Campaign: Emergency Communications

Disaster communications

I have two ideas from watching the Oklahoma tornado communications problem. There are so many news networks in the area of the disaster and not much in the way of communications. The first idea is using the news vans that normally spread out in a disaster as hubs to set up a wide area network communications during times for emergency management. A sub system could be incorporated to set up in conjunction with the transmission of information over the news networks bandwidth. Bluetooth as well as wireless voice over Internet protocols would be very useful at times like this. My second idea is outfitting helicopters with wireless cellphone data capabilities by working with private companies. Imagine portable cellphone towers during times of disasters in an area like Moore Oklahoma. A helicopter could land almost anywhere and extremely portable in military aircraft to be transported and deployed in long range and stored in two areas like west coast and east coast sectors.

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6 votes
8 up votes
2 down votes
Idea No. 1476