Environmental Review Toolkit
NEPA and Project Development

Interim Guidance on the Application of Travel and Land Use Forecasting in NEPA

Federal Highway Administration, March 2010

Certain transportation analyses have emerged that are critical to a credible and successful National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) process. Some of the most important analyses conducted for transportation projects are travel and land use forecasting as they supply information for purpose and need, alternatives analysis, and environmental impacts.

The purpose of this interim guidance is to encourage improvement in the state-of-the-practice in project-level forecasting as it is applied in the context of the NEPA process. This guidance shares key considerations, collective lessons learned and best practices regarding how to apply forecasting in NEPA. These can be used to help DOTs avoid common issues and improve the quality of forecasts, resulting in faster and more effective project delivery. While technical guidelines for producing forecasts for projects have been documented by others, guidance has not been provided on the procedural or process considerations in forecasting. This guidance attempts to fill that gap.

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