U.S. Department of Transportation
Federal Highway Administration
1200 New Jersey Avenue, SE
Washington, DC 20590

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Federal Highway Administration Research and Technology
Coordinating, Developing, and Delivering Highway Transportation Innovations

This summary is an archived publication and may contain dated technical, contact, and link information
Publication Number:  FHWA-HRT-14-022    Date:  November 2014
Publication Number: FHWA-HRT-14-022
Date: November 2014


Strategic Plan for The Turner-Fairbank Highway Research Center

Appendix: FHWA's Research Portfolio in Brief

FHWA's R&T portfolio comprises five topical areas and three crosscutting programs that together support the full range of FHWA's mission and functions and bolster the far-reaching national highway enterprise, as shown in table 2. Research under the direction of TFHRC is described in detail at TFHRC Research and Development Programs Web page.(8) The entire FHWA research agenda is detailed at the FHWA Research and Technology Agenda Web page.(9)

Assisted by staff throughout FHWA and partner entities, the R&T Leadership Team assures continuous and comprehensive interaction and productive collaboration among these research components. For example, the Leadership Team encourages joint projects addressing crosscutting issues and creative initiatives that do not fall neatly into existing categories.

Table 2. Research components.

Research Component

Topical Areas




Planning, Environment, and Realty


Crosscutting Programs

Exploratory Advanced Research

Innovative Program Delivery

Federal Lands

The following sections briefly describe the eight components of FHWA's R&T portfolio and provide references to additional sources of information.


The FHWA Infrastructure R&D Program provides technologies and solutions to advance practices in highway infrastructure engineering. Detailed information on the programs of the Office of Infrastructure R&D can be found on the FHWA Infrastructure R&D Web page.(10)

R&D activities address pavements, bridges, tunnels, and other structures, the materials from which our highway infrastructure is constructed, inspection techniques for assessing its condition and long-term performance, and measures to protect the infrastructure from natural and man-made extreme events including blast, fire, earthquakes, and floods.

The FHWA's Infrastructure R&D Program develops products that could eventually become national guidelines, tools, or specifications, andthat support achievement of the following FHWA Infrastructure R&T purposes:

The focus areas pursued to achieve these purposes include Long-Term Infrastructure Performance, Durable Infrastructure Systems, Accelerated Highway Construction, Environmentally Sensitive Highway Infrastructure, Performance-Based Specifications, and Comprehensive and Integrated Infrastructure Asset Management.


The FHWA Operations R&D Program addresses the full range of technologies, strategies, and opportunities to move people, vehicles, and freight more efficiently, effectively, and safely. Detailed information on the programs of the Office of Operations R&D can be found on the FHWA Operations R&D Web page.(11)

Investments are made to achieve three strategic aims:

Three focus areas of Operations R&D support achieving the preceding aims:


FHWA’s Safety R&D Program addresses three major focus areas:

Additional information on the programs of the Office of Safety R&D is available on the Safety R&D Program Web page.(13)

Planning, Environment, and Realty

The Office of Planning, Environment, and Realty's research primarily addresses topics associated with comprehensive intermodal and multi-modal transportation planning, enhancement of community and social benefits of highway transportation, and improvements to the quality of the natural environment by reducing highway-related pollution and by protecting and enhancing ecosystems. In addition, research on the fair and prudent acquisition and management of real property is undertaken.

Additional information on FHWA's planning, environmental, and realty research is available on the Office of Planning, Environment, and Realty's Research and Financial Services Web page.(14)

Policy Research

FHWA's policy research initiatives support the following objectives:

Additional information on policy research is available on the FHWA's Office of Policy and Governmental Affairs Web page.(15)

Exploratory Advanced Research

FHWA manages the Exploratory Advanced Research Program across a spectrum of issues that are critical to the transportation industry. This research encompasses four comprehensive focus areas:

Additional information can be found on the Exploratory Advanced Research Program Web page.(16)

Innovative Program Delivery

The FHWA's Office of Innovative Program Delivery executes a comprehensive research program. It seeks to place its activities within a broader, national agenda by engaging a wide spectrum of stakeholders to define the goals for the research program and develop multi-year roadmaps. Research focuses on (1) refining and developing new innovative strategies for project finance, revenue generation, and procurement; (2) developing and delivering tools for evaluating the applicability of the innovative strategies; and (3) addressing public policy, operational, and legislative issues associated with the strategies.

Additional information can be found on the Office of Innovative Program Delivery Web page.(17)

Federal Lands Highway Technology Programs

The Office of Federal Lands Highway, in close collaboration with the Office of Research, Development, and Technology and other partnering entities, advances highway technology through two related programs:


Federal Highway Administration | 1200 New Jersey Avenue, SE | Washington, DC 20590 | 202-366-4000
Turner-Fairbank Highway Research Center | 6300 Georgetown Pike | McLean, VA | 22101