Administrator’s Intent Statement: We will work to make best available data on projected hazard impacts – both current and future – widely accessible to communities.

Share your thoughts on any of the following items:

  • Meaning of best available data to various users and who can provide this data (source acceptability);
  • Accessibility of best available data (where it resides and formats);
  • Credibility of best available data (value of building to future risk standards).

Campaign: Topic 5: Best Available Data

Identifying where the functional needs are through the census.

There isn't a very good program set up to be able to capture those in our community with functional needs. The census use to capture general data on disabilities, but that has changed. So why don't we ask (and push) for the the American Community Survey (ACS) to capture what functional needs are out there in our communities. How can we plan effectively to assist this population if we don't know what we truly have. There ...more »

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Campaign: Topic 5: Best Available Data

Carry out President's Climate Action Plan

An important role for the federal government is to provide best available data to regional, state and local decision makers through web portals and decision support tools. These are actions identified in the President’s Climate Action Plan and FEMA should coordinate with CEQ on the implementation of these measures.

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8 down votes

Displaying all 2 Ideas