Editor’s note: this topic will close on Wednesday, August 27.

Share your thoughts, innovative ideas, and proven practices on how emergency management can build and sustain partnerships with our private sector partners.

Campaign: Public Private Partnerships- Building Relationships for the Future


IDEA: FEMA-IdeaScale members could go to the other relevant IdeaScale Websites, browse topics, and if there is information relevant to FEMA-IdeaScale Campaigns, we could ask them to join FEMA-IdeaScale (and/or) post their Idea within a FEMA Campaign (also direct them to the appropriate category). =>Acting as "Idea Scouts" - RELEVANT IDEASCALE COMMUNITIES: According to my research, other relevant IdeaScale websites may ...more »

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Campaign: Public Private Partnerships- Building Relationships for the Future

Community Endurance and Resilience Building: Reducing the Impact

Problem-solving begins with in-depth identification, drills down to obtain all relevant data, conduct analysis and determine a sustainable solution that includes all relevant stakeholders. Engaging in a whole community preparedness capacity building endeavor must include public/private partners representing government officials, businesses, schools, medical and mental health facilities, volunteer groups, and importantly ...more »

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13 votes
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Campaign: Public Private Partnerships- Building Relationships for the Future

Mobile food delivery trucks

I have been a First Responder in Super Storm Sandy The Far Rockaways, New York. I noticed that the soup kitchens on the street corners and the mobile food delivery trucks giving us support and FREE food daily to all First Responders sometimes were not distributed evenly. This meant that depending on where I was as a Team Leader in the 50s to the 90s would determine how far our Team had to walk to get food as we ...more »

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Campaign: Public Private Partnerships- Building Relationships for the Future

Do-It-Yourself Affordable Tornado Shelter

While pre-cast tornado shelters can be purchased for around $3,000. it seems to me that a hardware business like Loew's, Ace, and Home Depot, who rent equipment like cement mixers could profit by developing a less than $500. DIY kit for home owners to make their own shelters. I was envisioning a shelter that looked like an Igloo that would function as a storage shed for lawn mowers, bicycles, etc. 99.9% of the time, ...more »

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-4 votes
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8 down votes

Campaign: Public Private Partnerships- Building Relationships for the Future

Leverage Open Data and Private sector for Innovative Apps

By opening more recovery data to the public, we can leverage the private sector through competitions with prizes to create innovative applications that would not only help our survivors find more resources more easily, but also assist our Disaster Surivor Assistance Teams in accomplishing their mission on the ground. Mobile is the future, and FEMA's software infrastructure must catch up in that regard. Examples would ...more »

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Campaign: Public Private Partnerships- Building Relationships for the Future

Physical Security Certification

Several of the IS-900 courses deal with physical security. A certification route that focused on security issues would help to incorporate the material of the courses into security policy for the private sector. I think it would be helpful to both FEMA and private sector partners.

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Campaign: Public Private Partnerships- Building Relationships for the Future


Coastal Zone Management (CZM)Conference should be revived. Peer reviewed presentations can bridge the idealogic gap between build/no build. With 50 % of the population living within 50 miles of the coasts including Great Lakes it is not likely humans are going to give up. Using dredge material and others to enhance and create barrier islands and beaches could make all creatures happy ....including humans. Base concept ...more »

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Campaign: Public Private Partnerships- Building Relationships for the Future

Special Tag Preparedness Items

Partner with retailers to " Green Tag " ( not picky about the color just green is CERT ) or special aisle ( like baby items ) items that would be best to pick up during normal shopping for their disaster kits. Items like batteries, canned food, bottled water etc. that could be ' green tagged ' as a reminder to have extra of these items on hand and not try to run out to find these items just before a storm hits. Disaster ...more »

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2 down votes

Campaign: Public Private Partnerships- Building Relationships for the Future

The Coalition of Hope - Excelsior Project

The Coalition of Hope Foundation, Inc. (COH), is a US-based 501(c)(3) not-for-profit charitable organization that provides global humanitarian assistance and disaster-relief support. Among our goals, we seek to acquire and refit in a "public-private international partnership" a retired USN vessel (the USS Nassau) in order to provide a forward deployed, quick response, sea-based platform that in addition to state-of-the-art ...more »

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2 down votes

Campaign: Public Private Partnerships- Building Relationships for the Future

The FEMA Housing Portal a model of inefficiency

FEMA populated the Housing Portal immediately after Sandy with hundreds of fictitious rental units. The resources of REALTORS across the country are publicly recognized as being accurate and updated every 15 minutes. My personal experience showed property owners were frustrated because they did not know how or where the callers got their number to call and ask to rent. FEMA's standard was to put information online based ...more »

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2 down votes

Campaign: Public Private Partnerships- Building Relationships for the Future

The secret of development and peace in emergency situation

Hello every one. I am new in discussion. I think there is a very big universal community in world that are disabled persons. This is the only community you can use them to change or improve any situation in the world because they are every where in the world irrespective of culture, traditions, religion, customs, Ecconomical situations or any condition of family or races. Just consider them as a tool of change and peace ...more »

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8 votes
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Campaign: Public Private Partnerships- Building Relationships for the Future

Off the GRID Concrete Homes

By providing those neighborhoods with transportable monolithic concrete homes allows FEMA to fund these structures for the victims of Sandy. There are numerous companies throughout the country that construct transportable monolithic concrete structures. Hopefully these monolithic concrete structures will be so comfortable that the neighborhood will want to purchase for permanent homes FEMA at low interest rate. Each ...more »

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-5 votes
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10 down votes

Campaign: Public Private Partnerships- Building Relationships for the Future

Business Continuity Initiative

Two counties in the Panhandle of Florida recently came together to promote business continuity initiatives to all the small businesses in a two county area. The brain child of the Pensacola Bay Area Chamber of Commerce, this initiative, which included public and private sector partners from Escambia and Santa Rosa Counties, have entered a cooperative arrangement to the benefit of small businesses. It was proposed that ...more »

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1 down votes

Campaign: Public Private Partnerships- Building Relationships for the Future

Develop COADs

Communities can come together and create COADs (Community Organizations Active in Disasters). This is a replicable program that involves no federal support. What it takes is motivation and a little work. Since character limits restrict my ability to give a thorough understanding of my meaning I would direct you to these links for examples of COADs from all over the United States. http://www.continuityinsights.com/articles/2009/06/public-private-partnerships-coads-voads-and-more ...more »

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Campaign: Public Private Partnerships- Building Relationships for the Future

A disaster area as a security site for training. see OSHA #3335

When a contract security officer is first hired and comes on to the Site, he or she will have or be preparing to have the minimum required corporate and or governance training But that is only the beginning, next comes site training to deal with the duties, hazards and documents specific to that site. What I want to do first is describe hazard training. This comes in three levels first is what OSHA calls awareness ...more »

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Campaign: Public Private Partnerships- Building Relationships for the Future

Community Partnerships & affiliating with VOADS

One of the best things that can be done BEFORE an emergency occurs is oviously pre-positioning relationships. It's important for VOAD's reach out to other community partners that are volunteer based such as the Medical Reserve Corps, State Dept.s of Health, Local Health Depts, Local CERT Teams, etc. Most of our VOAD's are made up of faith based partners but there are many organizations that do volunteer work that should ...more »

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Campaign: Public Private Partnerships- Building Relationships for the Future

Building/Sustaining Public-Private Partnerships

BJA/DHS/FEMA for 12 yrs funded a program at Michigan State University to go across the nation and create/sustain PPPs at the local, county, regional levels. Though funding was terminated in 2010, there is a wealth of info on PPP's on the MSU website, which is at www.cip.msu.edu - Please feel free to use any information, as your federal dollars paid for the program, research, and how to create these valuable partnerships. ...more »

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1 down votes

Campaign: Public Private Partnerships- Building Relationships for the Future

Mitigation and Restoration of Critical Infrastructure Bridges

A collaborative roundtable to partner with FEMA to support our critical infrastructure: Levies, Dams, bridges, etc. The new maps provide critical data that needs to be integrated into restoration of existing levies and working groups of engineers to partner and collaborate with the army corp of engineers to secure the week levies and prevent another Katrina.

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Displaying all 20 Ideas