Campaign: Increasing Transparency & Enhancing Disaster Preparedness

Remove Google Earth Maps and Co Names from "At Risk" Buildings

I recommend the Federal Government remove Google Maps and Company Names from buildings for "at risk" terrorist targets. The Federal Government should, for example, require their defense contractors to remove their company names from their buildings and to wipe such business addresses referenced on the internet. Google Maps should be required to eliminate such locations/mapping from their online maps application. This has obvious benefits in terms of reducing risks to these locations. The Federal Government knows the locations of their contractors....nobody else needs to know. Right now, it seems to me like the general availability of this type of information is like leaving one's keys in their car knowing that car thieves are roaming your neighborhood. IF anyone is legitimately seeking such information, they should have to go through a security check...through the Federal Government.

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-6 votes
4 up votes
10 down votes
Idea No. 1836