Campaign: Essential Capabilities


Potential solutions to address the challenges we face in implementing actions: Expand the use of public and private sector partnerships(P.S.R.S./M.A.R.S./R.A.C.E.S./A.R.E.S./S.A.T.E.R.N.) related to emergency communications. The private sector owns more than 85 percent of critical infrastructure, government and emergency response agencies own and operate communications systems that support their critical missions, including defense, law enforcement, and emergency response. The private sector’s capabilities include fixed, mobile, and rapidly deployable networks P.S.R.S./R.A.C.E.S.), assets, and facilities that can help ensure the success of emergency communications. A more comprehensive understanding of the specific service offerings and capabilities of private sector organizations (A.R.E.S./S.A.T.E.R.N.) will enable emergency response agencies to better leverage existing and future communications capabilities. Technician and General-Class Amateur Radio instruction needs to be offered to C.E.R.T.-TEAM members in addition to ICS-100, ICS-200,

ICS-300, COML or COMT courses. Emergency response agencies across all levels of government should adopt and implement national-level policies and guidance to ensure a common approach to incident management and communications support. Implementation of these policies will establish clearly defined communications roles and responsibilities and enable integration of all communications elements as the ICS structure expands from the incident level to the national level.

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19 votes
20 up votes
1 down votes
Idea No. 952