FEMA’s new 2014-2018 Strategic Plan provides a road map for FEMA’s emergency management mission delivery over the next 4 years. The Plan calls for a strategy to build a risk and threat exposure baseline model with indicators to measure community-level and national performance in hazard risk reduction (see Strategy 4.1.2). FEMA’s Federal Insurance and Mitigation Administration (FIMA) is leading the development of Priority 4 of the Strategic Plan –Enabling Disaster Risk Reduction Nationally. This priority encapsulates FEMA’s mission with respect to disaster risk reduction, climate change adaptation and community disaster resiliency and sustainability. FEMA is conducting stakeholder engagement as part of the Strategic Plan Priority 4 development process.

This strategy also draws upon the National Academy’s Disaster Resilience: A National Imperative (2012) which outlines the current state of knowledge about resilience to disasters in the United States along with the types of data and tools needed to support decision-making with respect to increasing resilience. “Resilience” is a term used in emergency management to describe the capacity of people, organizations or systems to adapt to changing conditions and withstand and rapidly recover from disruption due to emergencies. FEMA will work with the whole community – which is a critical part of the emergency management team – to identify key, nationally-applicable indicators of physical, economic, environmental and social resilience against disasters and threats, including climate change. FEMA will use these indicators of disaster resilience at a community-level to provide an overall picture of the resilience of the nation in preparing for, responding to, and mitigating against disasters.

Strategy 4.1.2 is broken down into the following topical areas for public comment.

  • Organizations that have developed or are currently developing resilience indicators or resilience indexing methods and/or tools
  • Literature or articles after 2012 (post-National Academy Report) that define, discuss or recommend approaches to measuring physical, social, economic and/or environmental resilience at community, regional or national scales
  • Literature or articles after 2012 that define leading indicators of resilience that are generally applicable at the community level
  • Approaches to quantifying (indexing) indicators so that they can be measured and compared (scoring or indexing)
  • National performance metrics related to disaster resilience or related topics such as sustainability
  • Key hazard vulnerability and threat data sets that FEMA and partners can make more readily available for whole community use
  • Technology supporting indicators and quantification or indexing approaches
  • Community resilience self-assessment approaches
  • Communities’ current level of awareness of – and use of – resilience indicators – to drive community decisions and investments

Please help us shape FEMA’s resilience index project by providing your thoughts, ideas or suggestions for strategic goals and objectives related to each topic listed above that could improve the national approach to community disaster resiliency and climate change adaptation.


Campaign: Disaster Resilience Indicators

Active Alert App

This cell phone app would alert authorities of an Active Shooter with One Click, and include; Name of Sender (verified), location, etc. The App would immediately silence (sound and vibration) of senders phone and keep line open. There would be no need to speak to 911 operators to determine type of emergency, etc. To have the app, the individual would have to apply to DHS or police force with Name, Address, Driver's ...more »

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4 votes
4 up votes
0 down votes

Campaign: Disaster Resilience Indicators

US Power grid needs Massive overhaul for Cyber Attack

Ted Koppel has just put out a book detailing a frightening scenario if the US power grid was compromised due to a cyber attack...and well, it would cripple our infrastructure for months or years. http://www.salon.com/2015/10/27/ted_koppel_exposes_the_biggest_threat_to_national_security_you_havent_heard_about_the_government_has_no_plan/ The worst part, according to his interviews with key officials, is that the Federal ...more »

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7 votes
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0 down votes

Campaign: Disaster Resilience Indicators

Whole Community Success Story

Perhaps a perspective on a positive experience will spark some ideas.. Over the past 18 months we've been working harder than ever to build relationships with local churches and civic groups in hopes to recruit new entities into the disaster relief/recovery world. After less than desirable response to a letter that went to every church in the county, in the wake of last year's ice storm, they started coming out of the ...more »

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6 votes
6 up votes
0 down votes

Campaign: Disaster Resilience Indicators

Emergency Relief, Railroad

I used to work for Amtrak a while ago,at Bear Deleware facility I noticed several old railcars sitting in the back yard. Many cars were passenger, some sleepers, some food service, and whatever else they used. Fixing up these cars into a train would not take much and can easily be rolled into a disaster area. Units could be parked all over the USA. Just a thought. PKing.

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19 votes
19 up votes
0 down votes

Campaign: Disaster Resilience Indicators

Mitigating hurricane losses while saving/ generating clean energ

A LEED rated composite as roofing was evaluated by the Hurricane Testing Laboratory who concluded that no critera exsits for testing. The toughest building code body in America sees this development as "Revolutionizing construction". Florida's current administration opposes all developments that save energy. The state ranks #1 in killing green jobs/businesses based on its abundant sunshine. The composite has thermai ...more »

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5 votes
9 up votes
4 down votes

Campaign: Disaster Resilience Indicators

Infrastructure Indicators for Emergency Planning

• Percent of housing units that are not mobile homes • Number of housing units • Number of vacant housing units • Number of hospital beds per 10,000 population • Number of ambulances • Number of fire stations • Number of hotels/motels per square mile • Number of public schools per square mile • Number of community centers • Number of community food service facilities • Number of temporary shelters • Number of licensed ...more »

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15 votes
15 up votes
0 down votes

Campaign: Disaster Resilience Indicators

Institutional Indicators for Emergency Planning

• Percent of housing units covered by NFIP policies • Percent of municipal expenditures for fire, police, and EMS • Emergency Response Strategy at State, County, and Local levels • Number of fire fighters and police officers • Number of physicians per 10,000 population • Blood banks and capacity per 10,000 population • Number of health care workers • Number of building inspectors • Number of highway, street, and bridge ...more »

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8 votes
9 up votes
1 down votes

Campaign: Disaster Resilience Indicators

Social Indicators for Emergency Planning

• Percent of non-elderly population

• Percent of population covered by comprehensive plan

• Percent of population covered by zoning regulations

• Percent of population covered by building codes

• Number of community and social care workers

• First Responder programs

• National Guard contingency programs

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14 votes
14 up votes
0 down votes

Campaign: Disaster Resilience Indicators

We can contain ebola

We Americans can contain Ebola; after all, we were the first in flight, developed the vaccine, put a man on the moon, and developed the Internet, when we all work together! One idea can build upon another and more ideas can build on these two new concepts and on and on it goes. Just like how we Americans developed inventions as listed, we can stop this deadly disease. Fortunately we have this Internet where we can share ...more »

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-5 votes
2 up votes
7 down votes

Campaign: Disaster Resilience Indicators

Consider multiple layers of protection and facebook accounts.

In the IT world, they place more than one layer of protection to prevent cyber attacks. Can they place more than one layer of protection around schools? I recently helped my daughter move into a dorm, and they gave her a key card to get into the building. Though a student was waiting at this doorway to enter the building at the same my daughter would enter. Not safe, though innocent. Can they place a secondary fence ...more »

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12 votes
13 up votes
1 down votes

Campaign: Disaster Resilience Indicators

Organizational Resilience

As FEMA develops more tools to assess and develop business and organizational resilience (e.g. PS-PrepTM, the Business Continuity planning suite), it would be great if they also thought about how to drive and develop tools to help build a culture of resilience in organizations. Standards like ASIS SPC.1-2009 are useful for BC planing etc., but orgs also need leadership, culture, and processes that enable unplanned adaptation ...more »

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9 votes
10 up votes
1 down votes

Campaign: Disaster Resilience Indicators

Multi-Residential Unit Email Address

Each level can be considered a "street" address. Each level therefor is equivalemt of a block. So within the building inside any community, Each unit should have an inside community email address. More&more, people are living in multi-residential buildings and they don't even know the people on their own level yet have ideas about how their community should be maintained. If the USA citizens can't even get together and ...more »

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2 votes
5 up votes
3 down votes

Campaign: Disaster Resilience Indicators

UN ISDR Disaster Resilience Scorecard

This is an add-on to Candice Abinanti's idea already submitted. UN ISDR also has a free scorecard containing over 80 detailed assessments of disaster resilience - in effect, 80 resilience indicators - available from http://www.unisdr.org/campaign/resilientcities/. This offers a level of detail below the LG SAT and is consistent with that instrument, being based on the same Ten Essentials as defined by the UN ISDR. ...more »

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13 votes
14 up votes
1 down votes

Campaign: Disaster Resilience Indicators

Build a risk and Threat Exposure Baseline Model (TEBM)

I think that building a TEBM for a given location should take into account 3 components: 1). Exposure Matrix (EM): what specific exposures have happened in the past could serve as baseline model? What exercises/drills could be developed to address and train groups for future events? 2). Infrastructure Matrix (IM): how will a specific threat impact the ability of infrastructure to support recovery operations? What specific ...more »

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11 votes
11 up votes
0 down votes

Campaign: Disaster Resilience Indicators

Local Government Self-Assessment Tool (LGSAT)

The Local Government Self-Assessment Tool (LGSAT) developed by the United Nations Office for Disaster Risk Reduction’s "Making Cities Resilient: My City is Getting Ready!" campaign could help inform the identification of domestic indicators of disaster resilience. As of August 14, 2014, 2,000 cities around the world participate in the campaign, including four cities in the United States: Hoboken, Normandy, North Little ...more »

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16 votes
18 up votes
2 down votes

Campaign: Disaster Resilience Indicators

Disaster evacuation

I hope this idea has already been addressed but in case not here it is. While watching the Katrina evacuation I noticed that the super highways leading out of New Orleans had traffic jams leaving the city, but the separated part of the highway leading INTO the city were completely empty. It seems that in an emergency the authorities could allow outbound traffic in BOTH lanes to evacuate the city so much easier. It ...more »

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10 votes
13 up votes
3 down votes

Campaign: Disaster Resilience Indicators

More DHS FEMA Certifications Should be Obtained

The computer available self study program is not being utilized by upper level emergency managers enough, which sets a bad example for other workers and devalues this important rule book for conduct, to avoid panic based decisions by the uninformed. Further the wide range of topics gives an opportunity to advance, but also empower filling in during an emergency with poor communications or attendance at the site. It is ...more »

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-2 votes
3 up votes
5 down votes

Campaign: Disaster Resilience Indicators

Flood Hazard Mitigation

Enhance federal policies and funding programs and promote flood hazard "avoidance" practices over those supporting "retrofits, rehabs, restorations, and replacements." These practices would includes buy-outs, land use regulation and conservation particularly at areas identified by a community or state as key attenuation assets to more evenly distribute flood energy, sediments, and debris in riverine and coastal areas. ...more »

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10 votes
11 up votes
1 down votes

Campaign: Disaster Resilience Indicators

Baseline Resilience Indicators for Communities (BRIC)

What is needed is an integration of physical and social datasets through a suite of statistical and geospatial techniques to construct theoretically based and methodologically sound indicators/indices of resilience for the nation at the county level. The Hazards & Vulnerability Research Institute at the University of South Carolina has identified a set of quantitative baseline indicators for measuring disaster resilience. ...more »

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8 votes
10 up votes
2 down votes

Displaying all 22 Ideas