Campaign: FEMA Think Tank

Capturing the Questions We Ask - Learning from History

Each day we ask hundreds of questions - ones that are often simple and not verbalized - thoughts that are processed and we move on. Our ability to mitigate, prepare, respond & recover are really tied to the questions that we ask (and don't ask). All too often those questions & historical knowledge are lost when people move, change jobs, pass on, and when we just forget. Having a way to share common questions faced ...more »

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34 votes
37 up votes
3 down votes

Campaign: FEMA Think Tank

An emergent, collaborative, online emergency management library

This think tank is a good initial step toward a one stop shop resource center for the nation, with an easy interface that is well organized to bring people with similar challenges together, and to have a cohesive plan across the board for disaster management. It should be organized to parallel the whole community approach - navigating the site should feel like you're moving through a community. Similar to the think tank, ...more »

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21 votes
21 up votes
0 down votes

Campaign: FEMA Think Tank

Multi-Agency/Organization Muck-out Work Order System

This idea was already implemented for Hurricane Sandy, and successfully managed 30,000 volunteers from more than 80 organizations at more than 4,000 homes in need of clean-up, muck-outs, and debris removal in Connecticut, New York, Long Island, and New Jersey. The system is running and may be adapted to any location in the U.S. (or the world) in a matter of hours; it's an open source gift to the disaster recovery community, ...more »

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20 votes
22 up votes
2 down votes

Campaign: Innovative Solutions in Emergency Management

A New Approach to Emergency Operations Plan Partnerships

The Creation of National (Cloud-Based) Emergency Operations Plan (EOP) Repositories & Databases to Enhance Collaboration Opportunities, and More. FULL ARTICLE IS POSTED HERE: - TECHNOLOGY AND METHODS: One possibility is the use of a secure Microsoft OneDrive Cloud service paired in combination with OneNote software. ...more »

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7 votes
7 up votes
0 down votes

Campaign: FEMA Think Tank

Rail Safe-Harbor

Base-sites in local communities (e.g. Inexpensive warehouse design approximately the size of a Walgreens or CVS up to Wal-Mart size) that are multi-use, dual powerd by grid or a train engine and spread across the National Rail system to house, treat and/or evacuate populace on a temporary short term basis for a few days before, during or after a disaster event. FEMA heavy resources respond to each location within 6 hours ...more »

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-9 votes
8 up votes
17 down votes

Displaying all 5 Ideas