Our nation’s resilience depends on you and your neighbors preparing for potential hazards in your communities. We want to increase outreach efforts and encourage everyone to take actionable steps to be prepared.

We’ve extended the conversation period and your posts on the topics listed below will help us begin to develop a national campaign encouraging people to take actions in their everyday lives to prepare for disasters. This effort is a major part of Presidential Policy Directive 8 / PPD-8: National Preparedness – and it is one of the most visible ways the whole community will be involved in keeping our nation safe and resilient.

Click the links below to access the topic’s page, where you can post your ideas, and read and comment on others’ ideas. We look forward to hearing from you now and as more topics are posted.

Campaign: Building and Sustaining Preparedness: A National Campaign

Construction Talk Radio

A live interactive dialog designed to be duplicated nationwide. Sustainable due to construction advertisers. A venue where professionals and officials network the building industry for awareness, preparation and mitigation. Already proven a top rated radio program in northern CA, the pilot program a huge success. Now the task of listener-ship gain and duplication to create a nationwide disaster awareness network. See ...more »

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