Note: This particular conversation topic is closed. Thank you for your ideas, comments and votes. You can contribute to our open Presidential Policy Directive 8 (PPD-8) conversations -- they are listed in the left column of the page under "Active Campaigns."

The ideas we received so far were helpful in shaping the document and will also be considered as we continue to forge ahead in meeting the remaining milestones under PPD-8. To learn more about the status of PPD-8 efforts, visit We appreciate your involvement.

Note: you can contribute to our open Presidential Policy Directive 8 conversations -- they are listed in the left column of the page under "Active Campaigns." This particular conversation topic is closed.

Although this open comment period is closed, we continue to seek input as we build from the input provided for the first milestone of Presidential Policy Directive 8 (PPD-8) - the National Preparedness Goal. The ideas that we received so far were critical in shaping the document and will also be considered as we continue to forge ahead in meeting the remaining milestones. The first edition of the National Preparedness Goal is available for download at

Campaign: National Preparedness Goal

Use Social Media & Smartphones for Situational Awareness

PPD 8 calls for all members of the community (not just government employees) to be prepared and contribute to improving resiliency. Digital mediums empower the public to provide instantaneous eye-witness reports when a situation is developing. Citizens are the true first responders to meta-disasters and we need to leverage their capabilities. Social media reports accumulate rapidly and can be overwhelming during a disaster. ...more »

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9 votes
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0 down votes

Campaign: National Preparedness Goal

before the storm

I see after hurricane Irene there are millions without power.Why doesn't FEMA and the Federal Government start a plan to put power lines underground NOW! I've been arguing this point for years and nobody seems to care.It's a simple solution that would create millions of jobs across this country.It should start in areas prone to outages from storms and it doesn't have to be done overnight.A long term approach with emphasis ...more »

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8 votes
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3 down votes

Campaign: National Preparedness Goal

Emergency Escape Bag

We should always prepare for the worst situations. Our family and pets should be included in an emergency escape plan. These are some of the things that should be included in an "Emergency Escape Bag" in case of a catastrophe or imminent danger to you and your family at your home or in your travels. This bag should contain dry clothing for 3 to 5 days for each person. A smart phone or cell phone. A first aid kit. Plastic ...more »

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6 votes
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4 down votes

Campaign: National Preparedness Goal

NRP and ESFs

We experience a tremendous gap with initial response to disasters with volunteers. In addition to ESF6 for mass care and ESF14 for long-term recovery, we miss a huge opportunity for willing people to serve and neighbors in need to get help: 1) debris removal on their property; 2) tree clean-up for chainsaw-type teams; 3) roof tarping/repair; 4) mud-out/clean-out from water damage; 5) clean-up/hygiene/comfort/bedding/layette ...more »

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Campaign: National Preparedness Goal

Flooding Hazards

Caution should also be taken when walking out in flooded areas after a storm. Manhole lids could open and people could fall into these open holes and drown. A non metallic walking cane along with high boots should be worn if you must leave to a place of safety. There could be other holes which could pose as tripping hazards causing you to fall onto a hard object in the water rendering you unconscious and causing you ...more »

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Campaign: National Preparedness Goal

Responder Personal Protective Equipment (PPE)

DHS should make a priority of providing every emergency responder in the US with training and personal protective equipment (PPE) to respond to and operate in a CBRN or TIC environment. Mbany agencies do not have the funding to provide PPE to their personnel. This has led to black humor amoungst responders, such as calling police officers "blue canaries" as their deaths while responding will alert follow-on responders ...more »

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Campaign: National Preparedness Goal

Civil Defense - Emergency Corps

We have a human capital resource that is squandered. That resource are our people. There are millions of veterans now in the private sector that would love to participate in an organized "Guard-Like" local civil defense initiative and be trained and ready in the event of an emergency. Forming a volunteer "Emergency Corps" on a county basis that can "volunteer" in the event of a disaster, have structure, monthly gatherings, ...more »

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4 votes
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1 down votes

Campaign: National Preparedness Goal


Read through the PPD 8 and there is a very heavy focus on terrorism in the plan. Greater emphasis should be given to emerging threats and unknown threats (i.e. pandemics). Citizens need to be empowered and educated on all threats, not just traditional terrorism.

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Campaign: National Preparedness Goal

Let's join forces in being prepared!

For the past four years, the Ready Campaign and its partners have received a Presidential proclamation designating September National Preparedness Month (NPM). Several state governments have also followed suit and provided proclamations raising awareness for emergency preparedness in their respective states. This is not enough! With small local governments cutting back on police, fire and other necessary jobs, the need ...more »

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3 votes
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1 down votes

Campaign: National Preparedness Goal

Trade FEMA houses for foreclosed Fanie Mae/ Fredy Mac homes

Why not just trade FEMA homes for Fannie Mae/Freddie Mac foreclosed homes? The federal government is choking on inventory of foreclosed homes, owning 1/3 of them (as reported yesterday). The homeowners in flooded areas could trade their ruined homes for empty homes of approximately the same value (size) at no additional cost to us (the taxpayers). If the homeowner owes a mortgage it could be transferred to the new ...more »

Submitted by


3 votes
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1 down votes

Campaign: National Preparedness Goal

Emergency Corps - Civil Defense Inititive

We have a human capital resource that is squandered. That resource are our people. There are millions of veterans now in the private sector that would love to participate in an organized "Guard-Like" local civil defense initiative and be trained and ready in the event of an emergency. Forming a volunteer "Emergency Corps" on a county basis that can "volunteer" in the event of a disaster, have structure, monthly gatherings, ...more »

Submitted by


2 votes
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1 down votes

Campaign: National Preparedness Goal

Civilian COMMUNICATIONs in disasters

I wonder if FEMA/DHS shouldn't designate a couple channels on the FRS-GMRS bands as Emergency Call /Contact channels and also designate one channel for Official "real-time" status reporting. (like USCG does on Marine Bands) These radios are inexpensive and reliable and would facilitate calls for assistance and OFFICIAL "localized" situational announcements. If channels are already designated - - it needs to ...more »

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Campaign: National Preparedness Goal

Portable Computer Access

I loved the idea of mobile FEMA units. However, I realized that most people have no way to get to one since they lost their only means of transportation. How about having FEMA buses or mobile units sent around the neighborhoods to give complete access and training if necessary for these people. Also, maybe put the 800 number in vinyl letters(that way you can change them as needed) for people to call. Many times I ...more »

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Displaying all 15 Ideas