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FHWA Home / Accelerating Innovation / Every Day Counts / EDC-3: Locally Administered Federal-Aid Projects - Stakeholder Partnering

Stakeholder Partnering Resource Library

The Stakeholder Partnering Resource Library provides examples of successful practices, resources, web links, and contact information to assist State Transportation Agencies (STAs), Metropolitan Planning Organizations (MPOs), and Local Public Agencies (LPAs) in improving or establishing their own stakeholder partnering initiative. Resources include State LPA program design, best practices, and Q&A fact sheets, as well as suggested partnering options with National Association of County Engineers and American Public Works Association contacts. Use of these materials is not prescriptive or mandatory.

Library Directory

Case Studies and FAQs
Every Day Counts
Fact Sheets
Federally Funded LPA Project Policy Guidance
Stakeholder Partnering Charters
State Transportation Agency Stakeholder Partnering Web Resources
Training Resources
Videos and Broadcasts
Webinars and Exchanges

Case Studies and FAQs

Arizona's Local Public Agency Stakeholder Council Case Study

Florida's Local Agency Program Community of Practice Case Study

Ohio's Local Public Agency Advisory Group Case Study and FAQs

Virginia's Stakeholder Partnering Groups Case Study

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Every Day Counts

Stakeholder Partnering is one of the innovative practices that FHWA is promoting through the Every Day Counts (EDC) initiative. The EDC website contains information and resources to help transportation agencies implement stakeholder partnering in their state.

EDC-2 Locally Administered Federal-Aid Projects

EDC-3 Locally Administered Federal-Aid Projects: Stakeholder Partnering

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Fact Sheets

EDC-3 Locally Administered Federal-Aid Projects: The EDC-3 innovation fact sheet lists the benefits of forming a formal federal, state, and local partnership.

Locally Administered Federal-Aid Projects Fact Sheet: The EDC-2 Locally Administered Federal-Aid Projects Fact Sheet includes a description of stakeholder partnering and other innovative practices that can improve local program delivery.

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Federally Funded LPA Project Policy Guidance

FHWA Local Public Agency Webpage: Contains links to policy guidance to assist LPA and State Transportation Agency officials in meeting Federal-Aid program project requirements.

A Guide to Federal-Aid Programs and Projects: Provides current Federal-Aid program and project information, including funding shares, regulatory references, background, and history.

FHWA Order 5020.2: Stewardship and Oversight of Federal-Aid Projects Administered by Local Public Agencies: Defines roles and responsibilities for LPA-administered, Federal-Aid funded projects. (08/14)

FHWA Memorandum on Local Public Agency Stewardship Issues. (02/12)

FHWA Memorandum on Responsible Charge: Outlines person designated as “responsible charge” on Federal-Aid construction projects. (08/11)

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Work Smarter – Be a Partner! Locally Administered Federal-Aid Projects – Stakeholder Partnering: This presentation offers an introduction to stakeholder partnering and explains why it is part of the Every Day Counts initiative, along with information on the current State of Practice and available resources for implementation. (03/16)

LPA Stakeholder Partnering for Success: This series of three presentations given at the APWA 2015 International Public Works Congress & Exposition covers the rationale behind stakeholder partnering, including obstacles and opportunities, and includes federal, state, and local perspectives. (08/15)

LPA Stakeholder Partnering Initiative: Presented by Bob Wright, FHWA Office of Program Administration, at the 2014 NACE Annual Conference session on “LPA Success Stories: Stakeholder Partnering.” (04/14)

Wisconsin County Highway Association Stakeholder Development: Presented by Dan Fedderly, Executive Director, Wisconsin County Highway Association at the 2014 NACE Annual Conference session on “LPA Success Stories: Stakeholder Partnering.” (04/14)

Every Day Counts II Arizona Local Public Agency Stakeholder Council: Presented by Jodi Rooney, Arizona Department of Transportation Local Public Agency Section, to the Arizona Association of County Engineers provides details on Arizona’s new LPA Stakeholder Council. (02/14)

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Taking Partnering to a New Level: Describes how the Ohio DOT’s LPA Advisory Group is helping improve the Federal-Aid process for locals statewide. American Public Works Association, Reporter (07/16)

Stakeholder Partnering—Enhancing Local Transportation Programs through Communication and Streamlining: Highlights the benefits of programmatic partnering for locally administered Federal-Aid projects. Center for Accelerating Innovation, Innovator (05/16)

Coming Together to Tackle Transportation Issues: Features the South Dakota DOT’s Transportation Advisory Council, a stakeholder partnering group for local and tribal stakeholders. Also included is a sidebar on a stakeholder partnering charter template. Center for Accelerating Innovation, Innovator (01/16)

Stakeholder Partnering: Transforming Transportation at the Local Level: Article on stakeholder partnering that highlights messages on the subject from transportation leaders during the EDC-3 Summits. American Public Works Association, Reporter (07/15) Reprinted in NACE News (07/15)

Stakeholder Partnering: Working Together to Deliver Local Projects Better: Describes the ideas behind stakeholder partnering, the benefits, and examples of formal partnerships currently in place. Center for Accelerating Innovation, Innovator (03/15)

Construction Quality Assurance for Federally Funded Local Public Agency Projects: FHWA Tech Brief that includes stakeholder partnering as a means of improving communication and understanding of Federal-Aid project requirements. FHWA Tech Brief (03/15)

NACE-Initiated Stakeholder Partnering Expanding Around the Country: Article notes that stakeholder partnering can result in more consistent interpretation of federal requirements. NACE News (10/14)

EDC-3: The Next Wave of Innovation is Here: Article on stakeholder partnering as one of the 11 innovations in EDC-3. Center for Accelerating Innovation, Innovator (09/14)

CRA and MDOT to Chair Local Public Agency Stakeholder Partnering Initiative: The County Road Association of Michigan announced the formation of their stakeholder partnership with the Michigan DOT. (09/14)

Arizona Captures Local Audience With Novel Approach: Spotlights the Arizona Department of Transportation’s new Local Public Agency Stakeholder Council with an article on its launch.  Center for Accelerating Innovation, Innovator (07/14)

Missouri Department of Transportation’s Local Public Authority Advisory Committee: Describes the partnership MoDOT formed to help improve and guide their federally funded local program. American Public Works Association, Reporter (07/14)

LPA Stakeholder Partnering Advances to Round 3 of Every Day Counts Announces stakeholder partnering’s advance to round three of the Every Day Counts initiative. NACE News (07/14)

Every Day Counts Offers Help in Managing Local Projects: Article includes strategies for improving local programs being promoted under round two of the Every Day Counts initiative. Center for Accelerating Innovation, Innovator (09/13)

Stakeholder Partnering articles in FHWA’s EDC News weekly newsletter
Issue Date Featured
July 28, 2016 Local Agencies Participate in Arizona Stakeholder Partnering Meeting
June 30, 2016 Innovation of the Month: Stakeholder Partnering/ Group members’ expertise helps guide policies and programs
June 16, 2016 Innovation of the Month: Stakeholder Partnering/ New Partnerships Forming
June 9, 2016 Innovation of the Month: Stakeholder Partnering/ Elements of Successful Partnering
June 2, 2016 Innovation of the Month: Stakeholder Partnering/ State of the Practice
October 29, 2015 New Jersey holds inactive projects workshop
March 27, 2015 Innovation Implementation: Stakeholder Partnering/Virginia Department of Transportation
March 20, 2015 Innovation Implementation: Stakeholder Partnering/Arizona Local Public Agency Stakeholder Council
March 13, 2015 Innovation of the Month: Stakeholder Partnering/Benefits
March 6, 2015 Innovation Implementation: Stakeholder Partnering/FHWA Support Available
February 13, 2015 Florida focuses on local agency program
December 12, 2014 Innovation Implementation: Locally Administered Federal-Aid Projects/Ohio Local Public Agency Advisory Group
October 3, 2014 Virginia hosts workshop on local program administration
September 12, 2014 Michigan forms stakeholder partnering group
June 20, 2014 Ohio launches local advisory group
December 20, 2013 Arizona launches local stakeholder council
September 27, 2013 Virginia workshop covers local programs
September 13, 2013 Innovation of the Month: Locally Administered Federal-Aid Projects/Maryland Association of Counties Summer Conference

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EDC-3 Progress Report #2: Includes brief descriptions of successful stakeholder partnering practices in seven states. (July-December 2015)

EDC-3 Progress Report #1: Features highlights from stakeholder partnering programs in eight states. (January-June 2015)

EDC-3 Summit Summary and Baseline Report: Identifies states where stakeholder partnering is already an institutionalized practice and states that are working to establish stakeholder partnering groups. (03/15)

EDC-2 Final Report: Includes stakeholder partnering state-of-the-practice information and highlights from several states. (03/15)

Federal-Aid Highways—Federal Highway Administration Could Further Mitigate Locally Administered Project Risks. Audit report issued by the Government Accountability Office GAO-14-113 (01/14)

Practices and Performance Measures for Local Public Agency Federally Funded Highway Projects: National Cooperative Highway Research Program (NCHRP) Synthesis 442 provides an overview of practices used in Federal-Aid project development and management. (05/13)

Federal Highway Administration’s Oversight of Federal-Aid and Recovery Act Projects Administered by Local Public Agencies Needs Strengthening: Audit report issued by the Office of Inspector General: MH-2011-146 (07/11)

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Training Resources

National Highway Institute (NHI): Offers a number of training courses focused on LPAs.

Local & Tribal Technical Assistance Programs (LTAP/TTAP): Designed to provide information and training to local government and agency staff. The national LTAP/TTAP website acts as a central source of information for industry stakeholders and includes links to a network of 58 state, regional and tribal centers.

Ohio LTAP and Federal-Aid Essentials: An article from FHWA’s Public Roads magazine details how the Ohio LTAP used the Federal-aid Essentials video library to build an eLearning program for staff at local public agencies. A video case study is also available.

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Stakeholder Partnering Charters

The FHWA template for creating a Local Public Agency Stakeholder Partnering Team Charter provides guidance that should be considered by any STA interested in establishing a stakeholder partnering council or working group.

Template for Local Public Agency Stakeholder Partnering Team Charter

Florida DOT's Local Agency Program Community of Practice Charter

Ohio DOT's Local Public Agency Advisory Group Memorandum of Understanding

Oregon DOT's Local Program Leadership Team Charter

Wisconsin DOT's Local Program Advisory Forum Charter

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State Transportation Agency Stakeholder Partnering Web Resources

Arizona Department of Transportation: The webpage for ADOT's LPA Stakeholder Council includes information on its background and framework, as well as meeting agendas and handouts.

Federal-Aid Essentials for Local Public Agencies: Website includes a comprehensive directory of STA resources for LPAs, including links to Local Program websites, manuals and reference documents, Local Technical Assistance Program (LTAP) centers, and Local Program coordinators.

California Department of Transportation: Caltrans has a long-standing stakeholder partnership called the Transportation Co-Op Committee. A description of the committee and recent years’ meeting minutes are available.

Florida Department of Transportation: The FDOT’s stakeholder partnering group is called the Local Agency Program Community of Practice (LAP CoP). Website includes an Asked & Answered page.

Missouri Department of Transportation: Website includes contact information for Statewide LPA Advisory Committee members.

Ohio Department of Transportation: The ODOT LPA Advisory Group webpage provides information on the group’s purpose and membership, as well as links to meeting materials and fact sheets on Federal-Aid processes.

Oregon Department of Transportation: ODOT’s stakeholder partnering committee is called the Local Program Leadership Team. Membership is from State DOT, FHWA, Association of Oregon Counties, and League of Oregon Cities.

Virginia Department of Transportation Local Assistance Division: Website includes links to information on their Urban Construction Initiative Working Group and minutes from the group’s meetings.

Wisconsin Department of Transportation Local Program Advisory Forum: Stakeholder partnering committee that includes FHWA, WisDOT, county government, city government, regional planning commissions, consulting firms, and the highway construction industry.

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Videos and Broadcasts

FHWA EDC-3 case study video on the Ohio Department of Transportation’s Local Public Agency Advisory Group. (06/16)

Federal-Aid Essentials for Local Public Agencies: Website includes a video on stakeholder partnering and a companion guide. (03/15)

FHWA promotional video includes information on stakeholder partnering and 10 additional innovative practices supported by the third round of the Every Day Counts program. (12/14)

Every Day Counts 3 Summit: Jeff Zaharewicz, FHWA Office of Technical Services, hosted an innovation breakout session on stakeholder partnering in Washington, D.C. He provided examples, lessons learned, and other information to support implementation. (10/14)

LTAP/TTAP Interchange podcast: From the second round of Every Day Counts, Hari Kalla, former Director of FHWA’s Center for Accelerating Innovation and current Director of the Office of Asset Management, Pavements, and Construction, discusses EDC innovations and encourages adoption of stakeholder partnering. (02/13)

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Webinars and Exchanges

Stakeholder Partnering—Making it Work!: This interactive EDC webinar provides clarity on the stakeholder partnering definition, reviews the current State of Practice, and provides an overview and discussion of available resources. (05/16)

Locally Administered Federal-Aid Projects: Stakeholder Partnering for Success: This EDC Exchange for Local and Tribal Agencies includes State and Local Public Agency perspectives on how stakeholder partnering has positively impacted delivery of the Federal-Aid Highway Program. (12/15)

Stakeholder Partnering—Is it Right for You?: Provides an overview of stakeholder partnering and the FHWA resources available for implementation, including a stakeholder partnering charter template, technical assistance, peer exchanges, and webinars tailored to state needs. (10/15)

EDC-2 Local Public Agency Exchange on Locally Administered Federal-Aid Projects Initiatives: What’s in it for You?: Provides an overview of stakeholder partnering as one of three LPA initiatives from EDC-2 and includes presentations on programs in Florida and Virginia. (09/13)

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Michael Smith
FHWA Resource Center
(404) 562-3694

Robert Wright
FHWA Office of Infrastructure
(202) 366-4630

Page last modified on August 24, 2016