Note: This particular conversation topic is closed. Thank you for your ideas, comments and votes. You can contribute to our open Presidential Policy Directive 8 (PPD-8) conversations -- they are listed in the left column of the page under "Active Campaigns."

The ideas we received so far were helpful in shaping the document and will also be considered as we continue to forge ahead in meeting the remaining milestones under PPD-8. To learn more about the status of PPD-8 efforts, visit We appreciate your involvement.

The National Planning Frameworks for Prevention, Protection, Mitigation, and Response are available for review and comment The frameworks are a deliverable called for in Presidential Policy Directive 8 (PPD-8) and set the foundation for the implementation of the mission areas. As part of this effort, the frameworks lay out key roles and responsibilities among all partners, including local, state, tribal, territorial and federal governments, the private sector, voluntary, faith-based and community organizations, and the public. The National Disaster Recovery Framework was released in September and can be found in this PDF

FEMA and its partners want to discuss the Protection Framework with you. When we talk about “protection,” we are referring to the things we do every day to safeguard ourselves against acts of terrorism, and man made and natural disasters. This includes protecting our citizens, residents and visitors, as well as buildings, bridges, power and information systems, food supply, and other critical assets, systems and networks. The goal is to protect our nation against the greatest risks so that our interests, aspirations and way of life can thrive. Everyone in the community plays a role. For more information, visit

We welcome your thoughts and ideas on each of the following topics:

  • Examples of how you protect your family, business, infrastructure, and community.
  • The roles that individuals, businesses, community organizations, infrastructure owners and operators, and others play related to protection.

Please feel free to comment on or discuss any or all of these topics. We look forward to hearing from you!

Campaign: Protection Framework

Homeland Security Reserve

What does everyone think about a Homeland Security Reserve comprised of Retired Police Officers like myself. This Reserve would unpaid but offered free travel and per-Diem while helping out with National Emergencies. There would probably have to be some sort of Physical Exam and limitations set but there is a very substantial amount of experience out there just going to waste. The Homeland Security Reserve would be ...more »

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26 votes
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1 down votes

Campaign: Protection Framework

72 Hour Kit Items Typically Forgotten

In a number of disaster situations, I have asked victims what items they missed most or forgot to add to their 72 Hour Emergency Kits. The top 4 items listed were: 1) A rain cover for their kit. 2) NewSkin (liquid bandage) to protect blisters a forced march situation. 3) A list of contents, to tell them what items they had put in their kits (but forgotten). 4) An extra water container (collapsible-type was ...more »

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8 votes
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0 down votes

Campaign: Protection Framework

Importance of Family Rally Points

During many emergencies family members may be easily separated, and the confusion or chaos during any disaster often makes it more difficult for families members to find each other. Each family needs to have a central rally point that is reasonably secure and relatively easy for each family member to reach, adjusted for individual means of transportation. Such a rally point starts with a safe location near a family's ...more »

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7 votes
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0 down votes

Campaign: Protection Framework

Homeland Security-Emergency Management Education-Collaboration

Homeland Security is about a collaborative national effort to secure the homeland from all-threats and all-hazards. National is used here in the sense of all levels of government: federal, state, local, tribal, and territorial; the public and private sectors; and the American people. All-threats and all-hazards is used in the sense of all intentional threats (crime, terrorism, war), natural (huricanes, earthquakes ...more »

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Campaign: Protection Framework


Just recently I thought of the idea of street signs with GPS coordinates printed below them showing that signs location in relation to the street name or address. A longitude & latitude location in degrees and seconds showing these locations just under addresses and street sign locations. A (SGPSLID) Stationary #GPS Location ID. This will help recuers pin point locations via GPS coordinates making it easier and ...more »

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Campaign: Protection Framework

Potassuim Iodide Tablets for Nuclear Emergencies

Given the high number of nuclear plants that could be damaged by a natural or man-made disaster, every 72 Hour Emergency Kit should include some potassium iodide tablets. If a terrorist group is successful in the detonation of a "dirty bomb," these tablets may soon be in short supply. (Potassium iodide tablets offer thyroid protection from nuclear radiation.)

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1 down votes

Campaign: Protection Framework


Correct and acurate maps given to FEMA/CR when responding is essential. EMA's in the affected area must have the correct GPS locations for us to respond to. Some area during last years Hurricanes were not GPS available, which slows down response. Making sure Cities keep updating Mapping will help in Response.

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Campaign: Protection Framework

Forum Participation Issues

We all live in a target rich nation with somewhat frequent natural disasters, and we have limited resources to prepare to deal with the resulting man-made or natural emergencies. In addition, we have added problems related to nepotism, political conflict, corrupt special interests, policy battles between our often extreme right and left viewpoints, and shortages of qualified/ skilled leaders. With 1,383 current members ...more »

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Campaign: Protection Framework

Minimal 72 Hour Emergency Kit

Over a period of 5 decades, I survived several major disasters because I had a complete 72 Hour Emergency Kit I have posted on this forum. It seems that too many people believe they need no emergency kit since the government will rescue them. Another segment of our population cannot afford these kits even if they wanted them ... or they want to get by on the "cheap" hoping they will not meet with disaster. Thus, ...more »

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5 votes
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Campaign: Protection Framework

Interactive Virtual Disaster Simulations

The Center for Advancement of Distance Education (CADE) and the Univ. of IL Chicago (UIC) have developed a disaster preparedness simulator to give advanced training to emergency managers. These simulators have an array of disaster scenarios, with synthetic environments, requiring command decisions by human operators in training. If FEMA does not already have one of these simulators, please seek industry/ foundation ...more »

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4 votes
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0 down votes

Campaign: Protection Framework

Dealing With Emergency Planning Failures

In order to deal effectively with any planning failure, it is first necessary to understand how and why they typically occur. The primary, relevant failures are: 1) A failure to learn; 2) A failure to adapt; and 3) A failure to anticipate. Flaws causing emergency planning failures include: A) Lack of imagination; B) Faulty assumptions; C) Analysis paralysis; D) A desire to protect the status quo; E) "Turf" battles; ...more »

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4 votes
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0 down votes

Campaign: Protection Framework

For $100 Construct Your Own Emergency Generator

Based on his U.S. Patent No. 5,402,021, Howard R. Johnson, an inventor from Blacksburg, Virginia, has been perfecting and testing a do-it-yourself electrical generator he says may be constructed for $100 (w/ parts from a hardware store). Said patent, dated 28 March 1995, has now expired, so the invention is available for public use. I suggest that FEMA work w/ Mr. Johnson to perfect and test his generator. If it does ...more »

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3 votes
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3 down votes

Campaign: Protection Framework

Control and Dedicated Use of Emergency Funds

Emergency preparedness funds are in very short supply. FEMA, with support elicited from Congress, needs to help assure that funds for local emergency preparedness efforts are actually used as intended. With funding shortages in almost every city and county, we need to prevent local politics from diverting preparedness funds for non-preparedness uses.

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0 down votes

Campaign: Protection Framework

Emergency Planning for the Diverse Needs of Communities

In the midst of our efforts in emergency management, sometimes we can get lost in the minutia and lose sight of our primary mission...protecting the health and safety of people. We know that those who can help themselves will. As such, we are often faced with supporting those individuals that require additional assistance. I propose that: (1) we standardize a framework for thoroughly assessing the population composition ...more »

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1 down votes

Campaign: Protection Framework

Emergency Signal Panels

Historically, the military has successfully used signal panels for effective battlefield communications. The VS-17 milspec fabric panel, 24 " x 70," is one example. Such panels are made to connect to other panels, with varied markings, to send messages and create so-called "conspicuity" (easy to see from the air). FEMA needs to develop an array of emergency panels to provide a way to send relief requests from the ground ...more »

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2 votes
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2 down votes

Campaign: Protection Framework

Get 72 Hour Emergency Kits in 4 Parts: Part 1

After 5 decades of using 72 Hour Kits during assorted emergencies, worldwide, I know that available lists of kit items are often incomplete and poorly organized. Thus, I am presenting a kit list in 4 parts with a suggestion that each part should be acquired every 3 months, so you have your complete kit within a year. Start with a backpack and rain cover for your backpack, and add these items by category ... each in ...more »

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Campaign: Protection Framework

Edible Landscaping for Food Security

Local food coops, farm-to-coop & school programs, urban farming (indoors & outdoors) all help to increase food security by having more foods grown closer to home ...while reducing exposure times for possible bioterrorist attack. I would add edible landscaping to the list to grow significant amounts of berries, fruits, & nuts closer to home. Such landscaping can be just as attractive as landscaping with non-edible plants, ...more »

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Campaign: Protection Framework

Super-Mini 72 Hour Emergency Kit

For many years, I helped church groups promote 72 Hour Emergency Kits for members. Far too many individuals believe that disaster will never happen to them. Other people have excuses such as a lack of funds or time. To my disbelief, there always seems to be those who think it is governments responsibility to rescue them as needed. If too many kit items are suggested, people tend to object to collecting, managing, & ...more »

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0 down votes

Campaign: Protection Framework

Community Food Security, Job Creation, & WMD Shelters

The banking fiasco and foreclosure epidemic have created many empty structures in almost every city. At the same time, our crony capitalist economy has created many more homeless, unemployed, and/or under-employed citizens. These people, and available buildings, could be utilized in an urban farming initiative that would greatly increase community food security by having fresh, local, healthful foods immediately available. ...more »

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Campaign: Protection Framework

Need for Scientific Validation of Ideas & New Technologies

One of the forum members, on this site, emailed me to tell me of his frustration because DHS, FEMA, or others were not rushing to buy his idea ...although he had no patent or scientific evidence that his idea actually works. As an inventor, with 63 inventions, my policy is to seek universities that will conduct research on my innovation and affirm (by scientific evidence) that my idea works, and provides some benefit. ...more »

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Campaign: Protection Framework

Volunteer Spotter Networks

Our intelligence operatives have identified traits and habits that are easily identifiable and common to those persons seeking to engage in terrorist/ bioterrorist activities in the U.S. By training retired seniors and youth (college students), volunteer spotter networks may be trained and utilized to help identify potential terrorists in nearly every community. For reasons of security, I have not listed the terrorist ...more »

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Campaign: Protection Framework

Audio instructions reach almost everyone

We produce a very inexpensive audio device that is not reliant on wireless or electricity except for updates or recharge after long periods of time. This unit could be loaded with emergency information, general first aid instructions and other pertinent information in multiple languages and given to shelters or hotels that need to communicate in many languages on an emergency basis.

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Campaign: Protection Framework

Promote 72 Hour Kits w/ Scavenger Hunts

Many youth groups have periodic scavenger hunts. If they were given lists of 72 Hour Emergency Kit items, these items could provide the basis of a good scavenger hunt. The idea would be to borrow or photograph as many kit items as possible from friends or families known to participants. A valid record of where kit items came from would be required. Buying items at a store would not be a valid means of acquiring a kit ...more »

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-1 votes
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2 down votes

Campaign: Protection Framework

Loud Mouth Speakers for Rescue Operations

Aircraft loud speakers, known as Loud Mouth air-to-ground audio systems, allow pilots (in the air) to broadcast and give instructions to refugees on the ground. With an aircraft at 800 to 1,000 ft. in the air, these sound systems allow a person on the ground to hear the broadcast message as if they were in a movie theater with "surround-sound." I have used Loud Mouth units overseas, in major rescue operations, and my ...more »

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-1 votes
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2 down votes

Campaign: Protection Framework

Get 72 Hour Emergency Kits in 4 Parts: Part 2

Please read and follow the Part 1 instructions, and proceed to acquire your Part 2 kit items. To wit: 5) Warmth: Emergency/ space blanket, poncho, appropriate clothing for the weather, heavy socks, and hiking boots. 6) Cool: Shade cloth, hat, light weight clothing, flip-flops, and evaporative cooling neckerchief. 7) Shelter: Heavy duty tube-tent and ground cloth (or small tarp). 8) Water: Filter device, chemical ...more »

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-1 votes
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3 down votes

Displaying 1 - 25 of 32 Ideas