When a request for an emergency or major disaster declaration is denied, the Governor may appeal the decision. The appeal must be submitted within 30 days of the date of the letter denying the request. The Governor can make only one appeal. The Governor should include in the appeal additional information which supports his/her request for supplemental Federal assistance. When certain areas that were requested by the Governor are not designated, the Governor or Governor’s Authorized Representative may appeal the decision. The appeal must be submitted within 30 days of the date of the letter denying the request. The Governor has only one appeal. The Governor or the Governor’s Authorized Representative should include in the appeal additional information which supports his/her request.

FEMA would like your feedback on whether this same appeal process would be appropriate for Tribal requests during the pilot program.

FEMA welcomes comments on any or all of the topics addressed below in the manner you prefer. Comments are also welcomed on any other issues that may not be covered in the below topics.