We knew there had to be a
better way to
build test monitor apps.

Thousands of companies agree with us.

Build better apps

Xamarin Platform

Xamarin apps share code across all platforms.

Target iOS, Android, Windows and Mac with a single, shared C# codebase. Use the same language, APIs and data structures on every platform.

C# is the best language for mobile app development.

With Xamarin, you write your apps entirely in C#, sharing the same code on iOS, Android, Windows, Mac and more. Anything you can do in Objective-C, Swift or Java, you can do in C#.

Native UI, native API access & native performance.

Xamarin apps are built with standard, native user interface controls. Apps not only look the way the end user expects, they behave that way too. This can’t be achieved with other solutions.

Same-day support for new APIs

Xamarin is always up-to-date with the latest APIs from Apple and Google.

Connect with existing libraries

Includes more than 20,000 NuGet .NET libraries plus the Xamarin components.

Use your favorite IDE

Xamarin Studio on Mac or Windows, or Visual Studio.

Easily design iOS and Android apps

Build beautiful native user interfaces with our iOS and Android designers.

Find bugs before your users do

Xamarin Test Cloud

Test your app on over 1,000 devices.

Run your app on our huge (and growing) collection of real devices from around the world. Select devices based on form factor, manufacturer, operating system, or even popularity in your target market.

Automate using Ruby or C#.

We created a framework called Calabash that can automate and test any iOS or Android app, native or hybrid, from the UI level down for perfect integration and continuous improvements.

Analyze app performance.

See full-frame screenshots and video playback for every step of every test, then receive performance data and compare reports against previous runs to find regressions and bottlenecks.

Test continuously

Automatically collect test results in your CI system to include UI failures in reports.

Interact as users do

Perform tap, double-tap, swipe, rotate, pan, long press, and pinch.

Use tools you know and love

Write tests in C# or Ruby with Cucumber using Xamarin Studio and Visual Studio.

Our automators, at your service

Expert engineers can provide hands-on coaching to get you started.

Seamlessly monitor your apps

Xamarin Insights

Precise, detailed error reporting.

Xamarin Insights helps developers prioritize issues by showing exactly which users each crash is impacting, and what sequence of actions preceded the crash.

Understand how users are interacting with your app.

Developers can see who’s online, which devices they’re using, what issues they’ve experienced, where they’re from, and which activities they’ve used in sessions.

Integrate your data.

Connect your app to a variety of external services and be notified when a new issue is opened, an issue is occurring repeated times in a small amount of time, or an issue's status changes.

Crash and issue reporting

Easy monitor native and managed crashes and exceptions.

Session and user monitoring

Get to know your users and track any event in real time.

Built on .NET

Experience seamless handling of .NET managed exceptions.

Secure and private

Enjoy fine-grained control and top-grade security measures.

What experts are saying about Xamarin.

“Xamarin offers the best of all worlds. We deliver high performance, native apps that, until Xamarin, were only possible with Objective-C and Java. Sharing over 50,000 lines of code across platforms gives us more time to spend on great user experiences.”
Matt Crocker Director of Client Engineering, Rdio
“As a QA Engineer, I am really enjoying Xamarin Test Cloud because it offers me a broad range of Android and iOS devices. It gives me the ability to have more test coverage and to discover issues sooner. And what’s particularly helpful is that Xamarin offers exceptional service and support that I can depend on every day.”
Derrick Lam QA Engineer, Flipboard
“Xamarin’s architectural approach provides completely native UIs with better performance than other cross-platform techniques... Xamarin uses multifaceted technology built by a cohesive team with a solid long-term track record.”
Gartner Magic Quadrant for Mobile Application Development Platforms
“The broad collaboration between Microsoft and Xamarin is targeted at supporting developers interested in extending their applications across multiple devices. With Xamarin, developers combine all of the productivity benefits of C#, Visual Studio 2013 and Windows Azure with the flexibility to quickly build for multiple device targets.”
S. Somasegar Corporate Vice President, Microsoft Corporation

With Xamarin, you’re in good company.

Get started today.

Xamarin Platform

Start building

Xamarin Test Cloud

Start testing

Xamarin Insights

Start monitoring