We welcome your thoughts and ideas on the following topics addressing the NIMS relationship to the National Preparedness System:

Incorporating Emerging National Preparedness Doctrine

Emerging National Preparedness doctrine, to include the National Preparedness System, Mission Area Frameworks and associated Federal Interagency Operations Plans (FIOPs) should be incorporated into the NIMS. For example, the NIMS should include discussion on:

  • Its role and relationship with the National Preparedness System
  • The National Frameworks for Prevention, Protection, Mitigation, Response, and Recovery and how the NIMS is integrated with these
  • Its role in the FIOPs, which outline the Federal government’s concept of operations for each of the five mission areas

Please share your ideas on how to reflect this emerging doctrine within the NIMS.

Incorporating Risk Management Concepts

The National Preparedness System is a risk-driven, capabilities-based approach to building, sustaining and delivering core capabilities. The NIMS does not currently include a discussion of risk. Consideration of a community’s risk landscape is critical to planning for effective incident support, coordination, and management. Please share your thoughts on where to include this discussion on risk and what language you think would be appropriate to address desired outcomes, setting capability targets, and estimating resource requirements needed to deliver core capabilities and the strategic planning to sustain, build, and deliver them in a unified manner (i.e. mutual aid).

The Relationship between ‘Mission Areas’ and NIMS

Brief descriptions of the mission areas and how they interact across the national preparedness spectrum, to include incident support, coordination, and management will be helpful in defining the role of the NIMS in the broader context of preparedness. Please share your ideas on how the mission areas align with the current components of the NIMS and whether components need to be added or strengthened to accurately and fully address the national preparedness spectrum across all five mission areas defined by the National Preparedness Goal (prevention, protection, mitigation, response, and recovery).

Please feel free to comment on or discuss any or all of these topics. We look forward to hearing from you!

Campaign: NIMS Relationship to the National Preparedness System


NIMS represent a core set of doctrines, concepts, principles, terminology, and organizational processes that enables effective, efficient, and collaborative incident management. Capabilities are the means to accomplish a mission, function, or objective based on the performance of related tasks, under specified conditions, to target levels of performance. The most essential of these capabilities are the core capabilities ...more »

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Campaign: NIMS Relationship to the National Preparedness System

Linking to Core Capabilities

The Core Capabilities are still very unclear to many State and Local emergency responders. If any linkages are to be made between NIMS elements and Core Capabilities, additional clarifications should be made to help people understand how to implement the Core Capabilities. As an example, it is easy to see where our EMS and Medical assets tie into the Capabilities (Public Health and Medical Services) but it is more ...more »

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