The Stafford Act requires Indian tribal governments to have a FEMA-approved mitigation plan as a condition of receipt of hazard mitigation assistance (42 U.S.C. 5165). Assistance programs impacted include Public Assistance Categories C-G and the Hazard Mitigation Grant Program. The State or Tribal Mitigation Plan outlines processes for identifying the natural hazards, risks, and vulnerabilities of the area, as well as actions to reduce losses from future disasters (44 CFR 201.7).

For States that do not have a FEMA-approved State Mitigation Plan, FEMA allows 30 days from the date of the declaration for the State to submit to FEMA an approved or approvable State Mitigation Plan.


FEMA welcomes your feedback on whether 30 days is an appropriate amount of time for Indian tribal governments to submit an approved or approvable Tribal Mitigation Plan during the pilot program. FEMA also welcomes comments on whether there are circumstances that may prevent an Indian tribal government from submitting a Tribal Mitigation Plan, or a request for an extension within this time.

FEMA welcomes comments on any or all of the topics addressed below in the manner you prefer. Comments are also welcomed on any other issues that may not be covered in the below topics.