and communication barriers to provide access to guest rooms and common elements (10/12/07)

Times Square Hotel Owner, LLC and Times Square Operating Lessee, LLC (Doubletree Guest Suites Times Square) -- re: removal of architectural and communication barriers to provide access to guest rooms and common elements (10/12/07)

Consolidated City of Jacksonville, FL -- re: effective communication in police situations (9/27/07)

Sylvan Learning Centers, L.L.C. -- re: provision of appropriate auxiliary aids and services, including sign language interpreters, where necessary to ensure effective communication (9/27/07)

The City of Eastpointe, MI, and the Eastpointe Building Authority -- re: new construction at a district court (9/25/07)

Methodist LeBonheur Healthcare -- re: provision of appropriate auxiliary aids and services, including interpreters, for deaf and hard of hearing patients and companions where necessary to ensure effective communication at a hospital (9/24/07)

Ozark Entertainment, Inc (Mickey Gilley's Theatre and Mickey's Texas Café), Branson, MO) -- re: new construction and alterations at a live performance theatre, and barrier removal at a restaurant (8/30/07)

Joseph David Camacho, Esquire, Albuquerque, NM -- re: lack of effective communication in a law office (8/9/07)

West End YMCA, Ontario, CA -- re: modification of policies, practices, or procedures at YMCA child care programs (8/6/07)

Motel 6 Operating L.P. -- re: new construction, alterations, removal of architectural barriers, and reservation system in lodging facilities (8/2/07)

Doctor's Associates, Inc (Subway Restaurants) -- re: removal of architectural barriers in a nationwide franchise (7/31/07)

Travelodge, Dalton, GA -- re: reasonable modification of policies, procedures and practices to permit use of service animals by guests with disabilities in the motel (7/27/07)

Kansas City Downtown Hotel Group, LLC -- re: new construction, alterations, removal of architectural barriers, and accessibility to adjacent facilities (7/20/07)

Utah College of Massage Therapy -- re: provision of auxiliary aids and services at a massage therapy college (7/9/07)

College Square Mall, Cedar Falls, IA -- re: removal of architectural barriers at a shopping mall (7/29/07)

Roger Williams Medical Center -- re: furnishing appropriate auxiliary aids and services including interpreters for deaf patients, family members, and companions at a hospital (5/24/07)

Gold Strike Casino Resort, Tunica Resorts, MS -- re: new construction violations at a hotel and casino resort, including an entertainment venue, restaurants, and shops (5/2/07)

Mandalay Bay Resort & Casino, Las Vegas, NV -- re: new construction violations at a hotel and casino resort, including an entertainment venue, restaurants, and shops (5/2/07)

Ken Mascara, Sheriff of St. Lucie County -- re: effective communication in the County Jail including provision of auxiliary aids and services (4/12/07)

Redhika Corp. (Country Inn and Suites, Fort Wayne, IN) -- re: reasonable modification of policies, procedures and practices to permit use of service animals in a hotel (5/2/07)

Hampton Inn, Charleston, SC -- re: removal of architectural barriers to provide access to guest rooms and common elements (1/25/07)

Viscount Hotel Group, LLC -- re: removal of architectural barriers to provide access to guest rooms and common elements (1/17/07)

Log Cabin Restaurant -- re: reasonable modification of policies, procedures and practices to permit use of service animals in a restaurant (1/11/07)

Sunstone 42nd Street, LLC -- re: removal of architectural and communication barriers to provide access to guest rooms and common elements (12/14/06)

Shoney's LLC -- re: admitting individuals who use service animals into a restaurant (12/12/06)

Becker Paramount Fee LLC -- re: removal of architectural and communication barriers to provide access to guest rooms and common elements (11/27/06)

Paradise Realty Corporation and Da Vinci Hotel Corporation -- re: removal of architectural and communication barriers to provide access to guest rooms and common elements (11/14/06)

Euro American Lodging, LLC And Macson USA, LLC -- re: new construction violations at hotel and casino resort (10/27/06)

Meadowcrest Hospital -- re: effective communication in a hospital including provision of auxiliary aids and services (10/21/06)

Calvary Baptist Church And Hotel Salisbury Incorporated -- re: removal of architectural and communication barriers to provide access to guest rooms and common elements (10/11/06)

Bumble Bee Palace Infant and Toddler Care Center -- re: modification of policies, practices, or procedures at a day-care center (9/22/06)

Pony Baseball, Inc. -- re: reasonable modifications and auxiliary aids for participants in youth sports league (8/17/06)

Victorian Palace Hotel, Branson, MO -- re: barrier removal to provide accessible guest rooms and provide access at the entrances, parking lot, and pool (8/8/06)

City of Minnetonka, MN -- re: modification of policies and procedures related to participation in a city program (8/6/06)

Colorado College -- re: Colorado College to improve access for persons with disabilities (8/3/06)

Dehouwer v. Marin Magnetic Imaging -- re: access to MRI equipment (7/21/06)

Jo-Ann Stores, Inc. -- re: improving access at existing, altered, and newly constructed Jo-Ann stores (7/18/06)

University of Chicago -- re: increasing access to people with physical disabilities (7/17/06)

Second Settlement Agreement Between the United States and Youth Services International, Inc. -- re: auxiliary aids and services to ensure effective communication in juvenile justice facilities (7/11/06)

McLeod Regional Medical Center, Florence, SC -- re: effective communication in a hospital, including the provision of interpreters (7/10/06)

Twin Cities Avanti Stores, LLC, dba Oasis Markets -- re: removal of architectural barriers at convenience stores and gas stations (7/10/06)

City of Milwaukee, WI -- re: provision of an accessible route along the RiverWalk (7/6/06)

Cohen and Jaffe, LLC -- re: provision of appropriate auxiliary aids and services, including qualified interpreters, by a law office (6/30/06)

Historic Hilton Village Parlor Restaurant -- re: admitting individuals who use service animals into a restaurant (6/1/06)

South Florida Baptist Hospital -- re: furnishing appropriate auxiliary aids and services where necessary to ensure effective communication at a hospital (5/5/06)

Bethesda Memorial Hospital -- re: effective communication in a hospital setting (5/5/06)

Travel Inn -- re: hotel service animal policy (4/26/06)

Modern Dental Professional, Indiana, P.C., d/b/a Monarch Dental Associates -- re: providing qualified sign language interpreters at dental offices (4/17/06)

Michigan Department of Human Services -- re: increasing access to people with physical disabilities (4/12/06)

City of Claremont -- re: access to newly constructed visitor's center (4/4/06)

NPC International, Inc. -- re: improving access at existing, altered and newly constructed Pizza Hut restaurants (3/27/06)

City Cab -- re: transportation of customers and their service animals (3/27/06)

United States v. Automated Petroleum & Energy Co. Inc. -- re: Title III settlement agreement--removal of architectural barriers in convenience stores/gas stations (3/23/06)

Johnson Enterprises, LLC, d/b/a McDonald's -- re: admitting service animals in a restaurant (2/10/06)

Winston Motor Sports -- re: moving barriers to accessibility at an existing automobile racetrack (1/19/06)

Ticketmaster -- re: access to accessible seats, companion seats, and accessible ticketing policies (1/3/06)

Limo Economy Cab -- re: accessible transportation for persons who use wheelchairs (12/1/05)

Sunoco, Inc.; and Sunoco, Inc (R&M) -- re: compliance with new construction standards and barrier removal in gas stations and convenience stores (11/29/05)

Anne Arundel County Department of Detention Facilities -- re: provision of auxiliary aids and services to ensure effective communication in detention facilities (11/28/05)

Apollo Theater Foundation -- re: readily achievable barrier removal; alternatives to barrier removal; and modification of policies, practices and procedures (11/17/05)

Washington Hospital Center -- re: access to a broad range of medical services, including accessible inpatient hospital rooms, barrier removal throughout the hospital, accessible medical equipment, policies, and training (11/2/05)

Valley Radiologists Medical Group, Inc. -- re: accessible radiologic imaging medical equipment for individuals with mobility disabilities (11/2/05)

Ray Hand, Ph.D. -- re: effective communication with a client who is deaf (8/17/05)

Greater Southeast Community Hospital -- re: provision of auxiliary aids and services, including interpreters for deaf patients and companions at the Hospital (6/22/05)

Skyline Mountain Resort -- re: removal of architectural barriers at lodging and recreational facilities at a mountain resort (3/27/05)

Exodus Women's Center -- re: accessible medical examination tables for individuals with mobility disabilities (3/26/05)

Ali-Ann, Inc. -- re: removal of architectural barriers in an existing restaurant (3/24/05)

Norwegian American Hospital -- re: provide qualified sign language interpreters and other auxiliary aids and services to ensure effective communication (3/18/05)

Bette Bus Shuttle -- re: left-equipped bus service and assistance to passengers with disabilities, elimination of discriminatory policies (2/24/05)

Nevada State Welfare Division -- re: provision of interpreters, telephone handset amplifiers, note takers, written materials and TTY's at the statewide Welfare Division (1/26/05)

Dr. Robila Ashfaq -- re: accessible medical examination table for individuals with mobility disabilities (1/12/05)

Blue Plate Cafe -- re: modification of policies and procedures for people who use service animals (10/25/04)

Portable Practical Educational Preparation -- re: auxiliary aids and services and effective communications (9/9/04)

Terrace Motel -- re: modification of policies and procedures for people who use service animals (9/7/04)

Bogalusa Parish Communications District -- re: accessibility of 9-1-1 services to persons with communications disabilities (8/30/04)

Franklinton Police Department -- re: accessibility of 9-1-1 services to persons with communications disabilities (8/25/04)

Motel 6 -- re: new construction, alterations, removal of architectural barriers, and reservation system in lodging facilities (8/12/04)

Washington Parish Communications District -- re: accessibility of 9-1-1 services to persons with communications disabilities (8/11/04)

New York City Department of Corrections -- re:provision of an ADA Coordinator and grievance procedure at a correctional facility (8/5/04)

Washington Parish Sheriff's Office -- re: accessibility of 9-1-1 services to persons with communications disabilities (6/2/04)

Marriott at Metro Center Hotel -- re: provision of guest room roll-in showers in a lodging facility (6/21/04)

Delaware Department of Transportation -- re: requirement to install curb cuts on repaved roads (7/16/04)

Midway Realty Corporation -- re: provision of assistive listening systems in a movie theatre complex (5/5/04)

Rieck Avenue Country Day School -- re: denial of participation in a child care center's summer program (5/5/04)

Maryland Department of Juvenile Services -- re: auxiliary aids and services to ensure effective communication (3/29/04)

Youth Services International, Inc. -- re: auxiliary aids and services to ensure effective communication in a juvenile detention facility (3/29/04)

Bristol County, MA -- re: access to services, programs and activites of courts and registries of deeds (3/12/04)

Safeway, Inc. -- re: removal of architectural barriers (3/10/04)

Gregg Tirone, Esq., Rochester, NY -- re: provision of sign language interpreter by attorney (3/29/03)

Pleasant Valley, MO -- re: construction of a new city hall building (11/3/03)

McKinley Chalet Resort, Denali Park, AK -- re: removal of architectural barriers (10/21/03)

Eastern College Athletic Conference, Centerville, MA re: auxiliary aids and services and effective communication (10/21/03)

Brookside Gardens, Wheaton, MD -- re: new construction and program accessibility (10/20/03)

Little General Store, Inc., Beckley, WV -- re: removal of architectural barriers (10/15/03)

ANC Rental Corporation, Alamo Rent-A-Car, LLC, and National Car Rental System, Inc. -- re: accessibility of shuttle bus service from airport terminals to rental car lots (10/14/03)

City of Weston, WV -- re: program access (8/22/03)

Westin Convention Center Hotel, Pittsburgh, PA -- re: removal of barriers to provide access to guest rooms and common elements (8/14/03)

Super 8 Motel and Comfort Inn Motel, Annapolis, MD -- re: removal of barriers to provide access to guest rooms and common elements (8/13/03)

City of Jackson, MS -- re: zoning petition (5/17/03)

Yellow Cab Drivers Association, Salt Lake City, UT -- re: modifications of policies and procedures for people who use service animals (5/7/03)

Metropolitan Government of Nashville and Davidson County, TN -- re: final transition plan to make government buildings and facilities accessible (6/24/03)

City of Quincy, MA -- re: access to programs, activities and services, transition plan, grievance procedure (4/4/03)

Resort Express, Inc., Park City, UT -- re: demand responsive transportation, surcharges (3/11/03)

Hotel Harrington, DC -- re: removal of existing barriers to provide accessible guest rooms (3/7/03)

Carson Long Military Institute, New Bloomfield, PA -- re: reasonable modification of policies, practices and procedures (2/20/03)

Cypress Gardens Theme Park, Inc., Winter Haven, FL -- re: provision of auxiliary aids and services (2/5/03)

Cheatham County Jail, Ashland City, TN -- re: providing program access and auxiliary aids and services for inmates and visitors (1/22/03)

Ramada Inn Philadelphia International Airport, Essington, PA -- re: removal of communication barriers which are architectural in nature, provision of auxiliary aids and services (1/7/03)

Kingston Ramada Inn, Kingston, NY -- re: removal of communication barriers which are architectural in nature, provision of auxiliary aids and services (1/7/03)

Oceanview Motel, Wildwood Crest, NJ -- re: removal of existing barriers to provide accessible guest rooms, provision of auxiliary aids and services (1/6/03)

Ramada Limited Atlantic Avenue, Virginia Beach, VA -- re: removal of communication barriers which are architectural in nature, provision of auxiliary aids and services  (1/2/03)

Magical Palace, Branson MO -- re: new construction and alterations to a theater and ticketing policy (9/30/02)

Washington Opera, Washington, DC -- re: accessible seating locations, dispersion of accessible seats and ticketing policy (9/20/02)

City of Fort Walton Beach, FL -- re: physical accessibility to city facilities and programs and effective communication (9/11/02)

McGuffey's Restaurant, Ashville, NC -- re: new construction and removal of architectural barriers at three restaurants in Branson, Missouri (9/6/02)

City of Bryan, TX -- re: accessibility to private towing services dispatched by the city (8/26/02)

Mel Tillis Theater, Branson, MO -- re: new construction and the ADA Standards for Accessible Design (8/1/02)

Silver Hill Hospital, New Canaan, CT -- re: effective comunication, sign language interpreters and auxiliary aids and services (6/30/02)

Sun City Summerlin Community Association, Inc -- re: golf cart access for golfers with disabilities (5/16/02)

SuperShuttle International, Inc, Phoenix, AZ -- re: accessible airport shuttles (4/26/02)

Millikin University, Decatur, IL -- re: campus-wide modifications to provide access to services and facilities (3/14/02)

Branson Properties USA, LLLP and Empire Bank -- re: accessibility modifications at a live entertainment theater (3/13/02)

Law School Admissions Council -- re: testing accommodations on the Law School Admissions Test (LSAT) for individuals with physical disabilities (2/22/02)

New Orleans Jazz and Heritage Foundation, Inc, New Orleans, LA -- re: accessibility modifications, temporary facilities, sign language intepreters and shuttle bus service at an annual cultural festival (12/17/01)

Baltimore Ravens Limited Partnership, Baltimore, MD -- re: accessible spectator parking at PSINet Stadium (12/14/01)

Maryland Stadium Authority, Baltimore, MD -- re: accessible spectator parking at PSINet Stadium (12/14/01)

New York-New York Hotel and Casino, LLC, Las Vegas, NV -- re: new construction of a hotel and casino (12/14/01)

Georgetown University Hospital, Washington, DC -- re: assistance for transferring from a wheelchair to an examination table (10/31/01)

St. Luke's Hospital and Health Network -- re: people who are deaf or hard of hearing and auxiliary aids and services necessary for effective communication (10/10/01)

Western Michigan Baseball Limited Partnership -- re: new construction and alterations (9/5/01)

Concorde Career Institute -- re: denial of program participation because an individual is "regarded as" disabled  (5/5/01)

Advocate Ravenswood Hospital Medical Center -- re: people who are deaf or hard of hearing and auxiliary aids and services necessary for effective communication (4/3/01)

McDowell County, WV -- re: program and physical accessibility (2/7/01)

Office of the Sheriff, County of Fairfax, Fairfax, VA -- re: effective communications in a county jail (2/6/01)

Oklahoma County, OK -- re: program accessibility at a county courthouse (2/2/01)

Amendment of Settlement Order - Arnold et al. v. United Artists Theatre Circuit, Inc. et al. -- re: accessibility to movie theaters  (1/17/01)

Davis Hospital and Medical Center, Layton, UT -- re: sign language interpreters and auxiliary aids and services (1/18/01)

City of Houston, TX -- re: police, city jail and municipal courts providing effective communication with people who are deaf or hard-of-hearing (3/31/00)

Duke University, Durham, NC -- re: removing barriers to access, alterations and new construction, modifying policies and practices to make classes and programs accessible (2/23/00)

Greyhound Bus Lines, Inc, Dallas, TX -- re: removal of architectural barriers, assistance to passengers with disabilities, lift-equipped bus service (9/29/99)

American Association of State Social Work Boards and Assessment Systems, Inc., Grinnell, Iowa -- re: providing a "qualified reader" in standardized testing for an individual with a disability (9/28/99)

MGM Hotel, Inc, Las Vegas, NV -- re: removal of architectural barriers, alterations to existing facilities, modifications to policies, practices and procedures  (9/16/99)

City of Toledo, OH -- re: accessibility to city services, programs and activities, completion of a self evaluation and transition plan, effective communications with people with disabilities and compliance with the ADA Accessibility Standards in new construction and alteration of facilities (8/23/99)

AVIS Rent A Car -- re: shuttle bus services at airports  (5/27/99)

Crown Theaters, Danbury, CT -- re: assistive listening systems in theaters (3/8/99)

The Wold Driving School, Wausau, WI -- re: provision of auxiliary aids and services by a private driving school  (1/21/99)

Smyrna Playschool, Inc. d/b/a Cumberland Child Care -- re: modification of policies to permit enrollment of children with asthma (12/23/98)

The Texas Commission for the Blind -- re: reasonable accommodations and employment  (12/21/98)

Bass Hotels & Resorts, Atlanta, GA (posted Holiday Inn) -- re: barriers to access, auxillary aids and services and mediation (12/16/98)

Airlie Conference Center, Warrenton, VA -- re: removal of architectural barriers (9/3/98)

Wendy's International , Dublin, OH -- re: accessibility to customer queue areas (8/27/98)

Lawyer's Advocate, Inc., Broomfield, CO -- re: effective communication related to seminars  (7/14/98)

Moon River Theater, Branson, MO -- re: removal of architectural barriers in a live performance theater (6/2/98)

Vasquez Funeral Home, Chicago, IL -- re: providing services to all persons on an equal basis, without regard to disability, including persons who have died from AIDS-related complications or another infectious disease (5/29/98)

County of Northampton, PA -- re: appointing an ADA coordinator and establishing a grievance procedure to resolve ADA complaints  (4/21/98)

City of San Bernardino, CA -- re: provision of sign language interpreters, materials in alternate formats and Assistive Listening Devices  (4/21/98)

Borough of Olyphant, PA -- re: removal of architectural barriers and compliance with the alteration requirements of the ADA Standards for Accessible Design (4/1/98)

TST One, Indiana, L.L.C., Indianapolis, IN -- re: removal of architectural barriers and future alterations (3/2/98)

City of Norfolk, Norfolk, VA -- re: accessibility to the SCOPE Arena and access to the services, programs or activities provided in the arena (2/27/98)

Paradise Grill, Branson, MO - the design and construction of a new restaurant in compliance with the ADA Standards for Accessible Design (2/23/98)

Arizona Shuttle Service, Tucson, AZ -- re: accessible buses and vans and modification of policies and procedures for people who use service animals  (11/25/97)

New Hampshire Sweepstakes Commission -- re: program accessibility for lottery programs under Title II (11/10/97)

Town of Kingstree, SC -- re: auxiliary aids and services under Title II (11/5/97)

La Petite Academy, Inc. -- re: modification of policies and practices for emergency treatment, medication and staff assistance for children with allergies, diabetes and mobility disabilities  (10/23/97)

Philadelphia Court of Common Pleas, PA -- re: reasonable accommodation of potential jurors with disabilities (10/23/97)

Eye Institute of Orange County, Irvine, CA -- re: provision of services to people with Down's Syndrome  (9/18/97)

Oregon State Lottery Commission -- re: sale of lottery tickets and access to the services, programs and activities of the Oregon State Lottery (9/16/97)

Stowe Township, PA -- re: accessibility to the public meetings of the Board of Commissioners (8/6/97)

Outagamie County, WI -- re: accessibility to the Outagamie County Justice Center (7/3/97)

Hancock County, MS -- re: persons who are deaf or hard of hearing having an equal opportunity to participate as jurors, parties, witnesses, and spectators of the Courts (2/11/97)

Budget Rent a Car Systems, Inc. -- re: modifications of policies and procedures for people who use service animals  (6/30/97)

Walt Disney World Company Agreement -- re: the use of auxiliary aids at Disney theme parks  (1/17/97)

Mid-America Festivals Corporation -- re: architectural access for persons with disabilities and removal of architectural barriers at the Minnesota Renaissance Festival (1/13/97)

North Kingstown Police Department, North Kingstown, RI -- re: auxiliary aids and services and effective communication (12/12/96)

Santa Clara County Superior Court, Santa Clara, CA -- re: auxiliary aids and services and effective communication  (10/10/96)

Olympic Stadium -- re: new construction, wheelchair seating locations, companion seating, comparable line of sight, accessible routes (5/15/96)

Olympic Aquatic Center -- re: new construction, alterations, wheelchair seating locations, companion seating, comparable line of sight, accessible route, assistive listening system, visual alarms (7/11/96)

KinderCare Settlement Agreement -- re: Diabetes Finger-prick Tests (8/22/96)

Cineplex Odeon Corporation and Plitt Theatres, Inc. -- re: Assistive Listening Systems  (8/29/96)

Marriott International, Inc., and Courtyard Management Corporation -- re: reservation policies, barrier removal and provision of auxiliary aids (9/12/96)

Sunshine Child Center, Inc. Agreement -- re: reasonable modifications to policies, practices, and procedures, integrated settings and barrier removal (12/12/95)

Safeway, Inc., Pleasanton, CA -- re: removal of architectural barriers (7/25/95)


Pea Ridge School District

Pea Ridge School District (Word) | PDF - Re: exclusion of three students from public school district after the district’s review of a document referencing the HIV status of the students’ family member, in violation of Title II of the ADA (12/13/16)

Philadelphia Police Department

Letter of Finding | PDF -- re: provision of auxiliary aids and services to ensure effective communication to arrestees, detainees, and victims of crime by police department (12/7/16)

New York City Department of Corrections

Letter of Findings | PDF -- re: violations of Title II of the ADA by failing to consistently respond to requests for reasonable accommodations in a timely and adequate manner; by failing to place inmates with mobility impairments and visual impairments in accessible housing areas; by failing to provide inmates with mobility impairments with appropriate mobility devices and by failing to ensure that inmates with hearing impairments have equal access to telecommunications services (12/5/16)

University of California at Berkeley

Letter of Findings of the United States (Word) | PDF-- re: failure to make publically available online content accessible to individuals with hearing, vision or manual disabilities, in violation of title II of the ADA (8/30/16)

Nevada Department of Corrections | PDF - re: violations of Title II of the ADA through housing and employment policies and practices that have resulted in the segregation and stigmatization of inmates with HIV and the incarceration of inmates with disabilities for longer periods, in more restrictive settings, than inmates without disabilities (6/20/16)

New York City Department of Education | PDF -- re: physical barriers and public policies that deny equal access to children with disabilities within the New York City school system (12/21/15)

Florida Department of Corrections | PDF – re: obligation of public entities receiving federal funding to permit the Department of Justice to conduct compliance reviews to enforce Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 (6/16/15)

Amtrak (National Railroad Passenger Corporation) | PDF – re: failure to make existing station facilities in its intercity rail transportation system, for which it is responsible, accessible (6/10/15) 

Augusta County, Virginia -- re: violations of Title II of the ADA in discriminating against voters with disabilities by failing to select accessible facilities to be used as polling places (5/13/15)

Gates-Chili Central School District | PDF -- re: violation of Title II of the ADA by refusing to permit a student to bring her service dog to school unless the student's mother also provides a full-time handler (4/13/15)

Massachusetts Department of Children and Families

Department of Justice/Department of Health and Human Services Joint Letter of Findings | PDF– re: violations of Title II of the ADA by DOJ and HHS, and Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 by HHS, by child welfare agency in failing to provide mother with developmental disability individualized supports and services appropriate to reunify with her daughter (2/2/15)

Virgin Islands Department of Public Works (VITRAN) -- re: violations of Title II of the ADA by operating a fixed-route bus system that is not readily accessible to and usable by individuals with disabilities, and a complementary paratransit system, VITRAN Plus, that fails to provide service that is comparable to the level of designated public transportation services provide to individuals without disabilities using the system (11/14/14)

Virgin Islands Board of Elections – re: violations of Title II of the ADA in discriminating against voters with disabilities by failing to select accessible facilities to be used as polling places (10/14/14)

Harris County Clerk’s Office, Texas – re: violations of Title II of the ADA in discriminating against voters with disabilities by failing to select accessible facilities to be used as polling places (9/29/14)

City of Ocean Springs, Mississippi – re: violations of Title II of the ADA in discriminating against an outpatient mental health clinic by denying it a certificate of occupancy and use permit to operate in a zone where it should have been allowed to operate by right under the local zoning ordinance based on discriminatory motives against persons with mental illness (8/15/14)

State of Louisiana Attorney Licensure System | PDF – re: violations of Title II of the ADA in discriminating against bar applicants with mental health disabilities by making unnecessary inquiries and imposing additional, unnecessary requirements and burdens (2/6/14)

State of Alabama -- re: violations of Title II of the ADA in discriminating against and interfering with the rights of students with diabetes who use insulin and Glucagon (12/11/13) 

Pennsylvania State Correctional Institution at Cresson -- re: violation of Title II of the ADA in denying many inmates with serious mental illness and intellectual disabilities the opportunity to participate in and benefit from a variety of correctional services and activities, such as classification, security, housing, and mental health services; providing unequal, ineffective, and different or separate opportunities; unlawful segregating and warehousing; failing to make individualized assessments; and failing to reasonably modify policies, practices, and procedures (5/31/13)


Autobuses Zacatecanos, Inc.– re: requirement that an over-the-road bus company file required annual reports with the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration (11/22/11)

American Asia Express, Inc. -- re: requirement that an over-the-road bus company file required annual reports with the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration (11/10/11)

Cardinal Coach Line– re: requirement that an over-the-road bus company file required annual reports with the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration (11/10/11)

Hebaragi & Lemi, Inc. -- re: requirement that an over-the-road bus company file required annual reports with the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration (11/10/11)

Nick's Travel & Tours - re: requirement that an over-the-road bus company file required annual reports with the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration (11/10/11)

Rosita's Luxury Tours, Inc. - re: requirement that an over-the-road bus company file required annual reports with the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration (11/10/11)

Royal American Tours - re: requirement that an over-the-road bus company file required annual reports with the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration (11/10/11)

Spirit Tours, Inc. - re: requirement that an over-the-road bus company file required annual reports with the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration (11/10/11)

XOXXOX Charter Bus Service, Inc. - re: requirement that an over-the-road bus company file required annual reports with the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration (11/10/11)

Zavala Plus, LLC - re: requirement that an over-the-road bus company file required annual reports with the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration (11/10/11)

Case Western Reserve University– re: accessibility of electronic book readers to individuals with vision disabilities (1/13/10)

Pace University -- re: accessibility of electronic book readers to individuals with vision disabilities (1/13/10)

Princeton University -- re: accessibility of electronic book readers to individuals with vision disabilities (3/29/10)

Reed College -- re: accessibility of electronic book readers to individuals with vision disabilities (1/13/10)