Four from Harvard join Rhodes ranks

All-time number for prestigious Oxford scholarships is now at 359

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What do we know about suicide? Not nearly enough

Citing scant progress in efforts to predict self-harm, research calls for break with convention

What’s next for climate change policy

A Trump administration can do plenty to undercut Obama’s efforts, but it could compromise too, Harvard analysts say

Worlds of religion at Harvard

At Center for the Study of World Religions, a living interfaith dialogue


Tue., November 22, 2016, 4:00pm - 5:00pm

Live Q&A: How to talk about the election at Thanksgiving

Tue., November 22, 2016, 12:00pm - 6:00pm

Farmers' Market at Harvard

Thu., November 24, 2016, 12:15pm - 1:15pm

Harvard Organ Society | Thursday Lunchtime Organ Recital

Sat., November 26, 2016, 8:00pm - 10:00pm

The Capitol Steps: The Election Show


Refugee crisis draws Harvard alum home to Germany

Recent Harvard graduate Ilke Kiral is lending a helping hand to refugees fleeing hardship for security in her native Germany. Kiral, who graduated in May from the Harvard Kennedy School, is teaching language and helping bridge the cultural gulf between recent arrivals and German society while volunteering at refugee centers near her Berlin home.

Harvard health van brings care to the community

Harvard Medical School’s Family Van reaches Boston’s underserved neighborhoods in the most direct way possible: by driving there. The van’s screening and referral services help bridge health inequalities by connecting local residents with a health care system that may otherwise seem distant and inaccessible.

Latest Harvard Gazette News

Getting to the truth of blood libel

In winning Phi Beta Kappa’s 2016 Ralph Waldo Emerson Award for “The Murder of William of Norwich,” E.M. …

A hydrogel that helps stop uncontrolled bleeding

Harvard researchers have developed a hydrogel that can be easily injected into blood vessels, helping to stop uncontrolled bleeding even in patients on blood-thinners or with bleeding disorders.

Four from Harvard join Rhodes ranks

Harvard undergraduates will begin their studies at the University of Oxford next October as Rhodes Scholars.

Updating embryo research guidelines

Scientists and ethicists gathered at Harvard Law School to discuss the ethics of human embryo experimentation and whether a two-week developmental time limit on their use is appropriate any longer.

News from Around Harvard

John Peterson Posits a Way Forward

Many progressives are looking for the way to play an effective role in creating social change now that the dismal presidential campaign is over. …

HYped Up

For Harvard students, graduates, and faculty alike, one of the most anticipated weekends of the year is the weekend of the annual Harvard-Yale football game. …

Noah Feldman on HLS’s new Program on Jewish and Israeli Law

Noah Feldman, director of the newly-established Julis-Rabinowitz Program in Jewish and Israeli Law recently spoke with Harvard Law Today about the scope of Jewish law, his aspirations for the …

A Stellar Circle of Life

A snapshot of the stellar life cycle has been captured in a new portrait from NASA#039;s Chandra X-ray Observatory and the Smithsonian#039;s Submillimeter Array (SMA). …

Fair Punishment Project’s new Legal Advisory Council issues brief on sentences for juveniles

The HLS Fair Punishment Project’s Legal Advisory Council has issued an issue brief arguing that a sentencer may impose a life without parole sentence upon a juvenile only after concluding that the …

Healthier Nail Salons

November 21, 2016For more than a decade, the California Healthy Nail Salon Collaborative has sought to improve the health, safety, and rights of low-paid, vulnerable immigrant workers in a poorly …

Color-Coded Stem Cells

Rainbow hues clarify cell lineages, could illuminate cancer, blood disorders

A FIERCE Commitment to Native Education

400x200-megan-shaw.jpg Between the return of Navajo schools to local control and the Dakota Access Pipeline (DAPL) protests, issues concerning American Indians are …