Sample MetaScenario: A Category 5 hurricane on the scale of Hurricane Andrew is fast approaching southern Florida, forcing mass evacuations in preparation for landfall. Even as the state takes its normal actions, hospitals across Florida and surrounding states are reporting unusually high numbers of patients exhibiting symptoms of a fatal and fast-spreading illness of unknown origin. Compounding both of these issues is a large population of non-English speaking residents and large elderly and disabled community. Clearly, both the pending hurricane and the rapidly spreading illness are critical priorities. All hospitals are full or in the hurricane path. Forty percent or more of the first responders are, or soon will, exhibit signs of illness, further weakening the resources typically used to help and further taxing the system. As the hurricane makes landfall, 7 million people across Florida are in an evacuation zone. Over 190,000 people are dead from the mystery illness, which is now believed to be food-born and not contagious, but still the source is unknown. Another 265,000 are requiring immediate medical attention. Furthermore, transportation workers, utility workers, and other key response workers are among those impacted by the illness, and are unable to keep up with power outages and other infrastructure failures.

Medical Response: After reading the above scenario, tell us how you think the private sector could support a rapid and widespread medical response in the first 72 hours, assuming all hospitals are full and healthcare professionals are beyond their capacity. Examples of how the government can work with the private sector to establish a more effective national capability to treat, stabilize, and provide for 265,000 casualties of this or another catastrophic event.

All of topics are designed to stimulate creative, out-of-the box thinking. We welcome your thoughts, ideas, or suggestions on all of the topics.

Campaign: Medical Responses

Category 5 hurricane Scenario part 1

Though the following is a very quick overview of ideas, I am sure that they are only a few actions. This is a very complex scenario, that could fill volumes of plans and preperations. Fact and assumptions: Major Resource and Demographic issues: • Non-English speaking • Large elderly and disabled community • All hospitals are full or in the hurricane path • Forty percent or more of the first responders are, or soon will ...more »

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Campaign: Medical Responses

Category 5 hurricane Scenario part 2

Actions: • Alert the following facilities that they may be called upon to house and shelter casualties... (pre selected and identified on county resource - annex list taken from their EOP's ) - Minimum security jails and detention centers - Outpatient surgical centers - Urgent care centers - Large Inland hotels (with backup power systems to maintain operations ) • Activate the above facilities Using a modified COOP ...more »

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Campaign: Medical Responses

Category 5 hurricane Scenario part 3

• Ensure that needed medical supplies and equipment are sent to the above facilities (see stockpile resource below) • Generate capacity lists from above as sites come on line • Alert mutual aid partners and intrastate Mutual aid partners and confirm resources available to be brought in for medical transport to above facilities in addition, bring in any personal supplies such as food and bedding for those responding ...more »

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Campaign: Medical Responses

Category 5 hurricane Scenario part 4

Notes from above: Stockpile resource - Pre arrange with local venders for supplies and equipment to ensure supply to these temporary facilities with MOI's and basic predetermined items. Sister cities concept for EMS - Form a national program for EMS agencies as well as All Responder agencies that would create a network of sister cities. the agencies would be paired with 2 other comparable sized agencies and jurisdictional ...more »

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Campaign: Medical Responses

Medical Diplomacy/Disaster Response

The concepts, percolating since the Mozambique flood of 2000 Global Peace Partners, bridges the turbulent waters of political, religious, cultural and social boundaries through medical diplomacy. Taking the lead before disaster strikes, our Care Convoy delivers Search, Rescue and Medical Equipment to enable nations to be better prepared for the disasters growing in frequency and intensity around the world. Currently ...more »

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5 down votes

Campaign: Medical Responses

Decontamination Standards for Pediatric and Special Needs

As we move forward and progress in understanding the needs of special populations, we need to think more about the needs of neonates, children with autism, and other special circumstances. Decontamination should include a set temperature of water to avoid hypothermia, we often put the infants through the same decon as adults and the water is cold, our PPE gloves are slippery and we have no where "safe" to cradle an infant ...more »

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1 down votes

Campaign: Medical Responses

Emergency Medical ID

I would be interested to know about the use of medical id cards or wristbands or similiar products to help identify people after an accident or disaster. Products that would identify a persons medical condition, their medications and or allergies. Names of family members or doctors along with phone number. I see some states have programs using window stickers to alert responders to information in a glove compartment and ...more »

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Campaign: Medical Responses


SUGGESTION: Postal facilities within rural communities, such as Elk Falls, KS 67345, be exempted from closure or reduction of services to maintain Continuity of Government Readiness Conditions (COGCON) and Primary Mission Essential Functions (PMEFs) that must be performed to support or implement the performance of the NEFs before, during, and in the aftermath of an emergency. Raise postal commercial ‘Bulk-Rate’ postage ...more »

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Campaign: Medical Responses

Regulating the rights of firearms possesion

Every human in the world feels deeply sad for what happened in Connecticut shooting. I am a physician and I sense a very serious issue in the appropriate right of possession of firearms from the psychiatric aspects. We are seeing these kind of killings of innocent children and adults. Every perpetrator (with/without a health issue) creates a ration of his own to justify his action. His justification might be impaired ...more »

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17 down votes

Campaign: Medical Responses

Rapid Hospital Capability Expansion for Disasters

FEMA: Most larger hospitals in major metropolitan areas have multilevel parking garages in close proximity to their main structure. In the case of a pandemic like the 1918 Bird Flu, the hospital's capacity would be soon overrun. Additionally, the hospitals would still need to provide their regular services to the community even with a great influx of flu patients. While military tents at off site locations could be ...more »

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Campaign: Medical Responses

Influenza Pandemic Mitigation

FEMA: Experts agree that a pandemic is not a matter of "if" but "when." We all expect that our government will produce a "silver bullet" vaccine that will "save the day," but in the past few years when flu vaccine was in short supply it took months before additional supplies could be generated. A similar 1918 Bird Flu pandemic would be more devastating than any terrorist threat or natural disaster could be to our country. ...more »

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Displaying all 11 Ideas