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Posted November 4, 2016Today in Energy

Oil wells drilled horizontally are among the highest-producing wells ›

Oil wells drilled horizontally through hydrocarbon-bearing formations are often among the most prolific oil wells in the United States. Although modern horizontal drilling achieved commercial success in the 1980s, drilling techniques have improved, and in recent years, horizontal drilling has become more common. More

Source: EIA, based on DrillingInfo


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Data Highlights

WTI crude oil futures price

11/3/2016: $44.66/barrels

down$5.06 from week earlier
down$1.66 from year earlier

Natural gas futures price

11/3/2016: $2.769/MMBtu

up$0.005 from week earlier
up$0.507 from year earlier

Weekly coal production

10/29/2016: 17.008 million tons

up0.546 million tons from week earlier
up0.340 million tons from year earlier

Natural gas inventories

10/28/2016: 3,963 Bcf

up54 Bcf from week earlier
up48 Bcf from year earlier

Crude oil inventories

10/28/2016: 482.6 million barrels

up14.4 million barrels from week earlier
up31.7 million barrels from year earlier


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