FEMA’s 2014-2018 Strategic Plan development effort will be built around five strategic priorities and two strategic imperatives, as described in the 2015-2019 Administrator’s Intent.

FEMA's Recovery Directorate is leading the development of Priority 1 - Be Survivor Centric in Mission and Program Delivery. Through this strategic priority, FEMA will reorient its activities and improve its programs to lessen the burden placed on disaster survivors, achieve a timely presence on the ground to support survivors, and maximize effect with simplified policies and procedures to assist state, tribal and local officials with their recovery efforts to meet survivor needs. FEMA will work with our partners across the whole community to develop holistic solutions and identify referrals to answer survivor questions quickly.

FEMA is conducting stakeholder engagement as part of the Strategic Plan Priority 1 development process. We welcome your thoughts, ideas or suggestions for each topic that could improve our service to survivors, and simplify policies and procedures for states, tribes, and local government recovery efforts to meet survivor needs.

  • Topic 1: Describe where FEMA should focus its efforts to be more survivor centric.
  • Topic 2: Identify specific strategies or efforts FEMA could employ to realize a more survivor centric approach.

Campaign: Priority 1 – Be Survivor Centric in Mission and Program Delivery

Inexpensive, High Quality Temporary Shelter

After a disaster, many of the people who survive suffer from cold, heat, weather, or theft of provisions. To combat this problem, FLL Team Category 6 developed "Temporary Shelters", a modestly priced and effective way to survive the aftermath of a natural disaster. Temporary Shelters are made of two common building materials: Styrofoam and corrugated plastic. To make our shelter very insulated, we combine these two by ...more »

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Campaign: Priority 1 – Be Survivor Centric in Mission and Program Delivery


IDEASCALE WEBSITE TYPE IS: "CITY COMMUNITY ENGAGEMENT" HERE IS A REAL EXAMPLE: "City of Redmond Community Engagement at IdeaScale" https://redmond.ideascale.com/ PURPOSE: Members can submit Ideas for improvements to the city, with special emphasis on resilience, awareness, preparedness, and safety. OTHER IMPORTANT “CITY COMMUNITY ENGAGEMENT” POSTS AT IDEASCALE MAY INCLUDE: 1. An outlet to brainstorm volunteering ...more »

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Campaign: Priority 1 – Be Survivor Centric in Mission and Program Delivery

Reduce the Shotgun Appraoch to FEMA's Roll With Surviors

Consider identify what core activities FEMA is to provide to survivors that are above and beyond what State, Tribal, and local governments are to provide and provide them. FEMA is a coordinating agency for the Federal government, not a first or second response organization (except for perhaps the Urban Search & Rescue Teams). Support the development of State, Tribal, and local governments capabilities along with all ...more »

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Campaign: Priority 1 – Be Survivor Centric in Mission and Program Delivery

Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs

MHN would seem to me to be a good framework to use when trying to plan mission and program delivery. A pamphlet that addressed the first two areas could be helpful in planning survivor centric plans: 1. Biological and Physiological needs - air, food, drink, shelter, warmth and sleep. 2. Safety needs - protection from elements, security, order, law, limits and stability. The next three needs could be part of the recovery ...more »

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Campaign: Priority 1 – Be Survivor Centric in Mission and Program Delivery

Back to Basics

In times of emergency, the stress and anxiety of the survivors situation can be overwhelming. FEMA does a lot of things. Many of them well. We need to focus on making of assistance less complex during high stress times. 1. Our recovery programs should focus on the essential priroties of food, shelter/housing, public helath and safety. 2. Programs should be easy to understand and easy to access with multiple sources ...more »

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Campaign: Priority 1 – Be Survivor Centric in Mission and Program Delivery

How can FEMA cut responce time to an event down dramaticaly ?

There are several ways we could accomplish this/ One way is to set up like "FEMA terminals that would service an area within striking distance that would be designed specifically equipped for the types of problems that could arise in that climate. And there could be default storage sites that would of course hold non-perishable items that are used in any type of event that could come up. And storage site could have ...more »

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Campaign: Priority 1 – Be Survivor Centric in Mission and Program Delivery

Enable critical interpersonal communications following disasters

Anyone on this forum knows that communications breakdowns are inherent in any disaster. But the human cost of these communications breakdowns are enormous and largely unrecognized. Family members and friends often lose entirely the ability to communicate with their loved ones who reside in a disaster area due non-functioning phone lines, cell towers, and other break-downs. The result is undue stress, worry, and dread ...more »

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Campaign: Priority 1 – Be Survivor Centric in Mission and Program Delivery

Enhance our technologies linking documents to survivor regs.

One of the greatest challenges in expeditiously processing IHP grants for survivors is the wait time for them to send in documents that are then scanned and then attached to their file before further processing. Equip and train the various field staff (DSA, FEMA CORP, DRC Staff, State Staff) with the ability to scan a file or necessary documents directly into a survivor's application (NEMIS Registration) that will ...more »

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Campaign: Priority 1 – Be Survivor Centric in Mission and Program Delivery

Priority 1 – Be Survivor Centric in Mission and Program Delivery

Has FEMA ever considered partnering with fast food restaurants (FFR) to provide assistance during a natural disaster? Over the course of the first few hours this may be a way to feed families. A FFR could be contracted to provide emergency services. If the FFR was located in an area that did not have damaged infrastructure food and drinks could be provided until rescue efforts were centralized. The FFR would likely ...more »

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Campaign: Priority 1 – Be Survivor Centric in Mission and Program Delivery

Ecosphere Technologies

FEMA should make a large order of these EF80s they build here in USA in Stuart,Fl. Each unit can clean 3m GDP with zero chemicals. The governement could have fleets of these ready for the next season. The company can build them on a Oshkosh 6x6 or with solar. We need leaders who plan ahead not just fix half way because of lack of planning. I'd even be willing to do this job, and build a business with help of FEMA order ...more »

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Displaying all 11 Ideas