FEMA’s 2014-2018 Strategic Plan development effort will be built around five strategic priorities and two strategic imperatives, as described in the 2015-2019 Administrator’s Intent.

Through this strategic priority, FEMA seeks to field a motivated, quality workforce supported by robust and agile business functions that are capable in the face of our greatest challenges. FEMA will build a human capital system that can recruit, hire, train, and retain a quality workforce; leverage technology to drive the Agency forward in its capabilities; and employ information technology systems that support a mobile workforce, enabling critical analysis, electronic record-keeping, and information sharing. Through work place transformation FEMA will enhance the ability of employees to move seamlessly beyond a traditional office environment and into a range of mobile work settings for additional flexibility. The Agency also will continue to exercise enhanced, effective fiscal management and oversight.

FEMA is conducting stakeholder engagement as part of the Strategic Plan Priority 5 development process. We welcome your thoughts, ideas or suggestions on how FEMA will be recognized throughout DHS as an organization prepared to respond successfully to any crisis as a result of:

  • Its commitment to organizational excellence by a team of motivated and engaged employees;
  • A foundation of predictable, repeatable, and transparent business practices that are completely integrated across the enterprise;
  • Well understood decision models for resource allocation and program decisions;
  • Creating customer centric business practices to drive desired outcomes.

Campaign: Priority 5 – Achieve Business and Management Excellence

Contractor required ICS / NIMS training

All contractors doing business with federal agencies as part of the contract should have their employees trained in ICS and NIMS. Especially those agencies that are most likely to be part of a disaster / pandemic response, HHS CDC etc. CERT training would not be a bad addition either this way employees are able to assist themselves, their families, communities and workplaces thereby reducing the load on the agencies they ...more »

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12 up votes
2 down votes

Campaign: Priority 5 – Achieve Business and Management Excellence

Emergency Operations Center (EOC) Doctrine & Training

We need to stop insisting that non-first responders take Incident Command (ICS) training and develop a parallel (100-200-300-400) Emergency Operations Center (EOC) doctrine and training program. Operating in an EOC is both conceptually and practically different that field work and ICS training is of limited value within an ESF structure. In addition, we lack even the most basic terminology for structure and hierarchy ...more »

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8 votes
8 up votes
0 down votes

Campaign: Priority 5 – Achieve Business and Management Excellence

Printers to be Managed by Facilities Management

Dear Moderator: rewrite this if you wish. Create a policy to provide guidance such that a known, repeatable process for Agency printers will be serviced such that in any given office you do not see GS-15s wasting time locating paper, cartridges, etc. In IT, at the Brooke Road Facility in Winchester, VA - more often than not, printers are out of paper, or need ink cartridges replaced. Problem is: none to be found!! ...more »

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-6 votes
2 up votes
8 down votes

Campaign: Priority 5 – Achieve Business and Management Excellence

Incident Command (ICS) courses in Spanish

The ICS 100 course used to be offered on the Independent Study site in Spanish but was removed. It needs to be restored, and we need to offer education materials for ICS 100-200-300-400 in Spanish (35M speakers in the US), and preferably in all languages with more than 1M US speakers (Spanish, Chinese, French, Tagalog, Vietnamese, German, and Korean) because there are millions of disaster volunteers with limited English ...more »

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-7 votes
2 up votes
9 down votes

Displaying all 4 Ideas