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New Trends in Transportation and Land Use Scenario Planning

Five Case Studies of Regional and Local Scenario Planning Efforts

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APRIL 2010

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Prepared for:
Office of Planning
Federal Highway Administration
U.S. Department of Transportation

The Volpe Center logo

Prepared by:
Transportation Policy, Planning and Organizational Excellence Division
John A. Volpe National Transportation Systems Center
Research and Innovative Technology Administration
U.S. Department of Transportation


The U.S. Department of Transportation John A. Volpe National Transportation Systems Center (Volpe Center), in Cambridge, Massachusetts, prepared this report for the Federal Highway Administration's (FHWA) Office of Planning. The project team, which was led by Alisa Fine of the Transportation Policy, Planning and Organizational Excellence Division, included Jeffrey Bryan, also of the Transportation Policy, Planning and Organizational Excellence Division, Kate Sylvester of MacroSys, and Michelle Noch of the FHWA/Federal Transit Administration's Los Angeles, California, Metropolitan Office.

The Volpe Center project team wishes to thank the staff members from the City of Cheyenne and Laramie County, the Cheyenne Metropolitan Planning Organization, the Chicago Metropolitan Agency for Planning, the Metropolitan Washington Council of Governments, the Southern California Association of Governments, the Thomas Jefferson Planning District Commission, and the Renaissance Planning Group who provided insights, review, and comments on this report. The time they graciously provided was fundamental in preparing the case studies presented here.

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Updated: 5/9/2014
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